The Great Sage received the order and began to calculate instantly.


Less than a moment.

The Great Sage completely calculated it and began to tell Ken the data.

After Ken got the data, the swarthy cannonball on his palm suddenly clenched, his thighs were raised, and his waist was pressed down, making a very standard throwing move.


With the sound of a sonic boom, the air makes a frictional sound.

The cannonball in the palm of Ken’s hand, at an astonishing speed, was like a streamer streaking through the air, and a stream of flame appeared at the tail, smashing on the pirate ship in front of him with unmistakable accuracy.

“Boom ——!”

In the sea area with a radius of tens of meters, a shocking noise broke out, and the waves were raised, directly making the four pirate ships around them shake wildly, and they looked like they were about to be swallowed by the waves at any time.

And this destructive force actually caused a spiral-shaped vortex in that sea area, constantly pulling the remaining pirate ships over.

As a result, the remaining pirate ships are extremely difficult to escape.

“Me, my God!”

“What kind of monster power is this!”

“And this move!”

“I saw it back then!”

“Isn’t it exactly the means of the naval hero – Vice Admiral Karp?”

“A pirate ship at an extremely long distance, one shell can be enough to sink!”

The middle-aged major general was the closest to Ken, and when he saw this scene, he couldn’t help but be scared to open his mouth wide, and his heart remembered the memories of that year.

The moment that shell was thrown.

A fierce wind and wave blew directly, and even the navy hat of the middle-aged rear admiral was already blown away and did not know where to go.

This also feels familiar to the middle-aged major.

He trained there at Lieutenant General Karp.

I have seen this “similar” move before, and I am extremely impressed.

Now I see this kind of plagiarism again.

What a surprise… As well as surprise!

He thinks that his physical skills are not weak, and he can easily win in the face of most pirates.

It’s just that…… Throwing shells is a move.

He had also experimented… Because he adored Karp.

Because of worship, the middle-aged major general also thought clearly, how big is the gap between his current strength and Karp?

For this.

The middle-aged major general tried secretly.

As a result, it was thrown out at the longest distance, less than one hundred and fifty meters.

The key to the head will not work at all!

After more than a hundred meters.

You can’t hit the object you want to hit at all!

Now next to this young Ken… Do what he can’t!

And…… It looks quite relaxed.

And this weird power.

Are you sure he’s a young man?

Why is it so terrifying?


“It feels pretty simple.”

“But I also accidentally thought of Karp’s move, so I borrowed it a little, but I didn’t expect it to really work!”

Ken muttered inwardly, fortunately he had the strange power of the giant octopus, otherwise he would not have used it at all.


He looked at the sunken pirate ship, some of those pirates were even dead, suffering from that terrifying impact, and there were only a handful of pirates who could survive.

He also didn’t want to be a killer, mainly he didn’t expect the power, it could be so terrifying.


“You’re really fierce…”

“But I hope you don’t continue to use it.”

“This kind of powerful move, if you kill all the pirates, there is no need to arrest them.”

The middle-aged young general next to him saw some pirates falling into the sea and the corpses floating, and he naturally took it into his eyes, but he did not accuse Ken.

Ken has a good strange power, and his strength may be similar to him, or even surpassed?

Plus the arrangement that can make the Marshal of the Warring States, and the instructions of the general of the yellow ape.

Presumably the background is deep, and there is no need to hate Ken.

And it’s just pirates.

The pirates died… There is no need for pity at all.

Who knows what kind of harmful things these pirates have done?

Slightly dead some pirates.

Maybe you can also eliminate harm for the people!


“Then I can’t help it.”

“Although I still have the remaining ranged moves, I haven’t tried them.”

When Ken just wanted to throw the shell out again, after hearing this, he immediately had no choice but to stop.


The eight navies before hurriedly ran over and hurriedly carried down the box of shells.

It’s just that before leaving.

The eight navies looked at Ken with a strange look in their eyes.

It’s as if… Looking at the expression of the demon monster, something was not quite right at all.

Even the middle-aged Major General this leader … It is estimated that it is impossible to make such a move.

I didn’t expect Ken, who was the same age as them, to be so terrifying!

It’s really unseemly!

“This considers me a monster genius?”

“There will be more monster moves later!”

“I don’t know if you’ll get hit…”

Ken held back a smile, his face was full of seriousness, and he looked extremely serious, but he was already smiling in the dark.

This kind of being looked at is like a monster.

No matter how many times you watch it, it can make Ken’s heart feel refreshed!


He looked sideways and found that the four pirate ships could no longer leave this sea area.

Because it has been pulled by the big vortex before.

Only when the vortex stops can it be calmed down.

It’s just that…… There are whirlpools in the front, and the navy in the back.

There was even a pirate ship sunk by a shell.

If the pirates who know the truth are estimated to be desperate at this moment!

Because the disparity in strength is too great, it is impossible to stop it!

This also dooms the pirates to be arrested sooner or later!

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