Navy headquarters, Marin numerous.

Ron stood in the port, looking at the two words of justice in front of him, and couldn’t help but sigh.

Since leaving Doflamingo, Ron has not returned to the headquarters of the Navy and has been busy with things about artificial devil fruits.

After half a busy year, he finally returned, and he also brought back a few artificial devil fruits.

“Peach Rabbit, I want to go back and rest, in the room of my warship, there are a few devil fruits, you take them to some good people, it’s my subordinates.”


Peach Rabbit didn’t ask Ron where the Devil Fruit came from, as long as it was ordered by Ron.

Ron didn’t stay long either, going back to his room to rest.

After being adrift at sea for so long, Ron was also a little tired, so he wanted to take a good rest.

Until the next day, when Ron woke up, he arrived at Sengoku’s office for the first time.

The Navy territory is large, and there are a large number of pirates every day, so when Ron came, there was no one in the office.

The vast majority of them went to sea to suppress the pirates.

“Ron, you’re back.”

Sengoku just said hello and then continued to look down at the document.

As a marshal of the navy, the Warring States no longer need to go out and eliminate the pirates, they only need to deal with documents.

But compared to eliminating pirates, dealing with documents is very boring.

Ron saw that Sengoku did not speak, so he casually found a place to sit.

After a while, Sengoku processed the papers, looked at Ron sitting below, and couldn’t help but ask.

“Ron, your harvest during this time is good, I didn’t expect to get so many devil fruits.”

Of course, the Warring States also know about yesterday’s events.

After all, Ron asked Peach Rabbit to distribute the Devil Fruit, and many people were very envious, and they couldn’t wait to immediately join Ron’s hands.

One pass ten, ten pass hundred, many people will know.

“It’s okay, luck is better, I wiped out a wave of pirates, and those pirates just got so many devil fruits.”

Ron certainly wouldn’t tell the truth.

Once the artificial devil fruit is known by the world government, the world government will definitely let Ron hand it over.

At that time, it is time to increase the strength of the world government.

The Warring States were still a little envious after hearing this.

Ron had obtained so many Devil Fruits with just one trip to sea, close to half of the naval reserves.

How good it would be if the Navy had such good luck.

“By the way, Ron, after a while, you will go to the new world, Kapu he has something, I want you to take over.”

New World, the Navy has only the last base.

In addition, it is still in the era of violent passage recently, so there are often pirates to attack naval bases.

Most of the time, the Navy has to send a master at the level of a general to guard the naval base.

Usually, it comes in turns.

“No, the time hasn’t come yet, why let me pass, it must be the old man Karp, who wants to go back to see his grandson, so I won’t let him be satisfied.”

Ron refused without hesitation.

According to the time, it will take at least half a year before it will be his turn.

Karp must be looking for an excuse to go back, this kind of thing, Karp often does, but many people give Karp face.

But Ron wouldn’t do much.

He has just returned and will definitely need a break.

And now Ron, there is no need to use the sin value in a short time, so there is no need to work so hard.

The Warring States were a little helpless.

Karp that guy, often burdened, but Ron refuses to help, what else can he do.

You can’t let him, the marshal of the navy, go over in person.

“Okay, I’ll talk to Karp and let him continue there, and he will be allowed to come back when the time comes.”

“Then I’ll go back to rest first, and I’ll go over in a few days when I have time.”

Ron turned and left.

In fact, Ron himself intended to go to the New World.

Although he doesn’t need sin points now, the more this thing, the better.

If Karp can’t let him pass, he will pass, which is too faceless.

And according to Karp’s personality, this time he helped, and maybe he will help in the future.

Karp must not be condoned.

After leaving the Sengoku office, Ron had just returned to his room when he saw Peach Rabbit sitting in his room.

Peach Rabbit looked at Ron who came in, his cheeks were rosy, his eyes were autumn waves, and his eyebrows were flirting, as if he was expressing something.

The corners of Ron’s mouth raised slightly.

If he didn’t know the purpose of Peach Rabbit’s coming, then he would be blind to these eyes.

Since taking down Peach Rabbit, Ron has rarely done conjugal things with Peach Rabbit.

After all, on a warship, the sound insulation is not good, and there are other people next door, doing this kind of thing, it is easy to be heard.

Peach Bunny was embarrassed, and Ron couldn’t force it.

But now, this is Ron’s villa, very large, and the sound insulation is very good, as long as it is not too loud, no one will hear it.

Ron stepped forward.

On the other side, Nine Snake Island.

In a room draped with red curtains everywhere, Boyahan Cook was resting.

Suddenly, Boyahan Cook opened his eyes, revealing a very weak expression, and put his right hand on his heart, with an uneasy feeling.

It’s as if something important has been robbed.

“Damn, what the hell is going on? How does the mourning family have a feeling of heartache. ”

Because the experimental base of the artificial devil fruit is next to Nine Snake Island, Ron specially asked Boyahan Cook to stay in order to take care of the laboratory there.

Although Boyahan Cook was a little unhappy in his heart and did not want to be separated from Ron, Ron’s request, Boyahan Cook did not refuse in the end.

“It must be the smelly girl Peach Rabbit, it must be something she said to Ron, and the Mourning family must go to Ron.”

No, Ron asked me to look at the lab here, I can’t leave or Ron will be disappointed. ”

Boyahan Cook was very entangled.

I want to be with Ron, but I can’t leave here, and I don’t know what to do.

She didn’t know that while she was tangled, Ron was already with Peach Rabbit, and the two were doing some physical and mental exercises.

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