The moon lion was extremely fast, directly attacking Ken’s dead end, forcibly tearing most of his body and cutting a huge wound, but the blood of the body could not flow out at all, which was really an incredible physique.

For this.

The moon lion, who successfully injured Kean, was about to evacuate, but found that his arm could not be withdrawn, and his arm was directly stuck inside Ken’s body, and the pressure almost crushed his arm!

“A creature that will only go berserk and lose his mind.”

“It’s not worth panicing!”

Ken was expressionless, and he had forcibly hardened the muscles of the injured part directly, so that it was almost impossible for the moon lion to escape!

In an instant.

All his tentacles swept away.

And the moon lion, which only had one arm left, was a little flustered, and the beast’s instinct told it that if it couldn’t escape, it would definitely be hurt!


Suddenly, a large amount of thunder and lightning rays directly wrapped around the body of the moon lion, directly sweeping and impacting all the giant tentacles!

“Don’t think you’re the only one!”

“Me too!”

“Even I can control your current!”

Seeing this, Ken shouted violently: “Electric current manipulation——! ”

The brilliant furious thunder burst out, and the current wrapped around the moon lion’s body was actually pulled over, causing the moon lion’s attack to be greatly reduced!

“Knock ——!”

The two thunderbolts collided together, instantly shining with dazzling white light!

The third layer of the field of hunger hell was directly shattered, and cracks as deep as ravines were all over the ground, which was simply miserable.

The next moment.

Ken controls all the tentacles, rolling up the body of the moon lion, and each tentacle binds the moon lion, exerting pressure!

All his strength burst out in an instant, intending to forcibly crush the Dead Moon Lion!

Than strength?

Then give it a try!


The Moon Lion roared angrily, the green tendons of his body broke, and scarlet blood flowed out, as if it was about to be flattened.


The moon lion is still frantically resisting, the arm muscles on both sides are bulging, and little by little it is trying to open the giant tentacles that bind its body!

Ken even exerted his full strength, causing the Moon Lion to be extremely passive, even if he wanted to open the binding of the tentacles, it would not be for a while!

“The fur tribe is really a monster, why is this defense so terrifying!”

“I can’t even pinch it!”

“But go on like this.”

“I can’t kill it, it can be more and more courageous!”

Ken felt that he was gradually struggling, with the moonlight reflection of the full moon, and the moon lion had foreign power to replenish at any time.

He’s different… In this way, the physical strength will eventually be exhausted.

He was more or less affected in terms of strength because he split out of his doppelgänger before!

This is a protracted war!

It’s just Ken’s winning side… Not very high!

“Damn it!”

“Then I have other ways to do it!”

Ken scanned the surroundings, surrounded by the corpses of criminals, and Hannibal and the jailer beast had left the place.

He can be ready to attack at any time without suppressing his original intention, with special skills Predators!

“Great Sage!”

“You’re ready to parse right away!”

“I’m going to devour all the criminals present!”

Ken intends to open up, just the corpse, the great sage can quickly analyze it.

As long as it can devour the corpses of all the criminals in the third layer of the starving hell.

Presumably his strength… It’s going to skyrocket!

At that time, the Moon Lion must not be his opponent!

For this.

He was about to throw the Moon Lion out and directly turn into a slime prototype and devour the corpses present!


A murderous roar rose!

“Poisonous Dragon ——!”

At the fourth staircase, three poisonous dragons with unique and domineering shapes swept away, directly and accurately biting the moon lion, and smashed into the ground fiercely, without affecting Ken!

Ken’s pupils suddenly shrank and he muttered in his mouth.

“This move… Magellan’s Devil Fruit ability? ”

Just seeing the three domineering venom dragons also scared him a little.

After all, the venom of that Magellan guy … Not everyone can afford it!

Even Ken… It’s also hard to bear.


The moon lion let out a cry of pain in its mouth, and the lethal and terrifying venom spread on the body, and it had begun to be corroded by the toxin, completely unable to resist, and fell to the ground.

The belated Magellan took heavy steps into the third level of hunger hell.

He saw the scene of corpses on the ground and rivers of blood, and his eyes showed amazing killing intent.

“You prisoner… Sin is unforgivable! ”

“I, Magellan, in the name of the warden, will kill you today!”


Magellan’s eyes shifted sideways, and he was shocked to look at the huge body of Ken, the now giant octopus.

Isn’t this a sea king class?

How can you be here?

If it weren’t for the fact that this sea king class had just wrestled with the moon lion, both sides would want to let the other side die!

Magellan almost swept Ken in.

But fortunately, Ken limits the moon lion, otherwise its speed is a very troublesome thing!

For this reason, Magellan still shot at the moon lion after all, and it did not affect Ken, after all, not everyone can withstand his venom!

The next moment.

Magellan looked farther away.

Hannibal, who was not lightly injured and physically exhausted, was already lying outside the prison, and his eyes were a little difficult to open.

There are also four jailer beasts who are not in good spirits.

This made Magellan more and more angry, if he could come to support earlier, how could such a situation occur!

Damn poisonous fruit!

You’re just harmful!

Almost let the people of Advance City die!

In an instant, the endless anger made Magellan’s killing intent deeper and deeper!


Magellan’s eyes were angry, and his whole body turned into thick dark purple venom, and he directly killed and sanctioned the moon lion on the spot!

Moon Lion.


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