This moment.

The unique skill Predator is completely transformed into the king of gluttony!

In an instant.

A whole new amount of knowledge comes to Ken’s mind, how to use these new skills.

“These skills are so strong.”

“Now I can finally show my edge!”

“I can even create my strongest army!”

Ken couldn’t help but laugh, his face full of joy.

Seven skills of the King of Gluttony.

Each skill has been individually enhanced.

Something he worries too much about now… It was finally solved too.


Although he can devour creatures and seize all the abilities of creatures before, but the power of talent cannot be obtained, and now he can snatch it 100%!

Now…… He can even devour life force!

It’s just unbelievable.

Think about it.

No matter how strong you were when you were alive.

But when you reach old age… The peak has been completely passed.

It was at this time that the strength began to decline.

Powerful as the Four Emperors, Whitebeard was once known as “the strongest man in the world”.


Whitebeard is now completely old, his body is fully old, and he even has injuries, and his strength is completely not as strong as his peak.

People die.

No one can avoid it.


Now the King of Gluttony is able to devour the life force.

In this way, Ken’s lifespan can become even longer!

“In the future, it seems that I can also become a thousand-year-old youkai.”

A smile appeared at the corner of Ken’s mouth, and he couldn’t help but quip: “Being a thousand-year-old monster, no one can catch up with me.” ”

Do you feel stronger than me?

Excuse me.

Sooner or later, you because of your longevity … Fall here.

But he is different!

His lifespan is now a complete mystery.

As long as there are still creatures there.

There are also human beings.

Ken is definitely the longest lifespan now!

“But I remember the final ability of the surgical fruit.”

“Can people get eternal life?”

“I don’t know the ultimate ability of the owner of the surgical fruit… Already passed to whom? ”

Ken suddenly thought of this, and his face was a little solemn.

He felt that the fruit of the operation was ultimately capable… It should have been used.


This ultimate capability will not present such intelligence either.

For this.

Ken also had some conjectures… Maybe the identity becomes a puzzle for Lord Im.

Most likely, it is the person who once received immortality!

“But I didn’t really see it.”

“I can only rely on guesswork.”

“I don’t know if Charqing is unclear?”

“Although she can know everything, if she shields things, she doesn’t know at all.”

“Just like the century-old history that has disappeared now, Charles can’t know, this is really a good means, it can actually be hidden like this.”

Ken sighed helplessly, he still wanted to know the truth about this kind of thing.

The world government absolutely knows the truth of the matter.

It’s just that there is a high probability of major events that year.

Leads to a hundred years of history… Completely erased.


Ken continued to analyze these skills.


In his primordial slime form… The stomach has a foreign space prison.

If you face a strong enemy that you can’t beat.

He can even scoundrels forcibly devour enemies … Then transfer to the stomach alien space prison, eternal life and eternal imprisonment, absolutely cannot escape!

For the otherworld, prison.

No matter how the enemy unleashes his moves, he can’t hurt himself!

It’s really a bit incomprehensible!

“It’s also useful.”

“And it’s a bit tricky!”

“If you can’t beat the enemy… It is possible to use this means. ”

“Of course, I shouldn’t be weaker than anyone now!”

“So this means is used… It’s more about trapping the enemy. ”

Ken’s face was a little excited, and the Gluttonous King had comprehensively improved any skill, causing his strength to skyrocket now.


This time, he can even swallow any harmful substance, which can be treated by invalidation, and even restore his own strength!

What does this mean?

If Warden Magellan attacks him with venom!

He has no toxic immune antibodies himself… You can use this skill directly!

Ken can be devoured… It can be invalidated and disposed of on the spot!

And maybe you can restore his own strength!

It’s a skill that is more courageous in battle!


The two skills that shocked him the most.

It’s actually about soul skills!

He once devoured these creatures… In fact, the soul cannot be plundered.

If only these souls could be disposed of.

Maybe it can make his soul stronger… You won’t be afraid of any moves at all!

Some Devil Fruit abilities are extremely eccentric.

The ability to target the soul… Actually, there have been!

First of all, the Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling is the owner of the Soul Fruit!

He must be vigilant to avoid a rollover situation!

The first skill: Soul Eater.

Any creature soul can be hunted, and it will never be able to be superborn.

It is equivalent to erasing the soul of this creature!

Then he can increase the quality of his soul!

The second skill: Soul Spell.

Be able to break into the soul seal of the enemy’s soul and obey you forever.

Other words…… If Ken does not choose to devour souls.

You can make the soul master obey him!

Eternal life cannot betray him!

That’s why he can say it with confidence… Create the strongest army in the world!

Have subordinates who will not betray at all.

And strong enough.

Definitely already considered a nightmare army for the whole world!

And this last skill – the food chain!

Directly taking the holder as the apex, you can forcibly gather the power of your subordinates and strengthen your own strength, the stronger the subordinates, the stronger they are, and they can also give their own abilities.

If he can have admirals and even the four emperors of pirates.

He instantly condensed the strength of these subordinates, strengthened above himself, and completely surpassed the amazing combat power of the admiral and even the four emperors of pirates!

Enough to be proud of the whole world!

At that time, the World Government and the Navy Headquarters will be completely unable to stop him!


Must die!

Whoever it is.

All of them can’t surpass him!

Ken’s eyes were deep and full of expectation.

“I can even belong to the strongest person in the world!”

“No one can catch up with me!”

“This soul spell skill is to cooperate with the food chain skill!”

“That is to say… I need strong subordinates now. ”

“Otherwise, the final skill food chain will not be able to cooperate.”

For this.

His goal reappeared.

This time in the midst of the top war.

He wants to recover the entire fleet of the Four Emperors of the Lower Pirates, Whitebeard!

Ken believes Whitebeard won’t refuse!


He controls Whitebeard’s biggest weakness!

That’s where his ultimate merit lies!

I believe to discuss with Whitebeard a little.

Whitebeard completely trusts him!

Even he can give Whitebeard life force!

It can completely return the aging whitebeard to his peak!

Go straight back to the man who was known as the strongest man in the world!

I believe the whole world was shocked by this.

With such subordinates… As well as the entire fleet personnel.

This is good for Ken’s strength.

It can definitely bring an amazing increase in strength!

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