Time began to pass.

Ken had left the waters of the Navy headquarters for further afield.


He also saw relatively large sea creatures.

Ten meters… Twenty meters… Thirty meters.


He even wants to kill all these sea creatures and then plunder their abilities!

It’s just that time doesn’t allow.

He only has two days to lose watermelon just by picking up sesame seeds.

Ken’s goal is to plunder the 100-meter-sized Sea Kings, so that the harvest will be more!

These sea creatures are not bad though….

It’s just a pity.

Far from up to par!

“How long has it been?”


“Without controls, I feel that the passage of time is different!”

Ken was also more and more anxious, because he did not find suitable prey, he was a little anxious, and quickly looked for the sea king.

On this road.

He used the skill of astringent breath, but basically no sea creatures came to attack.

That’s a good thing… Also a bad thing.

Because it’s hard to mess with that hundred-meter type of sea king.

Like the sea python came to attack him before, it is estimated that he also regarded Ken as a mouthful, and then raided over.


“Why is the sea over there so dark?”

“I can’t see at all!”

Ken stared at the sea in front of him with wide eyes, and quickly stopped moving, his eyes full of surprise.

Sea ahead.

It has been completely shrouded in inky seawater.

“Great Sage.”

“Help me analyze these inky seawaters.”

Ken came close and began to ask the Great Sage.


“Analysis complete.”

“These inky seawater are the ink spewed by octopus creatures.”

“And with such a large amount of ink, the size of this octopus sea creature may be extremely large.”

The Great Sage moved in an instant and analyzed it in a short time.

Ken’s eyes lit up slightly, and he felt a little surprised in his heart, looking at the inky sea water in front of him, and couldn’t help but have questions.


“So it is… Is this all ink? ”

“This measure… It’s amazing. ”

But Kean feels the time is ripe.

According to the words analyzed by the Great Sage.

This octopus sea creature is probably the largest creature he has encountered so far.

Instead, the plan can be implemented!

Devour this Neptune octopus!

“Rush in!”

Ken twisted his body and suddenly got into this sea of ink.

After entering the interior.

His senses began to decline, and the ink severely interfered with his vision, making it impossible to distinguish the location and the source of the sound.

“Three hundred and twenty meters ahead.”

“There is the smell of marine life.”

“According to the contrast of breath.”

“The body size is ninety meters to one hundred and twenty meters!”

As if sensing something, the Great Sage directly prompted: “If the host wants to plunder this sea creature, I have a way for you to quickly cause this creature to die.” ”

Hearing this, Ken did not hesitate at all, and replied with his mouth.

“What method?”

“Tell me directly!”

The Great Sage also explained to him.

Living things are more difficult to loot than dead things.

Because after the living creatures are swallowed in, they can also struggle, and have the most primitive instincts, so that marine organisms do not want to face death, so the difficulty of analyzing is much higher.

Dead things are different, and after being directly devoured, the Great Sage can begin to analyze this creature.

If you parse successfully, you can successfully plunder!

After hearing Ken’s reply, the Great Sage replied directly.


“You were personally swallowed by that octopus creature.”

“Then dissolve the object with the inside, and on the inside start destroying its organs, killing it from the inside out!”

“And the gastric juice in its body is difficult to kill you at all, so there is no need to panic at all.”

“Because this sea creature is too large, this is the only way to kill it quickly!”

“I wonder what your intentions are?”

Ken was a little hesitant, actually using this method?

Although he can forcibly devour this octopus sea creature.

However, there are also instinctive sea king-like creatures, which are not easy to analyze at all.

“So be it.”

“I believe in you.”

Ken thought for a moment and was ready to accept this method.

Fortunately, he is a slime who can regenerate himself and is not afraid of this sea king at all.

What if other creatures… How could it be possible to use such a dangerous method.

If the operation is not good.

That’s really going to turn into a Neptune mouth!

Ken also began to go deeper into the sea of ink.

After he entered, the Great Sage showed the way.

“Turn right forty-five meters, there’s a cave inside.”

“That octopus sea creature is in there.”

“After entering, the host uses electric current to manipulate and provoke this creature.”

“Then it will get angry and eat you on the spot!”

“Anyway, with the host’s current skills, it is difficult to forcibly defeat it on the spot, and you can only rely on the method I said to kill this creature.”

Because Ken couldn’t see the line of sight ahead at all, he could only ask the Great Sage to help.

But the words of the Great Sage.

It really made Ken feel humiliated.

The Great Sage really dares to say anything….

Although he doesn’t have very strong skills now, that’s true.

The main thing is that the vitality of the sea king class is too tenacious, and it is not at all comparable to humans.

If it were ordinary humans.

Ken’s controlled electric current control can be electrocuted alive!

The sea king class is different… This 100-meter-sized sea king has an incredibly tenacious vitality.

If you can’t kill instantly.

Then you will face the furious Sea Kings.

It’s an absolute nightmare!

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