Naval headquarters, near the port.

Ron stood on a warship and looked at the Navy building in front of him, and couldn’t help but sigh.

Left the headquarters of the Navy, also for a few years.

From a small sword hao at that time to a big sword hao now, he can be regarded as having gained a lot.

“Ron, you and I went to see Marshal Air, Marshal Empty has been waiting for you for a long time.”

Sengoku interrupted Ron’s emotion and strode towards the front.

Ron followed behind Sengoku as well.

Soon, Ron, Peach Rabbit and the others came to the Air Marshal’s office together.

After entering the office, a lot of eyes were on Ron.

For this person who killed the golden lion, these navies are still curious.

Ron didn’t care, directly found a position at the very end, and then sat down on his butt, not caring about everyone’s gaze at all.

The Air Marshal also did not say anything and picked up a document directly from the table.

“Ron, after you left the Navy headquarters, over the years, you have solved a large number of pirates, and this time you have solved the Golden Lion.

Therefore, with the consent of the Navy headquarters and the world government, you are officially recognized as a vice admiral. ”

“Yes, Air Marshal.”

Ron wasn’t surprised, but took it for granted.

After all, he has been doing a lot for so many years, and this time he has solved one of the biggest enemies of the navy and the world government.

If none of this can be promoted, who can be promoted.

Other senior Navy officers didn’t say much either.

Ron was able to get promoted, they had known for a long time, and no one objected.

Even the red dog, who has a relatively bad personality, agrees with Ron very much.

After all, Ron’s personality is similar to him, and he has always killed pirates, and the red dog naturally accepts Ron.

Next, Marshal Air gave Peach Rabbit another mention of rank, and then ended the meeting.

After the meeting, Ron left as soon as possible, went to change into a new military uniform, and then went to the residence arranged by the headquarters of the Navy.

This time, Ron didn’t just live alone, but also lived in a high-ranking officer’s mansion.

After all, how to say that it is also a vice admiral, of course, it is impossible to live with some small navy.

On the other side, after Peach Rabbit and Ron separated, they directly followed Lieutenant General Tsuru to her own residence.

When he arrived at the residence, Lieutenant General Tsuru took the lead in sitting down, and then glanced at Peach Rabbit seriously.

Peach Rabbit has been following Ron for a long time, and although he is still very young, he looks a lot more mature.

“Peach Rabbit, how was this time? You follow Ron, what kind of person do you think Ron is? ”

“Ron.” Peach Rabbit sat next to Lieutenant General Tsuru, supporting his chin with his hands, and gradually remembered Ron’s face.

With Ron for so long, Peach Rabbit felt very happy.

“It’s okay, I think I’ve learned a lot during this time, and Ron has been very good to me.”

“Ron?” Lieutenant General Tsuru looked at the smiling peach rabbit, and roughly guessed something in his heart.

After all, she also came from this paragraph, naturally she knew very well, Peach Rabbit smiled, and she could call Ron’s name directly, obviously she had a very unusual relationship with Ron.

Maybe Peach Rabbit likes Ron.

However, Lieutenant General Tsuru did not say much.

Anyway, Ron is also very good and powerful, and he can completely protect Peach Rabbit.

Although slightly older, it is also relative to the peach rabbit.

Ron himself is still very young, so this can be completely ignored.

In short, Lieutenant General Tsuru has no good feelings for Ron, and will not refuse Peach Rabbit to be with Ron.

After a long time, Peach Rabbit returned to reality.

“By the way, I still have business, so I will leave first.”

Peach Rabbit suddenly remembered that Ron had become a vice admiral, and he hadn’t gone to congratulate Ron yet.

Lieutenant General Tsuru looked at the peach rabbit who had left, and firmed up the guess in his heart.

A few minutes later, Peach Rabbit found Ron’s residence and knocked directly on the door.

In the room, Ron was about to rest after changing his clothes when he heard a knock on the door.

Seeing that the domineering color sensed a little, Ron knew who was coming outside.

“Peach Rabbit, it’s you, are you here for something?”

Peach Rabbit looked at Ron, who was close at hand, his little face was red, his heart was jumping, and he completely forgot what he wanted to say.

At this moment, Ron is not wearing a naval justice coat, but a suit.

But even so, Ron is handsome.

Soon, Peach Rabbit came back from her shyness and looked at Ron with some apprehension.

“Ron, congratulations, become a vice admiral, it won’t be long before you become a vice admiral.”

“Thank you so much, but maybe I won’t become an admiral.”

Ron thanked him.

Ron didn’t have much hope for becoming a Grand Admiral.

Maybe it won’t be long before Ron betrays the navy, and it doesn’t matter if he is not a general.

But if you can, becoming an admiral and then betraying the navy can be regarded as adding a thick touch to your history.

It can also be considered helpful for the future pirate career.

Ron laughed at himself in his heart.

“By the way, Ron, it won’t be long before it’s time to eat, let’s go eat now.”

Peach Rabbit saw that Ron did not speak, hesitated in his heart, and found another excuse.

Since Ron and the Golden Lion battle, Peach Rabbit has cared more about Ron and sometimes wants to be with Ron.

Today is precisely because of this that Peach Rabbit plucked up the courage in her heart and wanted to be with Ron.

“Okay, then let’s go to dinner together, at the nearby Navy cafeteria.”

Ron didn’t refuse.

Although he had planned to take a break, it didn’t take long before it was time to eat.

Since Peach Rabbit took the initiative to invite, of course Ron would not refuse.

Soon, Ron and Peach Rabbit arrived at the nearby Navy cafeteria.

One of the two is a vice admiral, and the other is the sister of the chief staff officer of the navy headquarters, and their status is not ordinary, and the food is certainly not ordinary.

Just as Ron and the two were tasting their food, the other naval officers also arrived.

For example, Lieutenant General Tsuru arrived just when Ron and the two were about to finish eating, and just happened to see the two.

There is no need to guess now, Lieutenant General Crane has already hammered, and Peach Rabbit must like Ron.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to eat together.

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