“It is worthy of being armed color domineering, this power is really powerful.”

Ron looked at the destroyed grove in front of him and couldn’t help but sigh.

Just now, he just lightly swung his sword, and the sword qi stretched for hundreds of meters, destroying all the trees in this range.

If you use all your strength, it is estimated that the sword qi can stretch for thousands of meters, and maybe you can also separate the sea and cut the sky.

It can be seen that the armed color is domineering.

“Okay, the armed color domineering has been successfully trained, and the next thing is to see the color domineering.”

Ron took back the Demon Knife Village Rain, put on his clothes hanging from the trees on the other side, and walked in the direction of the naval base.

It took a long time to train the armed color domineering today, and even Ron felt a little tired.

Coupled with the fact that he had successfully started, Ron felt that he could take a good rest and conduct domineering training in a few days.

Ron was ready to wait until he saw the domineering entrance, so he left the East China Sea and headed for the Great Passage for hunting.

As for the suppression of the East China Sea, it can be left to someone else, or to the headquarters of the Navy.

He didn’t have the kung fu to mess around in the East China Sea.

Especially those pirates in the East China Sea, they are all very poor, and they can’t provide much evil value at all.

Most of the heads have reached the Great Channel.

After about ten days, Ron finally got started with the domineering cultivation.

[Name: Ron].

[Swordsmanship: LV8].

[Armed Color Domineering: LV5].

[See the domineering: LV5].

[Navy Six: LV5].

[Sin Value: 5000].

Seeing that the domineering was just getting started, Ron directly rose to the LV5 level.

Of course, the price is also very high, Ron’s sin value has dropped from 310,000 to 5,000, and any skill is not enough to upgrade.

Seeing that the domineering spirit had just reached LV5, Ron felt that his senses were very sensitive, like legendary spiritual power.

Hundreds of meters away, a rabbit ran slowly, and then did not know what it encountered, the rabbit suddenly increased its speed and fled madly.

Not far from the rabbit, Ron also sensed ants crawling on the ground.

Ron could even see the ant’s face clearly.

It’s so clear that it’s like you’re seeing it with a magnifying glass.

“Is this domineering?”

Ron sighed, focused, and kept feeling everything around him.

In the woods, all kinds of flowers, birds, fish, insects, birds and animals.

As long as it was in Ron’s senses, Ron could clearly sense it, as if he was close at hand.

It is no wonder that seeing and hearing domineering requires so many evil values, which is similar to the divine sense in Xiuxian novels.

With his domineering appearance, even if someone sneaks up, Ron can clearly sense it.

Ron kind of understood why if he wanted to become a world-class powerhouse, he had to learn to be domineering in two colors.

It can be regarded as understanding why it is not two-color domineering, and it is impossible to mix in the new world.

It is really too important to play a role in the two-color domineering, not only to increase their attack and defense, but also to increase their reflexes.

With the two-color domineering, Ron finally has the capital to stand in the world.

“A few of you can go back, prepare a warship by the way, prepare more supplies, and tomorrow we will go to the Great Channel to catch pirates.”

Ron said to the navy beside him.


The navy immediately saluted, and then quickly ran away as if they had encountered a beast.

It was Ron who trained too hard.

Most importantly, Ron trained, actually let them help, and sneaked up on Ron.

Although this was ordered by Ron, they were still a little scared, after all, this was a sneak attack on the chief.

Ron shook his head, put on his clothes, and then followed the navy in the direction of the naval base.

At the same time, not far from the town of Rogue, on a calm sea, a small pirate ship sailed slowly.

On the pirate ship, there were only two people.

A young man with red hair, a shabby straw hat, and a Western sword under his hand.

The other man was a man with brown hair, thick lips, and a gun in his hand.

“Captain Dumb, when do we arrive in Rogue Town? Wouldn’t it be lost? ”

The brown-haired man looked at the moon in the sky and couldn’t help but complain.

It was so late, and they hadn’t actually met a town yet.

The red-haired man smiled awkwardly.

“Jesus Bu, don’t worry, according to the voyage, it will only take about an hour to reach the town of Rogue.

And I once studied navigation, although it is not very good, but I can still discern the direction. ”

That’s right, the brown-haired man is Jesus Bu, the future sniper of the red-haired pirates.

He is also the father of Usopp, the future sniper of the Straw Hat Pirates.

As for the red-haired boy, he was naturally the former midshipman of the Roger Pirates, and the future captain of the Four Emperors Pirates, the red-haired Shanks.

Jesus glanced at the red-haired Shanks, too tired, did not say much, sat directly on the deck, and then lay down.

The red-haired Shanks also lay next to Jesus Bu, looking at the moon in the sky, and couldn’t help but look at God.

An hour later, just as the red-haired Shanks expected, the two arrived in Rogue Town.

Once in Rogue, the red-haired Shanks and the two hide their pirate ship before heading out at night to prepare food and fresh water.

When everything was ready, instead of getting up early to leave, the red-haired Shanks slept one night on the pirate ship, ready to leave the next morning.

Poor red-haired Shanks didn’t know that it was because he wanted to rest, but the next day he met a mysterious man who completely changed his fate.


Early the next morning, the sun had just risen.

The red-haired Shanks and Jesus Bu had breakfast, then steered their pirate ship and left Roguetown.

On the other side, the port of the Navy.

After Ron prepared his luggage, he took the demon knife village rain and strode into his warship.

“Well, since the materials are ready, then set off immediately and target the Great Passage.”

With Ron’s order, the naval warship slowly left the port.

And this direction happens to be the direction in which the red-haired pirates are traveling.

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