“I’m okay with that.”

“It’s better to return to the headquarters of the Navy.”

“The Chambord Islands are also very close to the headquarters of the Navy… It’s only two or three days away to go back. ”

With this thought in mind, Ken left the alien space again.


This time when leaving the other space.

He intends to change back to his true appearance.

But think about it later… He appeared in the Chambord Islands as Ken, and if he was discovered, he would probably be suspicious.

For this.

Ken once again mimics another priest Shura, to avoid being truly discovered.

Priest Ohm’s gesture… People all over the world have probably seen it clearly!

Maybe it has already been extremely “famous”.

Of course.

This “fame” is also known as “notoriety”.

But he kidnapped Draco… Maybe many civilians around the world will be grateful to him!

Because he has completely hit the world government.

And the face of Draco!

Will Draco still dare to leave the Holy Land of Mary Joa then?

Who dares?

Draco Charros Saint has been kidnapped!

If there were any Draco leaving the Holy Land of Mary Joa… Who knows if they will be kidnapped!

No Draco would dare to put such a thing… Leave it behind!

Draco is extremely afraid of death!

After all, with extremely high power… Enjoy a rich and noble life!

Can you not be afraid of death?

Its own strength is still extremely weak!

This rescue operation of Draco could not even be saved by the world government, and even two members of the CP0 spy organization died!

Even the Admiral Qingzhi and Admiral Yellow Ape were helpless!

This battle.

The notoriety of kidnapping Draco… Thoroughly famous!

And because of the identity of the priest Ohm … It has never been in the world.

Before the evil priest Ohm stayed on the empty island, this place is also so remote.

Even the World Government and the Navy headquarters have not investigated the identity of Ohm.

Not to mention the real identity of Ken!



The whole world clearly saw Ken’s strong action to suppress the members of the world government CP0 spy agency!

Because of the broadcast of the giant photographic phone worm… The whole world can see it live!

Draco insults the world government.

CP0 spy agency personnel forced to hand over the ransom!

Even kidnapping the leading criminal of the Draco, killing two CP0 spy agency personnel in an instant, effortlessly!

And when fighting against the Yellow Ape General… Although the leader of the kidnapping Draco, the criminal, has some disadvantages in front.

But later on… The moves burst out with amazing lethality.

Destroy several areas of the surrounding Chambord Islands in an instant!

The power is not to be underestimated!

Even the yellow ape can only be forced to use the Eight Mirrors to forcibly transfer, otherwise he will really be injured by lightning strikes, which must be absolutely uncomfortable!

The domineering destructive nature of Thunder Lightning.


Everywhere you go, there is no grass!

It’s like lightning slashing from nature!

Even the lethality that Ken exerted… It is definitely more powerful than the lightning that nature has chopped down!

Come down like this.

Unless the yellow ape uses the flash element to transform the body… Maybe you can reduce the damage!


The yellow ape did not dare to make a hard connection head-on!


The other side.

The five old stars of the world government saw the giant photography telephone bug broadcast office.

With the death of two CP0 spy agency personnel.

The faces of these five old stars turned red, and they all became angry!


“This guy is that strong?”

“Why are these two CP0 members so vulnerable?”

“It’s not that the two of them are vulnerable… It is this criminal’s natural Devil Fruit that is too powerful! ”

“Don’t you all argue… Now that Draco has not been rescued, this matter is a bit difficult, and we don’t know how to explain to Lord Im. ”

I really didn’t expect it.

The strength of the criminals this time … So terrifying?

This is the criminal who greeted the yellow ape general head-on!

No wonder the CP0 spy organization can’t beat it!

It’s just that.

Didn’t rescue Draco this time… Things are pretty tricky.

Although their five old stars are the most powerful in the world government!

But secretly it is actually to serve the mysterious Lord Im!

Lord Im didn’t want Draco to be wronged.

For this.

Their world government has done its best to protect Draco!

If Draco takes a point hit… The world government will forcibly order the naval headquarters to immediately send a general to support!

I just didn’t think of it.

The admiral even dispatched two … As a result, Qingzhi was helpless and did not dare to do it at will, because if he did, this leader who kidnapped Draco might hold a grudge and kill Draco on the spot!

Yellow apes were dispatched in the back… It’s about the same, although the situation is much better, but the criminals have not been caught!

This criminal is running too fast!

It is estimated that only the yellow ape can catch up… It’s just that the yellow ape in front was forced back by that ferocious move, causing the criminals to flee the scene quickly!

It is already impossible to catch up later.

“It seems that I can only tell Lord Im truthfully.”

“Alas… It can only be so. ”

“I guess we’re going to be punished.”

“But after this incident… Draco should not appear all over the world, now the situation is very dangerous, the criminal has not been arrested, and does not know this criminal… Will it continue to do it then! ”

“The point is… What about Draco Charros Saint? ”

“What can this do… You can only send personnel, if you can find this criminal, continue to rescue! ”

“If you can’t find it… You can only give it up! ”

The five old stars began to talk, but in the end, they actually had to give up the Draco Charros Saint, and they really had no way.

The world government can’t investigate the identity of this criminal at all!

I don’t know in which barren land the madman came out … Actually kidnapped Draco!

What a dare!

The key this time.

The world government actually failed to rescue!

It simply made their world government face completely swollen!


Three days later.

This kidnapping incident that shocked the world was not so hot and gradually cooled down.

After all, Draco was just kidnapped… If you die on the spot.

It is estimated that civilians all over the world will boil, and they feel relieved in their hearts!

In addition, the leader who kidnapped Draco has not continued to appear.

In this way, the world has returned to its previous moment of calm.

It’s just that it is clear to all civilians … This time the world government has no face.

Even the world government is responsible for kidnapping the Draco leader, the criminal… Issue a bounty order!

This is not a pirate bounty order!

This is the world’s criminal reoffense bounty order!

Previously owned this world’s crime felony bounty order… It is the leader of the “revolutionary army” organization who dares to resist the world government head-on-Munchi D. Dragon!

This is the ultimate world crime!


The leading criminal who kidnapped the Draco… Already joined in!

It’s amazing!



In the sky.

A small ark ship actually floated at an altitude of thousands of meters.


“The Ark Proverbs are really good.”

“I use lightning as an energy source… You can make the Ark Proverbs float! ”

Ken’s whole body was filled with thunder and lightning, and electricity flowed down his feet, beginning to replenish the energy of the Ark Proverbs.

It was also amazing to Ken.

The Ark Proverbs doesn’t know how Anilu was built… It’s actually so smart.

Take advantage of lightning… It can be charged.

This way you can reach the level of floating!

I have to say… Anilu is such a genius!

It’s just a pity.

These things… It’s all about him, the winner!


Ken also had some expectations in his heart… Today is the third day.

That is, the day when the Great Sage evolved the king of wisdom.

This is almost ready to be done!

He really wanted to meet the Great Sage quickly… It’s not right either.

When the time comes.

The Great Sage will change his name to the King of Wisdom – Charles!

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