The atmosphere is getting more and more wrong, as if you can fight at any time!

At this time.

The pressure of the great vortex at sea began to pull and suddenly decreased.

The captain of the Blood Blade Pirate Group couldn’t help gritting his teeth when he saw this scene.

He has already destroyed two pirate ships, his subordinates have suffered heavy casualties, and the number of pirates who can currently have combat capabilities and can fight the navy is less than thirty percent.

The point is….

Can it be beaten?

Now the pulling force of the vortex is already very small.

If you flee now… Can it succeed?

Everyone naturally does not want to die.

In particular, as the captain of the Bloodblade Pirates, he didn’t want to die.

He still has a good time.

Why die here?

Dead subordinates… Although it made him resentful.

But think about it.

As long as he doesn’t die… Isn’t that okay?

People are always selfish!

He has a bounty of 55 million, wouldn’t it be easy to recruit pirates when the time comes?

Now you shouldn’t be fighting to the death… Instead, thinking about how to escape!

Otherwise, if he is caught, or even if the opposite navy is serious, he may have to die here!


The captain of the Blood Blade Pirates drank violently, and his tone was full of anger.

“All pirates.”

“Fight to the death!”

Although the captain of the Blood Blade Pirates said so, in fact, it was not the case at all.

He quickly found the driver of the ship, stared at each other fiercely, and whispered: “Let me sneak out of this area, I will let the personnel of the other two pirate ships help us resist!” ”

“Hear no!”

“If you don’t want to die… Now do it my way! ”

The driver’s eyes were full of horror, and he quickly did so, but he also felt helpless about this abandonment of the crew, and felt… Gloat.

At least…… He probably doesn’t have to die?

You can even escape!

“You must escape!”

The captain of the Blood Blade Pirates clenched his fists and was a little emotional.

Just take advantage of the other two pirate ships to resist for a moment.

Even warships can’t catch up with them!

As for those pirate subordinates?

Die and die!

Shut up his!

Pirates are inherently ruthless… That’s how he should be as a captain!

Sure enough, his angry words shouted out, and some pirates in the pirate group were infected with emotions, and their thoughts were also changing, and they all picked up the weapons in their hands, wanting to resist and directly bring the pirate ship to the position of the warship!

But in the blink of an eye.

As the main body, the pirate ship has actually begun to forcibly evacuate the whirlpool in this sea area and go to the distance.

Their remaining two pirates, on the contrary, went to delay the warship, causing the pirate ship of this main body to run farther and farther!


“What are you doing… Captain! ”

“It won’t be… The captain abandoned us, right? ”

“This ungrateful dog thing, I actually followed this bastard captain, it’s abominable!”

“Don’t resist, you may be killed by the navy if you resist, and if you are arrested, you will only go to prison, although the life is hard, but at least it is better than death!”

“Yes… Let’s not resist, hurry up and let the navy catch us, we can’t let this dog thing captain escape! ”

The Bloodblade Pirates were shattered, and after seeing the captain flee, they felt extremely angry, and actually put down their weapons one after another, and began to shout surrender in their mouths: “The navy on the other side!” We surrender! Absolutely do not resist! Hurry up and grab our captain, they’ve fled the sea! ”

Even if these pirates are caught, they don’t want the captain to escape, and it seems that they don’t get along well.

Random crew.

Feel free to find the captain.

That’s the level!

Between life and death… Who cares about you!

It can well be imagined…… Usually, the daily life of this pirate group is really intriguing.

This scene appeared suddenly.

Ken on the warship had dull eyes and muttered in his mouth.

“It’s not… What’s going on? ”

“Sudden surrender?”

Why did these two pirate ships lean over?

Looking for death?


Why did that pirate ship run away?

These two pirate ships are actually so righteous?

Want to help one of the pirate ships escape?


This brotherhood… That’s good enough!

But until the words of this group of pirates came out.

Ken discovers he’s wrong… Miss by a mile!

It is clear that the captain abandoned the crew!

What a dog thing!

“I’ve already taunted out, and the captain on the other side actually ignored me?”

“What a dare!”

“I won’t sink you, I’ll take your last name today!”

Ken rolled up his sleeves and his eyes began to sweep around, looking for shells.

Do not sink that pirate ship today.

No one wants to leave!


The middle-aged rear admiral frowned, it was really inexplicable, but he saw a pirate ship begin to flee, knowing that time could not be wasted, he shouted in his mouth: “The navy who has learned the six-style naval monthly step obeys the order, follow me to arrest the farthest pirate ship!” ”

“The rest of the navy is to arrest the pirates whose two ships have surrendered!”

Finish speaking.

The middle-aged young general has stepped into the air, and there is a rhythm on the air, which is really shocking.

The six-style moonstep is really worthy of the name!

He was about to rush to the time of arrest.

“Let me strike!”

“Today he will die!”

“No one can stop it!”

After Ken did not find the shell, he saw that the middle-aged major general wanted to shoot, and suddenly he remembered that he still had skills that he had not tried, and quickly shouted in his mouth: “I can sink this ship remotely!” ”

The voice fell.

“Jet Ink——!”

His mouth began to bulge, and the cheeks on both sides began to rise, like balloons, rising bigger and bigger, as if there was some kind of liquid stored inside his mouth.


“Boom ——!”

Ken’s mouth opened suddenly, and the surging pitch-black ink inside surged wildly, bursting out in an instant, directly turning into a ray impact, spanning hundreds of meters away, directly through that pirate ship!

With a loud bang.

Escape from the pirate ship in the distance and start falling directly to the bottom of the sea.

And pitch-black ink, filling the entire sea.

As far as the eye can see, the blue sea has turned dark.

The dark and sticky ink, stained with the pirates that fell into the sea, was like a viscous liquid, completely sticky, unable to move!

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