
Ken went into a deep sleep, huffing and sleeping.


A mechanical voice with a weak tone sounded slowly.

“Strange energy is insufficient and needs to be replenished.”

“Bind the host – Borusa Kenne.”

“Obtain strange energy in three days, replenish it, and the host will get a strange avatar.”

The voice fell.

The sound began to slowly dissipate.

Ken, who was sleeping heavily, had no idea.

Early morning.

Daylight shines in with the windows.


“The ordinary lazy morning has arrived?”

Ken reluctantly opened his eyes and got up slowly.

Yet the next moment.

Ken’s eyes widened, staring at the system panel in front of him, his face full of shock.

Those words above the system panel.

It was the task that was promulgated by the system last night.

Ken quickly rubbed his eyes, thinking he was dazzled.


He rubbed his eyes and burst into tears, and this system panel was still there, as if to remind Ken, you have a task!

“This is the system?”

“But… What is strange energy? ”

Ken couldn’t help but frown, thinking about this.

However, he couldn’t think of it at all.

Even he secretly shouted the word “system”, waiting for an answer.


The system completely ignored him!

It seems that it is really too weak to even answer?

That’s right, too.

He has been in this world for half a year, if the system can come out, it has already come out, it seems that it is really too weak and needs energy replenishment.

As for this singular energy.

Ken doesn’t know… I plan to ship to the bridgehead and naturally straight.

Don’t worry.

Anyway, if you don’t understand something, you will definitely not be able to understand it for a while!


Time ticks slowly.

Three days were spent like that.

At this time, the figure of the yellow ape appeared coldly on the coast of Marin Fandor.

And the yellow ape was carrying a man who had passed out in a coma.

The man’s clothes were disheveled and shattered in some places, which seemed to have been caused by some struggle.

“It’s a real trouble.”

“I have to apply for a week off!”

“This kind of task is entrusted to me.”

“Am I still not a general?”

“I really want to retire, the general is really tired.”

The yellow ape complained helplessly, and the moment he returned to Marin Fando, he hurriedly rushed towards the naval headquarters.

Three days for most of the time.

He was on his way to the naval branch, as for the time to deal with this commodore.


It doesn’t take time at all.

Even the other side wants to resist.

As a result, after being kicked by the yellow ape, the brigadier general man doubted his life in pain and fainted on the spot.


The yellow ape rushed to the gate of the naval headquarters.

“Good morning General Yellow Ape!”

The navy guarding the door quickly lowered his head and found that the yellow ape was holding an unconscious commodore man in his hand, and he was wearing navy clothes, his eyes were a little surprised, and he couldn’t help but greet: “General, you worked hard!” ”

The yellow ape’s face did not change color, and after a slight nod, the figure rushed inside.

The navy guarding the door had some eye worship.


It is worthy of being an admiral, and when he is not speaking, he is actually so courageous!

The other side.

The yellow ape came to the Warring States office room and directly threw the unconscious brigadier general on the ground in his hand.


“I’ve managed to get it back.”

“Do you have to give me a break?”

Sengoku carefully looked at the man who had passed out in a coma, and after a little comparison, he found that it was the brigadier general who defected, and he gave the order: “Come, put this person in prison, and I will interrogate him personally later.” ”


Two young navy men wearing navy hats, dragging unconscious commodore in tow, began to imprison.


“Hard work!”

“But as a general, how can you rest, you see that I, as a marshal, have been busy all day, and I have not chosen to rest!”

After the Warring States saw that there were no outsiders, he took out the fairy shell and handed it to the yellow ape, with a smile at the corner of his mouth: “How to say, do you want to eat the fairy shell?” ”

The yellow ape had no choice but to take it, and did not intend to rub it, and directly spoke.

“Okay, Sengoku-san.”

“I’ve completed my task.”

“Give me the key to the stock door.”

“I’ll go exchange for the Devil Fruit!”

Those who have the keys to the inventory of the Navy headquarters are currently only in the hands of the Sengoku.

The inventory also contains other important items, as well as naval intelligence.

Of course.

These intelligence Yellow Ape has all possession, he is a senior admiral, many things are known, it is also a normal thing.

If it weren’t for Ken’s reasons.

He also wouldn’t go to inventory to select Devil Fruits.

“Here you go.”

“Don’t take it indiscriminately!”

“If you mess with it, there will be tasks waiting for you tomorrow!”

“After taking the devil fruit, you will give the key to Karp, obviously he was in charge before, and then feel troublesome and shoehorn it into me.”

Warring States took out the all-gold key in his arms and threw it directly to the yellow ape, his face was a little disgusted.

It’s busy enough.

As a marshal, you have to deal with the chores of the whole world all day.

The three generals rarely deal with this kind of thing.

Yellow Ape… Fishing and laziness.

Childish… Sleep often.

Red dogs… The idea is rough.

As for the Karp guy, he is a complete idiot!

I really don’t want to care about anything!

If there is trouble, push it to his old friend!

The navy that can help a little is Vice Admiral Tsuru!

“The marshal is really not good!”

“In a few years, if I choose to retire, I will retire behind my back and teach the Navy recruits how good it is!”

Sengoku complained slightly, and then raised his head and found that the yellow ape had disappeared, and it seemed that he had gone to the inventory and selected the devil fruit.

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