
Each time Ron kills a prisoner, the sin value on the system’s panel changes.

In less than a minute, Ron’s sin value went from 0 to 100, and it kept increasing.

By the time Ron solved all the prisoners, the guilt value on the panel had exceeded 500.

This is only the small pirates of the first layer, if it is those pirates of infinite hell, it is estimated that each of them can provide a large amount of sin points.

For a while, Ron felt the urge to go to Infinite Hell and kill.

However, Ron just thought that with his current strength, if he went to infinite hell, it was estimated that he would have been solved by those sea thieves.

Even if those sea thieves were hungry and weak, and they were imprisoned by the sea lou stone, it was not something Ron could deal with.

“Ron, you can go back and rest.”

When Hannibal saw the last prisoner executed, he just gave an order, then turned around and left directly.

Ron didn’t think much about it, threw the blood-stained spear in his hand aside, and left without looking back.

Now Ron, as a squad leader, didn’t need to patrol or guard posts at all, so Ron went straight back to his room.

Back in the room, Ron closed the door and sat down on the edge of the bed, focusing on the system.

Suddenly, a picture that no one else could see appeared in front of Ron’s eyes.

[Host: Ron].

[Age: 15].

[Swordsmanship: LV1].

[Sin Value: 550].

This is Ron’s system, a very ordinary system, but it has a great effect on Ron.

As long as you have sin points, you can strengthen your abilities, which is also the foundation of Ron’s survival in this world.

Especially in this world, the era of pirates is coming, and there will be pirates everywhere, and each of them is riddled with evil.

For Ron, these pirates are treasure.

Once Ron has enough power, he will immediately leave the Advance City and sweep around the sea.

With this system, Ron is sure to become the world’s top power within ten years and build a very large force.

The former may be easier, but the latter still requires a little effort from Ron.

Soon, Ron came to his senses and immediately added all his sin points to swordsmanship.

This is no way, who let Ron up to now, only such an ability, not added to swordsmanship, where to add.

And as long as Ron has enough ability, he can have more sin points, which is also a solid investment.

Ron had just used up all his sin points when he noticed a slight change in his body and a slight increase in strength.

At the same time, an illusory figure appeared in Ron’s mind.

The figure is not large, it looks like a child, constantly wielding a bamboo knife every day, doing the most basic training.

And so it went on and on, day after day, year after year, the figure kept wielding a bamboo knife, as if tirelessly.

Suddenly, one day, the figure held a tai knife in his hand and slashed at a branch.

In an instant, a branch as thick as an arm was easily cut off by a knife.

At this moment, the figure disappeared, and Ron also recovered.

As soon as Ron recovered, he found that he had a large memory in his head.

It’s all about memories of swordsmanship.

It was as if that figure was himself, and after years of training, he had reached a certain level.

[Swordsmanship: LV3].

After all the sin points were used up, Ron discovered that his sword skills had reached LV3 level.

If the first two levels are basic, LV3 level swordsmanship is the real beginner.

Now Ron is already a real swordsman.

If you want your sword skills to reach LV4, you also need 450 sin points.

These sin points are not too much, and it only takes about a month or two to get them.

In the back, if you want to upgrade another level, it is estimated that it is not so simple.

Ron wasn’t too worried.

Where is this? This is the city of Advance, and the last thing missing in it is prisoners.

Although Ron can’t execute prisoners casually, Ron can plan one or two riots, and in this regard, it is estimated that he needs to use Hannibal as an idiot.

Although Hannibal has a strong sense of honor, he is also an official fan, as long as he can be promoted, he will definitely play some small tricks.

After thinking about the future plan for a while, Ron picked up the knife on the side and waved it gently.

Perhaps because the sword art reached LV3, Ron’s swing this time was not as awkward as before, but had a smooth feeling.

Whether it was chopping, picking, stabbing or chopping, Ron felt that he was very skilled, as if he had been training for many years.

Although Ron’s swordsmanship was beginner before, it was just his casual training, not formal, and it was estimated that any person, who had to train for a long time, could reach the entry level.

But now, Ron’s swordsmanship, after systematic strengthening, is no longer the wild way it used to be, it is an authentic swordsmanship training with its own genre.

Of course, the current genre is not yet formed, and it is necessary to gradually form its own genre according to Ron’s future battles.

As long as you persevere, one day Ron will become a great swordsman with his own style and fame all over the world.

After Ron waved it casually twice, he noticed the change in himself, raised the knife in his hand again, and trained seriously.

He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to train well and make himself proficient in his current swordsmanship.

Time passed gradually.

After about two hours, Ron stopped his sword training and went to the special training room to begin physical training.

Whether it is sword training or physical training, it is the training that Ron has to do every day.

After all, whether it is Jian Hao or Devil Fruit ability, physique is the most important.

Only if you have a strong physique, you can become a strong person.

Ron used to have a thin foundation, but now he has the ability, naturally he will not fall behind his physical training.

On the contrary, he is more serious about physical skills.

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