Marin Fando.

Today, completely boiling!

When the news of the new world spread on people’s lips.

The entire Navy headquarters, everyone, talked about Li Nuo’s affairs.

“Oh my God! Vice Admiral Li Nuo’s boldness is inevitably too great, even the generals of our naval headquarters dare not easily provoke the four emperors! ”

“Lieutenant General Li Nuo, he dared to go to the New World alone, and openly provoke the Four Emperors!”

“What a role model! My generation is a role model! Lieutenant General Li Nuo! ”



“This kid, don’t die?”

When the yellow ape learned this news, he was stunned for the first time.

Even he couldn’t believe that Li Nuo dared to provoke the Four Emperors in that sea area of the New World.

Isn’t this looking for death!

But then, the yellow ape’s mood became a little more comfortable.

If Li Nuo really died in the New World, his mood would be even more comfortable than now!

After all.

He and Li Nuo have always been very wrong!

No matter how high Li Nuo’s potential is, no matter how strong his strength is. In the eyes of the yellow ape, those who cannot ensure the loyalty of the other party to the navy will not be a help to their navy!

Obviously, Li Nuo is an uncontrollable factor.

The key opponent’s strength is also a little terrifying!

The news is far-reaching.

In the blink of an eye, it covered the entire Marin Fando.

All the navies have already learned of Li Nuo’s crazy moves.

They showed shock, followed by countless emotions of worship.

“Lieutenant General Li Nuo! I wait for role models! ”

“We should learn from Lieutenant General Li Nuo, not afraid of evil forces, and break into the New World alone to provoke the Four Emperors. Who dares to do such a feat? Even the generals did not dare! ”

However, Lieutenant General Li Nuo did it. Why? Because Vice Admiral Li Nuo is a jealous person, as a navy, he cannot tolerate a grain of sand in his eyes. Therefore, Lieutenant General Li Nuo made a move, and the first target was the Four Emperors! ”


A group of little fans made countless reasons for Li Nuo’s behavior.


The entire naval headquarters, worshiping Li Nuo, has emerged one after another.

In the eyes of many navies.

Li Nuo’s move is tantamount to setting a good benchmark!


Even the power of the general, at this moment, is not as respectful as Li Nuo gave to the naval soldiers.

“For Mao and pulled on our general’s body again?”

“This kid is simply my nemesis!”

When the yellow ape learned of these rumors, he was immediately aggrieved in his heart.

You worship Li Nuo, I have no opinion!

But you, why do you always have to get involved with generals?

Did the general provoke you?

“Have you heard? Lieutenant General Li Nuo, there is a reason why he rushed to the new world. ”

“I heard that orders have been given from above. An assessment for Lieutenant General Yu Nuo is coming! ”

“What assessment? Does our Navy also have an assessment? ”

“From lieutenant general to general, do you say that you have to go through the examination?”

“What! Oh, my God! Lieutenant General Li Nuo is only half a month. Now, is he about to be promoted to general? I’m going crazy! ”

“Lieutenant General Li Nuo is probably too terrifying, this is simply unprecedented!”


Sengoku stood by the window, listening to the words coming from these people in his ears, looked at Karp, and said, “Did you hear that?” ”

“If he successfully becomes a general, then he Li Nuo is the biggest benchmark of the Navy!”

Karp Dao.

Nowadays, there is no one who can easily influence Li Nuo.

It can be said that the current Li Nuo, in the navy, has an extraordinary huge influence!


Navy headquarters, a certain office.

Peach Rabbit held the sword, bit her pink lip, and stood by the window.

She now understood it deeply.

Herself and Li Nuo’s biggest gap!

People who have just entered the new world dare to provoke the Four Emperors. And she has always been only hovering in the first half of the great passage.

The gap between the two is quite obvious!

Knock knock!

There was a knock on the door.

“Come in!”

Peach Rabbit suppressed the frustration and loss in her heart.

She thought that the gap between herself and Li Nuo was not so obvious.

But reality gave her a cruel slap in the face, made her instantly sober, and witnessed the irreparable gap between herself and Li Nuo!


The door opens.

A tall beauty with long pink hair walked in front of Peach Rabbit and said with a smile: “Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, how are you doing?” ”


Peach Rabbit showed a wry smile, gently flicked his black hair, and said, “Because of a hateful guy who keeps me awake all night!” ”

“Who else can be a peach rabbit lieutenant general? This makes me wonder, who is this person? ”

Tina’s red lips moved slightly and she chuckled.

She and Peach Rabbit have always been good girlfriends.

In the headquarters of the Navy, there are very few women who can be seen, and it is normal for them to be best friends.

“He’s Li Nuo!”

Peach Rabbit bit her pink lip, her beautiful eyes were a little angry, and said.

“Li Nuo?!”

Tina froze.

How, has it to do with him?

“What’s wrong with you? Do you know him? ”

Momo Rabbit noticed Tina’s strange expression and said to himself, “Yes, he is the one who has been promoted to lieutenant general at the fastest speed.” His name should have sounded throughout Marin Fandor. ”

“He, did he provoke you?”

Tina’s pretty face inadvertently slid over a cloud of pink flowers and asked softly.

“No, it’s just that he upsets me!”

Peach Rabbit said, “However, now he dares to break into the New World and provoke the Four Emperors. There has been a huge hidden danger to his safety. ”

“How come!”

Tina lost her voice.

Her beautiful eyes flashed a little flustered.

For Li Nuo’s safety, she is now very concerned!

“Tina, something is wrong with you today…”

Peach Rabbit raised his eyebrows and said.

“No, no.”

Tina’s beautiful eyes dodged and whispered.

“Because of Li Nuo? This guy is really not a good thing! ”

Peach Rabbit snorted, his tone full of indignation.

For Li Nuo, she has always held a disconvinced mentality!

But now, she had to admit it.

In some ways, she was as far away as a chasm from Li Nuo!

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