
Ken saw that the yellow ape had begun to arrange work, and he did not intend to continue to interfere with the yellow ape, so he planned to leave the place.

The general is usually quite busy.

Especially in these few days, the Warring States assigned a lot of work to the three generals.

And in just two days, you can get a response from the other side of the city.

However, with the background of the yellow ape, in the position of a general, he still has the power to speak.

Just arranging for Ken to enter the Advance City is completely more than enough.

At that time, Kean’s plan can begin to be implemented.


“It’s really fast enough.”

“I hope the new navy is not so ignorant.”

Before Ken left the naval headquarters, he found that the navy guarding the door had completely changed, the two of them had serious faces, their eyes carefully stared at the pedestrians on the street, and the navy clothes on their bodies were labeled, belonging to the navy under the yellow ape.

It seems that what happened here before, the yellow ape is also a little unhappy, and directly plans to arrange manpower to let the navy under his subordinates guard it.

The moment Ken just left, these two newcomers couldn’t help but whisper.

“Master Ken.”

“The two navies before have been disposed of by General Yellow Ape, and they have been dismissed, please rest assured.”

“And after that they will leave Marin Fandor, they are not allowed to stay here, I hope you don’t get angry.”

When Ken heard this, his eyes were a little surprised, but he still nodded.

“Good work you guys.”

“Then I’ll quit for now.”

“I won’t disturb your work.”

It’s just that Ken is also a little helpless.

These two newcomers to the navy are completely looking at the face of the yellow ape, and then call him young master.

Moreover, it should be a subordinate of the Yellow Ape faction, otherwise it would not be called so.

If he is not the biological nephew of the yellow ape.

It is estimated that Li ignored him!

“In this world.”

“Strength is important… But there is also a demand for power! ”

“Sure enough, I have to find some means to make my strength a little stronger.”

“The yellow ape is right… I rely on those corrosive liquids that can’t be useful every time! ”

“This is the lowest means, I need other means!”

After all these things today, Ken’s heart has completely changed.

He even can’t wait to use the special skill “Predator”.

It’s just that…… Devouring humans.

It is still quite troublesome to implement it on the island of Marin Fandor.

If someone else finds out, it’s going to be a big problem.

And he didn’t want the yellow ape to know about it.

At least after leaving the island of Marin Fandor… Then devour humanity.


“Human beings, I can’t devour at the moment.”

“But I can devour other creatures!”

“Such as… Neptune class! ”


“This is it!”

Ken’s pupils dilated sharply, and when he thought of this, he suddenly couldn’t stop.

Anyway, the sea king class is so irritable, when they meet humans, they can’t wait to eat it and fill their stomachs.

He is now the other way around… Devouring the sea king class should be considered normal, right?

Although he means this … It’s a little weird.

And all these years.

Ken also read in the newspaper that sea kings often caused serious losses to merchant ships, and even merchant ships fell on the ocean.

and a large number of pirates, buried in the mouths of sea kings.

This sea is actually extremely dangerous.

There is a crisis at any time!

“It’s just…”

“In this area of Marin Fandor, there is no sea king class at all!”

“Because all the sea kings in the surrounding sea areas have been slaughtered, there can be no left.”

“How is this good?”

Ken suddenly seemed to be deflated, and the whole person was weak to walk on the street.

This is the location of the headquarters of the Navy.

It is impossible to let the sea king class go.

So there are no sea kings in this sea area at all, and they have been completely cleared by the Navy.

“But two days.”

“It should be in time, right?”

Ken muttered to himself: “When I devour some fish a little, then I will transform into a fish and go to find the sea kings, and when the time is about the same, I will rush back, and I feel that this method works!” ”

Anyway, these two days will have to wait after all!

The yellow ape also said before… Ask him to familiarize himself with the use of the Devil Fruit during these two days.

It’s just a pity.

He is not a Devil Fruit powerhouse.

So the weakness of being abandoned by the ocean for life does not exist at all!

Ken’s emotions were gradually mobilized, and he was extremely excited.

“Implement this plan tonight!”

“Wait until I devour the sea king.”

“I can roam the ocean at will!”

“At that time, I will also have the power to fight on land and even under the sea!”

He is already starting to get motivated.

Sure enough, the road to make people stronger is so expected!

The next moment.

Ken took a step and started walking towards the seafood market.

He wants to find the fish creatures that are bouncing alive!

Because it was the first time he had used a predator, he did not know whether there was a difference between dead and living things.

For this.

Choosing a living creature is the best choice.

At this time, Ken also wanted to laugh a little, and said helplessly in his heart.

“I didn’t expect… The first time I used a predator, I actually devoured fish? ”

“It’s kind of funny!”

“But I’m also looking forward to turning into a fish… What is this experience? ”

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