Days begin to pass.

Warden Magellan began to investigate the incident.


It is impossible for criminals who have already been imprisoned in Advance City to escape their cells!

Like the golden lion Shiji, who escaped success twenty years ago… That was also to pay a heavy price, self-severed legs, barely escaped from prison.

But why can the fur criminals of the third layer escape?

There must be something strange about this.

For this.

Magellan was bound to find out the clues.

Just with the investigation.

He did not find any useful information at all.

Ken was staying with Hannibal in his office on the first floor of the sea, and the two were still discussing things, and then there was a sudden escape from the prison and asked for the support of the fighters.

Hannibal goes to support first, leaving a phone worm, and if he can’t beat it, the situation is not right, and Ken needs to ask him to help.

For the accuracy of this matter… Magellan also asked Hannibal personally.

Hannibal naturally did not add oil and vinegar, and told all the things at that time, and there was no doubt in the whole process.

Magellan still believed in Hannibal’s character and would never lie.

So Ken and Hannibal are naturally ruled out and have no suspicion at all.

You must know that Hannibal was desperate at that time and almost died at the hands of the moon lion, but Ken appeared and came to save Hannibal.

Although Ken can fight the moon lion later… It’s just that the strength is extremely balanced, and you can’t tell the winner or the loser for a while.

This kind of battle, which is also in the slightest carelessness, and has to be killed by the opponent, means that Ken was dangerous at that time.


Magellan did not suspect Ken and Hannibal.

Both of them are so desperate, he is still wondering, isn’t it chilling?

However, the other jailers also stayed at their original jobs and did not leave at will.

And in the process.

No one has ever gone down to the third level of hunger hell.

Even in the photography of the phone worm, the third layer of hunger hell at that time did not record any bizarre pictures.

It was as if the fur criminals suddenly ran away, their strength skyrocketed, and the cell could no longer trap it, leading to the idea of escaping from prison.


The Moon Lion forcibly broke open the cell and was trying to escape, but because of his hatred of humans, he wanted to kill the criminals here.


Magellan reluctantly concluded.

That night because it was in a full moon state.

Causing the strength of the fur tribe criminals to recover and enter the moon lion form, and for some reason, reason suddenly ran away, resulting in the death of all the criminals of the third layer.

“What a misstep.”

“I was at most in the third tier because of the strength of the criminals of the fur tribe, so I detained it there.”

“Even I also made measures, the defensive nature of the cell, but the highest defensive material of the third layer, it is impossible for it to escape at all!”

“It’s just that after it became a moon lion, its strength is estimated to skyrocket to the top level of the fourth layer.”

“This damn full moon!”

Magellan couldn’t help but sum up this incident.

It’s outrageous.

It was actually the full moon that caused this event.

In other words, no one believes it!

However, it is estimated that only fur people are so special and have such talent.


“The crime committed by this fur tribe.”

“It surprised me back then.”

Magellan took out the crime file of the moon lion and looked at the content of the copy.

The content of the crime is:

[Bold criminal, committed heinous crimes, personally injured Draco].

At that time, Yue Lion’s wife was captured by the Draco and became a slave, and the wife behind her could not bear this humiliation and directly committed suicide to die.

As an extremely genius of the fur tribe, the Moon Lion broke down emotionally on the spot when he learned of this kind of thing, and it was naturally impossible for him to suppress this anger.

It forcibly stabbed Draco directly on the days when Draco traveled, almost causing Draco’s death.

Fortunately, Draco was accompanied by a rear admiral at that time to help block most of the attacks, otherwise Draco would have died a long time ago!

For this.

Discovering that he could not kill the Draco, the Moon Lion suddenly calmed down and directly began his journey to escape.

After years of turbulent escape.

Moon Lion was eventually arrested by the Navy headquarters and sent directly to Advance City for detention.

During this period, even young generals were dispatched… It just didn’t succeed in getting arrested.

“This crime.”

“In fact, it is already possible to enter the fifth layer of extremely cold hell, and harming Draco is not a minor crime.”

“Back then, I saw that its strength was not very strong, so it was imprisoned in the third layer of hunger hell.”

“Fortunately, I didn’t do that back then.”

“Otherwise, the full moon will come, and if the moon lion makes a big fuss… Maybe you will unintentionally release many criminals of the fifth layer! ”

Magellan pinched his brows helplessly, the criminal process of the moon lion was really sad.

The Moon Lion was not a pirate, nor a bad person, and he was also a law-abiding citizen back then.

It hid its identity, met a human woman, married her wife, and lived a harmonious life.

Just the back… The appearance of Draco actually grabbed people’s wives at will, and thought that slaves could not be tolerated by anyone!

This also led to a great change in the temperament of the moon lion.

It began to hate humanity.

Everywhere else… It will kill a lot of humans.

It didn’t kill Draco that year.

Then it is up to humans to make up for it, no matter how many people are killed!

“It’s just a pity.”

“You are a criminal, I can’t pity you.”

“Although Draco… Not a good product either. ”

Magellan’s eyes became cold.

There is naturally a reason why he stayed in the remote place of the prison in Advance City, instead of wanting to become a high-ranking naval officer.

I just feel… After becoming a top official of the Navy.

It’s equivalent to becoming a Draco’s seated dog!

He didn’t want that… That’s not his nature.

The scourge of all this.

It was because of Draco.

Draco… What a sin!

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