“Boy, you actually dare to come to my pirate ship alone, it’s really looking for death.”

Lotus just glanced Ron up and down, followed by a hint of disdain.

From Ron’s immature face, it can be seen that Ron is still very young.

And Ron is just half as tall as him, and he can probably beat Ron flat with a stick.

Such people, what is there to worry about.

“Yes, Captain, this little devil actually came to die, and looking at his clothes, it seems to be from the Navy.”

“Captain, kill him and teach the Navy a lesson.”

The pirates around them also taunted, with disdain in their tones, as if they could solve Ron immediately.

Ron didn’t speak.

He was not in the mood to contemplate with a group of sea scum who were about to die.

“Captain, this guy will be handed over to me, I will solve him, put his head, hang it on our pirate flag.”

A slightly gorgeously dressed pirate stepped forward, holding a machete in his hand, and looked at Ron with a hideous smile.

There is also a hint of evil in this smile.

“Well, as my deputy captain, this guy will be handed over to you, don’t let me down.”

Lotus didn’t refuse.

Ron, such a little ghost, really couldn’t take his turn to personally strike.

He is the future One Piece, how can he do such a humiliating thing.

“Don’t worry, Captain, leave it to me.”

The co-captain slowly raised the knife in his hand, licked the tip of the knife with his tongue, and then stared at Ron deadly.

This action, this expression, quite has a villain feeling.

However, this kind of villain usually does not survive the second episode.

“Little devil head, die, in the next life, cast a good tire, don’t be in the navy anymore.”

The deputy captain suddenly shouted, and then walked in front of Ron in three steps and two steps, and slashed directly down.

A dazzling light, under the rays of the sun, bloomed from the blade.

The other pirates burst out laughing, as if their co-captain was about to take down Ron’s head.

Lotus also looked confident.


Say it’s late and it’s fast.

At the moment when the co-captain was about to slash Ron, there was a sudden sound of knives in the air.

I saw a cold light flicker, and the deputy captain suddenly stopped, just in front of Ron, not moving.

As for the knife in the deputy captain’s hand, it was placed on top of Ron’s head, very close to Ron.

“What’s wrong? The second old, don’t hurry up and cut him for me. ”

Lotus hadn’t noticed the co-captain’s abnormality yet, only thinking that the co-captain wanted to scare Ron.

The corners of Ron’s mouth raised slightly, and in front of everyone, he slowly raised the knife in his hand, and then gently picked it up, directly picking the knife in the deputy captain’s hand to the side.

The deputy captain’s body moved mechanically, and then plopped, and he fell directly to the ground.

At the moment of falling to the ground, a large amount of blood burst in and out, staining the nearby deck red.

To be honest, the strength of this deputy captain is really not good, and he directly pulled out the knife to solve it.

“Vice… The co-captain died? ”

Some pirates were stunned.

They didn’t want to believe together, but the blood on the ground couldn’t explain it at all.

Lotus was also stunned for a moment, and then looked at Ron with a serious expression, looking a little nervous.

Just at that moment, he only saw a bright sword light.

It’s just that he thought it was the deputy captain’s knife, but he didn’t expect it to be Ron’s knife.

It was so fast that he didn’t even react.

If he fights Ron, he really won’t be able to capture Ron’s movements, let alone defeat Ron.

Suddenly, Lotus smiled.

“Hahaha… To be honest, I have long been unhappy with this deputy regiment commander, and the strength is not good at all.

What do you think? Do you want to join my pirate group? I can make you my assistant captain and let you enjoy endless glory and wealth. ”

As he spoke, Lotus put the large knife on his shoulder, put his left hand behind him, and gently hooked his fingers.

The other pirates immediately understood and sneaked closer to Ron, preparing to sneak up on Ron.

In the past, Lotus used this method to solve some careless bounty hunters, so they have long been familiar with this method.

“Is it? Unfortunately, I am not interested in money, but in upholding justice, punishing evil and promoting good. ”

Ron sneered.

Gold and silver jewelry, where strength is important.

As long as these pirates are harvested, a large amount of sin points can be obtained, how could Ron refuse sin points.

And how could Ron not have discovered the movements of these pirates, but it was just not broken.

“Then you will die.”

After Lotus saw the other pirates in place, he directly tore his face and revealed his fierce side.

The pirates behind also swarmed up, shouting and rushing towards Ron, very imposing.

Dozens of pirates, surrounded by Ron, a silver-white knife, under the sun, flashed bright light.

Lotus also followed behind a pirate, raising his huge knife, ready to sneak up on Ron.

“Not self-sufficient.”

Ron raised the demon knife village rain in his hand and gently pulled a sword flower.

Faced with the siege of dozens of people, Ron did not dodge, but chose to face it head-on.

As a sword master, Ron can also be regarded as a medium-grade powerhouse in this world, so naturally he does not need to be afraid of a group of small pirates.


I saw Ron cut down with a knife, and the pirate in front was cut off by Ron, and the screams resounded in the sky.

But it wasn’t long before the shouting stopped abruptly.

Part of the pirates fell to the ground, and the dead could no longer die.

Blood stained the entire deck.


At this moment, three pirates suddenly ran up from behind, showing fierce faces, and stabbed Ron in the back with a sharp weapon in their hands.

Although these pirates are not very strong, as a team, they cooperate very tacitly.

Three pirates attack together.

“Pieces of iron.”

Ron’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he did not dodge, but exhaled deeply, and the muscles on his body instantly bulged, making him look stronger.

Ring the bell….

The sharp weapons in the hands of the three pirates stabbed Ron on the back together.

However, it seems to be pierced on steel, making a crisp and pleasant metallic sound.

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