“Magellan also began to support.”

“That moon lion will surely die.”

“For criminals who escaped from prison … Magellan will definitely not show mercy! ”

Ken put down the phone worm in his hand, and a hint of pride flashed in his eyes.

Now the development of things is still under his control.

Originally, he wanted the Moon Lion to kill the two criminals of the old era, but he was satisfied.

But I didn’t expect it… After turning into a moon lion.

It actually lost its mind… And he didn’t want to escape the idea of advancing into the city, but he was still killing people like crazy!

“After it is killed by Magellan.”

“I can go and dispose of the corpse, the criminals of the third layer… Already half dead. ”

“This time my results… Incomparably rich! ”

“And the job of cleaning up the corpse was given to me by Magellan himself.”

“It’s wonderful that other people can’t interfere with me!”

Ken really didn’t expect that when Magellan hung up the phone worm, he actually asked him to come over later to clean up the scene.

It’s just God help me too!


His mind wandered, probing the doppelganger’s line of sight, trying to see what was going on now.

It’s just that.

No matter how much he tried to check it, his mind could no longer connect to the doppelganger’s side!

“What’s going on?”

“Great Sage, why can’t I control the doppelganger?”

“What’s wrong?”

Ken was a little anxious, found this situation, and hurriedly asked the Great Sage.

When the great sage heard this, he couldn’t help but speak.

“It’s simple.”

“Your doppelganger is over there… Affected by the attack, may have died. ”

“It should be only this situation, resulting in the inability to control the doppelganger.”

“After all, your doppelganger… The strength is not strong, although it has the ability to regenerate, but if it can instantly erase all the cells of the avatar, it can completely lead to death. ”

“This weakness … For you too. ”

“So when you are attacked by enemies in the future, you must avoid being wiped out of all cells, otherwise the regeneration ability will not be able to keep up, and you… Will die! ”

The voice fell.

Ken couldn’t help but frown, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

The doppelganger finally split up.

Did you just die?

His split doppelganger is not always available!

It is necessary to recuperate for a period before the division can continue.

Although the strength of the avatar is indeed very weak, it is still very helpful in other aspects.

If Ken himself was in the field over there, the injuries received were not enough to die.

However, for the doppelganger, this attack is already a fatal injury, and the doppelganger cannot recover completely, so it is naturally unbearable and leads to destruction.


“It seems that I can only dispatch too!”

“It doesn’t feel good to be here!”

“The people who can benefit this time … It has to be me! ”

Ken’s eyes flashed cold, and he quickly ran out of the office and went directly to the third floor of the hunger prison.


“Don’t go down!”

“This place has been given an order by the deputy prison chief, it has nothing to do with the combatants, and they are not allowed to enter!”

“I look at you… Also not a combatant, please do not go and drag your feet! ”

As soon as Ken arrived at the first level of the Red Lotus Hell, he was blocked by the jailer and could not enter.


“I’m not a combatant?”

“Could it be that you are?”

Ken was a little unhappy in his heart, he was already anxious, and he slapped it without hesitation, directly hit the jailer, and forcibly broke in.

The jailer didn’t have time to react at all, he was already flapped away, directly lying on the ground, and when he passed out, he was a little strange in his heart: “I was actually slapped down by the newcomer who had just arrived?” And there is no heavenly reason! But it’s no wonder that my position can only be guarded, not a combatant! ”


Ken faced the jailer on the second level, just like that, stunned the jailer with one punch and went directly to the third level of the hunger hell.

Just fell into hunger hell.

Ken couldn’t help but cover his nose, his eyes a little surprised.

“What a strong smell of blood!”

“How many criminals did the lion kill this month?”

“This evolutionary genius… I will definitely take it! ”

He hurried into the inside of the prison, and suddenly the scene in front of him also frightened Ken.

Rivers of blood, corpses all over the ground, heads that are not blind

It’s hell!


Ken looked into the distance.

Moon Lion fights Hannibal and the four jailer beasts alone!

With its super speed and powerful strength, it frantically slapped the jailer beast, and its sharp five fingers tore the strong muscles of the jailer beast, and it had already beaten the jailer beast’s flesh and blood.

It’s just that the recovery ability of the jailer beast is simply amazing.

The serious injuries suffered by ordinary people, in a short time, the jailer beast has already healed, as if tirelessly continuing to entangle the moon lion!

As for Hannibal, he is currently the worst personnel.

His move simply could not hit the Moon Lion so quickly, and the injuries that the Moon Lion hit him were getting more and more serious, and he could fall at any time, if it weren’t for the jailer beast to help share it, he estimated that he would have almost died in the hands of the Moon Lion!

Hannibal also had some regrets, the strength of the Moon Lion… It’s not the strength of the third-tier hungry hell criminals at all!

Why did Magellan’s warden imprison the Moon Lion on the third floor!

It may not have the strength that belonged to the third layer of hungry hell criminals before his transformation… But after the transformation, he was completely crushed in all kinds of ways, and he already had the strength of the fifth layer of extremely cold hell criminals!

This is simply a monster!

Transform into a big kill!


The moon lion’s eyes were red, completely irrational, and a violent roar came out of his mouth, and his momentum reached a high level, and there was simply a sign of invincibility!

“Ken that kid… Did you ask Warden Magellan for support! ”

“I and the four jailer beasts can’t suppress it!”

“In this case… I could die here! ”

Hannibal’s eyes were a little black, his legs and feet were weak, and he couldn’t hold it anymore!


The moon lion tore through the attack of the four jailer beasts and slammed into Hannibal, with a fierce move, it was a killing move!

“Not good!”

Seeing this, Hannibal’s pupils suddenly dilated, feeling the crisis of death, wanting to defend, but finding that his arm could not be raised at all!

He…… Want to die here?

It won’t be….

He hasn’t become a warden yet!

And I haven’t even read a few indecent books!

“Deputy Warden Hannibal.”

“You squat down!”

Suddenly, there was a shout behind him, and between life and death, Hannibal burst out of his desire for survival and directly lay down!

In an instant.

The tentacle arm of a special-shaped octopus of more than ten meters instantly extended and slammed into the moon lion!


The Moon Lion roared, without the slightest intimidation, relying on powerful strength, stretched out its sharp five fingers, and directly rushed up!

Accompanied by a loud “bang” sound, a low collision sound.

The body of the moon lion directly turned into a streamer, smashed into the rear underground, and was not visible!

The arm of the tentacle of the alien octopus was directly broken and fell into the ground.

I didn’t expect that… It’s actually a defeat for both!

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