“Black Dragon General, thank you so much.”

Inside the house, Nami held a cup of tea and placed it in front of Ron.

Although Nami hated the navy before, Nami didn’t hate Ron at all.

Ron did not refuse, took the tea, and took a sip directly.

After drinking the tea, Ron did not waste time and asked directly.

“Nami, do you want to join the Navy, I know that your dream is to travel around the world, draw charts of the whole world, join the Navy, and you will be able to realize your dream.”


Nami hesitated, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

Drawing a chart of the whole world was her dream all along, but for various reasons, she had to give up.

But now that Ron brought it up, Nami ignited the dream in her heart again.

And compared to joining the pirates, Nami still likes to join the navy.

After all, the navy is more reliable than pirates, and most of the pirates are people who do nothing evil, of course Nami will not go home.

“Nami, since you have already decided, go and realize your dream, I am sure that Belmer will definitely agree with you.”

On the one hand, Nokiko also knows Nami’s dream, and at the same time knows what Nami is worried about.

For so many years, Nami has been shouldering such a heavy burden, and now that she is relieved, she should also realize her dreams.

Not only Nokigao agreed, but others agreed.

After Nami was recognized by everyone, she no longer hesitated and nodded directly.

“Well, from today onwards, I will be a member of the Navy, and you are a senior admiral, so give me the rank of admiral at will.”

Ron coughed and almost didn’t choke.

Although he had long known that Nami was naughty, Ron was still speechless when he heard Nami’s words.

What is it called to give a rank of admiral casually, what does Nami think of as an admiral, do you want it?

Even the original Ron rose to the sky and became an admiral after several battles and countless merits.

As far as Nami’s little arms and legs, Elong can’t beat it, let alone become an admiral.

The others on the side were speechless.

“Nami, what are you talking about, an admiral is not a casual person.”

Nami stuck out her apricot tongue and didn’t continue talking.

“Okay, Nami, you go clean up, in a few days, we’ll leave here and go to the new world.”

“Got it.”

For the next few days, Ron did not leave in a hurry, but stayed with Nami for a few days before taking Nami and preparing to leave.

Meanwhile, on the other side, a small boat approached slowly, and on board sat a teenager with green hair.

The boy also had three knives tied around his waist, apparently a swordsman.

“It should be here.”

The green-haired boy glanced at the village of Coco Siria and stepped directly onto the land.

This boy is Solon, the swordsman of Luffy’s Straw Hat Pirates.

After Solon came, he walked directly towards a place.

As a road idiot, Solon doesn’t know where to go, and every time he walks by feeling.

But as he walked, Solon would get lost.

But this time, Solon was very unlucky and happened to come to Ron.


As soon as Solon saw Ron and the others, he immediately pulled out his knife, revealing a very vigilant look.

After all, not long ago, he solved part of the navy, joined the pirate group, and became a pirate.

Now I have encountered the Navy again, of course, and I can’t help but regard the Navy as my own enemy.

The navies also noticed Sauron’s situation and became equally vigilant, each holding a weapon, encircling Sauron in the middle.

“Who is this guy, is there his name in the bounty list of the East China Sea?”

When a navy heard the officer’s words, he immediately took out a large number of bounty orders and quickly flipped them.

A minute later, the Navy shook its head.

“Report sir, this guy has no reward at all, he may be an ordinary pirate, he should have just gone to sea.”

Solon was a little embarrassed when he heard this.

I always felt that this sounded as if I looked down on him.

“Forget it, don’t care so much, as long as it’s a pirate, then arrest them all.”

Without even looking at it, the officer turned around and prepared to leave.

As for Solon, he didn’t pay attention to it at all.

At this moment, Nami suddenly walked out and just happened to see Solon outside.

“It’s you, why are you here? Did you come to get the boat? Then you take it, the ship, I don’t need it. ”

Although Nami is greedy for money, she has already taken a big advantage, and the ship is indeed useless.

Nami didn’t want to continue to encroach on it.

The navy around them originally wanted to make a move, but when they heard Nami’s words, they stopped.

They think that Nami may be friends with Solon, and Solon comes over, it should be to find Nami something.

“You joined the Navy?”

Solon glanced at Nami and then at the other navies nearby, roughly guessing.

“Yes, I did join the Navy, so you can leave.”

Nami also did not hide it, but also did not say the identity of Solon.

In the end, Solon still helped her, the two can be considered friends, and she is not too good for Solon.

“Okay, I’ll leave first.”

Solon glanced at the navy around him, feeling a hint of pressure, and did not stay for long.

The main thing is that he is not Luffy.

Now that Nami has joined the Navy, he won’t bother asking Nami to quit and join them.

In the room, Ron had long known that it was Solon, but he did not come out to arrest anyone.

After all, the current Luffy has great use value.

At that time, with Luffy’s identity, coupled with Usopp’s identity, he can pull the red-haired pirate group into his camp.

If the red-haired pirates don’t join the camp against the world government, Ron can find a way to make the red-haired pirates have to join.

Although the means are a little despicable, in order to be able to defeat the world government, this little means is still possible.

Of course, if Ron’s system is upgraded to another level, allowing Ron’s ability to upgrade by one level, it doesn’t matter if there is anyone else or not.

With the strength of his own, he can completely destroy the world government.

Outside, after Solon separated, he left directly, and did not stay in the village of Coco Siria for long.

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