Boom rumble!!!!

The two unparalleled momentum collided together, just like two storms colliding together, directly causing a huge roar.

The ground instantly exploded, and a huge deep pit appeared.

Only Ron and Whitebeard’s feet were very intact and did not suffer much.

All around, many pirates and the navy subconsciously took a step back and opened the distance between them and Ron.

“Well… So powerful, is this the Black Dragon General? I didn’t expect to be indistinguishable from my father. ”

A pirate couldn’t help but sigh.

It is not for nothing that he can compete with Whitebeard in terms of momentum.

But those are all famous sea thieves in the New World, such as the four emperors such as the red-haired Shanks.

Another example is the legendary naval hero Karp.

It was the first time I saw that a naval admiral was so strong in terms of momentum.

The crowd even sensed a sense of oppression.

“Boy, don’t underestimate Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu is a white beard.”

Whitebeard lightly kicked the hilt.

Then he raised the big knife and slashed down hard at Ron.

Although Whitebeard is not a swordsman, Whitebeard is a Shock Fruit powerhouse and has the power to destroy the world and the earth.

Bang bang bang!!!

I saw that above the blade, a white air mass suddenly appeared, flickering constantly.

The entire space began to tremble.

Ron was also rarely serious.

In the face of the world’s strongest man, the strongest superhuman Devil Fruit, Ron did not dare to be careless.


With the action of Whitebeard swinging his knife, the air instantly collapsed.

The earth under your feet once again appeared cracks one after another, and they continued to expand, like patterns on turtle shells.

Ron jumped lightly, jumped into the air, and at the same time raised the demon knife village rain in his hand, facing ahead, it was directly a fierce chopping wave.

The distance between the two was not very large, so just in an instant, Ron’s sword qi appeared in front of Whitebeard’s eyes.

The extremely powerful sword qi collided with the white air mass, as if a cannonball exploded, directly causing a huge explosion.

Boom rumble!!!

The explosion kept sounding, and a white wave of qi, like a mushroom, continued to expand.

Ron involuntarily took a few steps back.

Whitebeard did the same, taking two quick steps back.


The sword qi and the white air mass were intertwined for a moment, and then suddenly turned that direction and flew directly into the air.

The sky was cut straight away, revealing a pitch-black abyss.


Ace swallowed his saliva with a stunned expression.

Although he had known that Ron was powerful, he was even more surprised to see Ron cut through the entire sky.

From going to sea until now, he has also seen many powerful masters, but he has never seen someone so powerful who can split the sky.

Not only Ace was surprised, but his subordinates were also surprised.

In addition to this, the vast majority of people have a cold calmly.

This is the top powerhouse in the world, and they will be surprised if Ron or Whitebeard can’t do it.

Among the pirate group, Bista looked at the sword qi in the sky and couldn’t help but clench his weapon.

As a swordsman, he also wanted to challenge the strongest swordsman in the world.

It is worth mentioning that Ron has long replaced Hawkeye Mihawk in the original book and has become the world’s number one swordsman.

In addition to this, he also replaced the red-haired Shanks and became Hawkeye’s good friend, and also a best friend.

It can be said that if Ron invites Hawkeye to fight the world government, the possibility of Hawkeye refusing is good.

Any swordsman wants to challenge Ron.

But at the moment Ron is fighting against Whitebeard, and although Bista has ideas, he can’t help it, so he can only watch from the sidelines.

“Boy, I didn’t expect that there would be a master like you in the navy.”

Although it was only a short confrontation, Whitebeard could feel that Ron’s huge strength could not be underestimated.

“Whitebeard, I didn’t expect you to be so old and still so active, I think, you should go back to retire.”

Ron teased, and then jumped into the air, his body tilted slightly, and his right hand raised the demon knife Murayu, and the blade was pointed back.

Whitebeard heard Ron’s taunt, and was not angry, but raised the large knife in his hand.

“Boy, no matter how big Lao Tzu is, he can still beat you up.”

Although this sounds a little draggy, Whitebeard does have proud strength, but if he wants to beat Ron, it is still far from it.

Soon, the two approached.

Looking at each other in modern times, Ron and Whitebeard moved at the same time.

The blades of the two slashed at each other.

One is the strongest sword master in the world, and the other is the strongest man in the world, with the physique of a giant and the power of shaking fruits.

Ring the bell!!!

In the air, there are swords and shadows everywhere.

Although Ron is relatively sensitive, Whitebeard’s reaction ability is not bad, and he has a strong domineering attitude, which can completely keep up with Ron’s speed.

The two of you stab me one by one, and the battle is very fierce.

On the island, there was a booming sound from time to time, the whole earth trembled, and countless rocks shattered, turned into powder, and disappeared into the air.

All around, many people saw such a fierce battle, and their eyes were spent.

Especially Ace, these pirates who have never seen the world, are even more like ghosts.

“These two guys… It’s actually so powerful. ”

As he spoke, Ace’s face turned red and he was a little embarrassed.

He also wants to challenge Whitebeard, see Whitebeard’s strength now, and want to hang him is not too simple.

However, Ace did not give up, he still believed in his own ability, and one day, he could still defeat Whitebeard.

On the battlefield, Ron fought for a long time, and although he felt the pressure, it was not great.

In the end, although the white beard is very powerful, it is only half a pound and eight taels.

“Forget it, don’t waste time, be a little more serious.”

Ron suddenly became serious, took a quick step back, and opened the distance between him and Whitebeard.

Whitebeard looked serious.

He didn’t believe Ron would easily retreat.

Instead, he thought Ron must have taken it seriously.

He was also well aware of Ron’s abilities, as well as a Natural Thunder Fruit, which had not been used until now.

Recommend the new book Pirate World Arms Dealer

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