The World Conference soon came to an end.

At this world conference, many countries mentioned the matter of the revolutionary army, and the world conquest attached great importance to it.

Therefore, after the meeting, the world government decided to intensify its pursuit of the revolutionary army.

In fact, long ago, the world government had already begun to hunt down the revolutionary army, but took advantage of this opportunity to increase its efforts.

Of course, those countries still need to pay money, otherwise where will the world government get the funds to hunt down the revolutionary army.

After the World Conference, Ron once again resumed his life.

Most of the time, it is the pursuit of pirates in the New World.

It’s just that because the relationship with Aunt Kaido is not very good, every time Ron goes out, he will come back after a while, and it is impossible to stay outside for a long time.

And every time you set out, your whereabouts are uncertain, completely arbitrary.

On this day, Ron had just returned to the naval base of the New World when he received a call from Sengoku.

Although he hadn’t connected the phone yet, Ron had roughly guessed that something must have happened.

Every time something happens, they have to make a move.

Sure enough, something did happen this time, and he really needed to make a move.

After hanging up the phone, Ron looked at Peach Rabbit and Boyahan Cook next to him.

“Well, just now the Marshal of the Warring States called me, it seems that the heavenly gold has been intercepted, let me go and find it back now.”

Speaking of Boyahan Cook, it is worth mentioning.

Since finding Ron, Boyahan Cook has never thought of leaving Ron, and even the matter of Hydra Island is completely handed over to his two sisters.

Ron also took special care of Nine Snake Island, and often sent some food and some materials to Nine Snake Island, so that Nine Snake Island did not need to hunt anymore.

“Okay, I’ll go prepare the Navy warship.”

Peach Rabbit immediately turned around and went to prepare.

As for Boyahan Cook, of course, he stayed next to Ron, looking at Ron with big twinkling eyes.

The corners of Ron’s mouth lifted slightly, and he gently pinched Boyahan Cook’s cheek.

Boyahan Cook’s little face instantly reddened, lying shyly in Ron’s arms, gently rubbing Ron’s chest, looking very warm.

After a long time, Peach Rabbit rushed back, and Ron and Boyahan Cook had separated.

“Ron, the warship has been arranged, we can leave at any time.”

“Okay, let’s go now.”

Ron immediately took the two of them and boarded the warship.


One of the countries that is a member of the World Government, the country of the former 20 kings, is also the country of the Doflamingo family.

It’s just that because Doflamingo became a Draco, Dressrosa was handed over to someone else to manage.

But now, Doflamingo is no longer a Draco, he needs a territory, and therefore he has a fancy to Dressrosa.

Because Dressrosa is an ally of the World Government, Doflamingo does not dare to do it casually, so he takes a fancy to the position of His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai.

Therefore, Doflamingo decided to plunder the heavenly gold, coupled with his own identity, threatening the world government to recognize the position of his Majesty the Seven Martial Seas,

But now, Doflamingo has not yet begun to threaten the world government, so the Warring States are the first to start in Ron.

Although this time the mission was in the new world, Ron didn’t care at all.

Although he is very jealous of Aunt and Kaido, he is not afraid of the two.

After all, his own strength is very powerful, Peach Rabbit and Boyahan Cook are also very powerful, three people to fight one person, it is simply easy.

The only thing he cares about is being surrounded by the entire pirate group, so when Ron is in the new world, every time he leaves, he will return after a while to prevent being calculated out of the route and then accidentally surrounded.

This time, the mission is completely random, and there is no need to worry at all.

Dressrosa, on the other hand.

Although Doflamingo has already started the idea here, after all, he has not taken Dressrosa, and he still needs to take care of the world government, so he just rests in a manor.

However, Doflamingo has already started the idea of Dressrosa and asked the king of Dressrosa for 2 billion Bailey.

In fact, Doflamingo didn’t care about the 2 billion Baileys, he wanted the whole country, and he wanted the vast majority of people to support him.

Therefore, Doflamingo could only use intrigue.

In a manor, Doflamingo looked at his family, drinking red wine, and looked very leisurely.

“Torrepol, you have to pay attention to the fact that the heavenly gold must not be lost, it is an important weight in my transaction with the world government.”

“Young Lord, you can rest assured, I see it well, and I will definitely not lose it.”

Torrebol immediately stood up, very confident.

“Well, you must watch, after a while, I will negotiate with the world government, I believe, he will definitely agree to our conditions.”

Doflamingo drank again.

For this time, negotiating with the world government, Doflamingo is very confident.

Because he believes that the world government will listen to him.

Unfortunately, Doflamingo did not know that at this moment, Ron had arrived, and the target was him.

If Doflamingo had known, he would have fled in fear.

He still couldn’t forget the fear of being dominated by Ron.

A week is fleeting.

Within a week, Doflamingo used his status as a Draco to threaten the world government, saying that he knew a secret and getting the world government to agree.

Although the world government is very angry, considering that Doflamingo was once a Draco, maybe he really knows something, and he can only suppress the anger in his heart.

It’s just that although it has been compromised, the world government has not yet agreed and is still thinking.

Doflamingo was also in no hurry, as if it had already been determined.

But secretly, Doflamingo was prepared to prevent the world government dog from jumping off the wall.

Although he has already threatened the world government, there is no guarantee that the world government will not take action.

After all, he is not his father, he does not actually know the secrets of Draco, all this is just to deceive the world government.

On this day, a naval warship slowly approached Dressrosa.

This warship, of course, is Ron’s warship.

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