“Little one.”

“It can be my first experiment.”

“I don’t know if you’re lucky or doomed.”

Ken returns home with the fish tank in his arms, intending to start experimenting with the special skill of predator.


His body turned into a thick liquid of deep blue and reformed into a cute slime.

Ken turned into a slime form, two thin lines of eyes staring at the electrotooth eel, and a bad laugh came out of his mouth.

“Hey, hey, hey.”

“Little baby!”

“I’m coming!”

It’s just that with Slime’s gesture, there is really a sense of discord.

The next moment.

Ken, who turned into a slime, instantly burst open like a frozen body, and the dark blue thick liquid kept sweeping on the electric toothed eel, directly swallowing it in the body.

In a short time.

The two-meter-long electrotooth eel has disappeared and entered the special stomach of the slime.

Right now.

A voice of inquiry came from the back of Ken’s head.

“Do you activate the unique skill – Predator?”

The emotion of this sound is completely different from the mechanical sound of the system!

Ken could tell it right away, plus the system had clearly slept last night, and shouldn’t have woken up so early.


This is definitely not the sound of the system!

“Who are you?”

Ken’s thoughts welled up and he asked back.

“You can call me the Great Sage.”

“I will assist you in the operation, analyze biological abilities, and allow you to obtain mimicry effects.”

“And any questions you don’t understand can come to me.”

“As long as I understand something, I will inevitably answer you.”

The Great Sage’s words answered quickly, making Ken a little unable to react.

However, he was also a little shocked, he didn’t expect that the unique skill of the Great Sage was actually attached!

For this.

It took a little time to accept this fact.

Ken quickly replied.

“I’m going to use a predator!”



“Start analyzing the creature – the electrodontodon eel!”

“It takes three minutes to parse.”

“Please be patient.”

The Great Sage answered instantly, and began to assist Ken, fully resolving the sea creature of the electrotooth eel.

As long as the parsing is complete.

The creature of the electric toothed eel is really preyed on successfully!


“Now I have a great sage to assist me.”

“In the future, no matter who plunders, I can analyze it, but I have to analyze time.”

Ken felt joy in his heart.

Otherwise, if he uses a predator and wants to analyze the electric toothed eel himself, it will definitely take a long time.

Time began to pass slowly.

A three-minute countdown.

It was as if it had arrived in the blink of an eye.

“Parsing complete!”

“Gain Skill – Current Control!”

“Get mimicry – electrotoothed eel!”

“Gain Patience – Underwater Endurance!”

The great sage spoke extremely quickly, saying all the results obtained from this analysis.

Ken hadn’t reacted yet, and could only scratch his head helplessly.

“So soon?”

“Worthy of being a great sage!”

But after the parsing is done.

Ken couldn’t wait, and directly closed his eyes, feeling the new skill he had just acquired.

The next moment.

He muttered to himself.

“Current Manipulation ——!”

In an instant.


The dazzling blue-blue current, accompanied by his body suddenly burst out, and the current was like a large net, covering the surrounding area.

Directly electrify all the surrounding furniture into a coke substance, emitting an unpleasant odor.

“Collect it!”

Ken opened his eyes and saw this scene, so frightened that he quickly withdrew the electricity and rushed back into his body.

This is if you accidentally set the house on fire.

The yellow ape is afraid that he doesn’t want to beat him!

Losers, aren’t they?

“What a terrifying power.”

“Sure enough, after I have the skill, it is completely much more powerful than the explosive power of the electric toothed eel!”

Ken’s eyes are full of excitement, just a simple electric toothed eel can have this skill.

If it’s a sea king.

Wouldn’t it be more powerful?


“Go to the sea now!”

“I also have underwater tolerance now, I should be able to breathe!”

“Coupled with the sea creature that turns into an electrodontodon eel, the speed of the ocean parade is definitely not slow!”

Ken twisted his soft blue jelly body and hurriedly jumped towards the door.

When you come to the door.

He reincarnated as a human form.

After all, the slime type, if it is accidentally seen by outsiders, it will be very troublesome to explain it at that time!


Ken twisted the doorknob and hurried to the shore.

The current point in time, around noon.

Originally, according to Kean’s idea, he planned to leave at night.

It’s just that the appearance of the great sage directly reduces a lot of time.

Otherwise, if Ken parses the electric toothed eel, it is estimated that it will reach the evening, and I don’t know if I can complete the analysis!

Ten minutes later.

Ken came to the position at the shore pier, and in front of him was the endless blue sea.

There are also fishermen fishing for marine fish.

As well as some warships stay on the coast, ready to go.

Ken sneaked around, making sure no one saw him, and whispered.

“Change ——!”

He instantly turned into a two-meter-long electrotooth eel, and his whole body was slippery, with mucus covering his body.


He jumped into the sea with ease and dived under the ocean!

“Sure enough, I can breathe!”

“This time I will definitely return with a full load!”

Ken felt it carefully, found that he could breathe, and began to set goals!


Ken, who turned into the body of an electrodonated eel, wandered in the ocean and left the sea area of Marin Fandor at full speed.

He is going to the farther seas and prey on the mighty sea kings!

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