Ken stared at the huge building in front of him, his eyes a little excited.

“Is this Advance City?”

“It’s really famous, it’s better to meet!”

Wait a few days for results.

Finally managed to arrive!

Ken worked so hard to come to Advance City… Naturally, it is because of this group of pirate criminals.

He wants to devour the pirate criminals who are pushing into the city.

Although there are many strong people in the headquarters of the Navy.

But Ken’s heart is not so evil, he can’t devour those strong people with justice in their hearts, and for the navy, he hates pirates even more!

Pirates are not everyone who can have a kind heart like Luffy, even Luffy’s companions.


Today, a large number of pirates are actually too cruel.

Ken had also seen it in the newspapers… Many remote villages have been attacked by pirates, and many local homes have been destroyed.

Even more serious.

No one can survive!

Many villages were destroyed!

Most of the village is made up of old people and children, and there is no resistance at all.

But the pirates still had no mercy from their subordinates… Instead, kill them all.

Ken had seen this kind of news many times in the newspapers, and each time he saw it, he gritted his teeth and couldn’t calm his heart.

For a while, he was even too angry and wanted to smash the pirate’s corpse to pieces!

Now he has the strength… Naturally, the pirates will not be spared!

That’s why Ken didn’t want to become a navy.

If you become a navy, you will probably have bondage, plus it will not be so free.

And if the Navy does not have an order … Killing pirates at will is actually not allowed, unless there are special circumstances, and you can kill them on the spot at any time if necessary.

Most of the pirates, in fact, are still imprisoned, imprisoned in prison, but tortured.

Ken was puzzled… Why are such evil people still alive?

Life does the worst things.

And without sanctions?

Shouldn’t this be a direct death sentence?

The system of the Navy … Not perfect!

“I have my own justice!”

“The trajectory of my life is up to me!”

“No one can stop me!”

Ken mumbled to himself, his tone not joking.

Then the warship drove over.

Ken also really saw the Advance City, as if there was a raging killing intent, hovering over the Advance City, and the suffocating pressure crushed over.

Even here is full of elite navies, with excellent quality weapons, that is, to advance the city’s defenses, want to make the best!

There can be no errors here.

Otherwise, if the pirates escape, it must be a disaster!

At this moment, all the navies stared at the warship that was moving over, their bodies suddenly tensed, and they actually planned to attack at any time!


There were once pirates who snatched a warship and directly attacked the advancing city!

Of course, those pirates are also dead.

Pirates who dare to storm the advancing city… There is no need to show mercy at all, just start suppressing it with your hands!

For this.

If warships arrive in the Advance City, they cannot relax their vigilance.

Who knows if those “navy” on warships are pirates pretending to be?

This requires rigorous on-site scrutiny, and if true, access can be allowed.

When the warship reached a certain position, it stopped abruptly.

If you don’t stop, you’re going to be attacked!

The middle-aged rear admiral who was the leader of this time couldn’t help but come out and shouted loudly: “I am one of the rear admirals of the Navy headquarters, you can start to examine my identity, there are a total of seventy-nine pirate criminals I brought this time, plus when I drove over to advance the city before, I also personally caught thirty-five pirates, a total of one hundred and fourteen!” ”

The voice fell.

The elite navy stationed here does not have a rear admiral, in fact, he has secretly seen this middle-aged rear admiral, after a little investigation.

As far as the identity of the middle-aged major general is thoroughly ascertained, it is true and approved.

Then three stronger naval men directly used the Navy Moon Step and hurried to the warship to investigate.

The number of pirates … That’s right!

The identity of the Navy remains … No outliers!

It’s just that when Ken’s identity was investigated, these three stronger naval men couldn’t help but have some doubts.

Ken’s identity is special.

Not counting naval status … In fact, you can’t enter the city!

Even if it is an alien identity, you may be arrested!

“Three friends.”

“Let me introduce this young man, his name is Borusaken, he is the nephew of the current Yellow Ape General, and his identity is naturally not an evil person.”

“And he has the permission of the Marshal of the Warring States and the consent of Warden Magellan, which I did not lie.”

“So he can advance the city for a month, and after the experience, he will leave consciously.”

“I’m sure you can easily investigate this matter.”

The middle-aged young man already knew Ken’s identity before the future, coupled with the instructions of the Yellow Ape General and the Warring States Marshal, it was natural to relieve Ken now.

If not to help Ken out of the siege.

It is estimated that the three navies will arrest Ken on the spot, and then investigate the identity, as long as they are not evil people, they can let it go.

“The nephew of General Yellow Ape?”

“And the permission of Marshal of the Warring States and Warden Magellan?”

“This kid… The background is a bit against the sky! ”

When these three navies heard this, their faces were full of surprise, and they couldn’t believe it.

However, it is impossible for middle-aged young generals to make such jokes.

He was a man from the headquarters of the Navy.

Deception can only ruin his own reputation!

I believe that no fool dares to do this!

But the surface program still has to go down!

Suddenly, the three navies muttered: “Then wait for a while, I will go back and discuss with our leaders, the three of us do not know about this matter, so it still needs to be reviewed.” ”

Finish speaking.

The three navies stepped back into the city and began to question the leader.


After the three navies got the news, they drank directly from their mouths.

“Allow to pass!”

“You can enter Advance City now!”

“The door is open!”

In an instant.

The heavy gate of the city suddenly opened, revealing the dark passage inside.

This is also a greeting… Pirates’ Hell Passage!

After entering inside.

Pirates must be tortured!

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