For the rest of the time, Ken had already suppressed the urge to strike.

He patrolled the first layer of the Red Lotus Hell and the second layer of the Beast Hell every day.

If there are criminals who cannot withstand the torture, they die and become corpses.

He dragged the corpse to the burning furnace and burned it, and did not continue to devour it, mainly not daring to start at all.

Because now many dead spots in the city have been installed with photography phone worms, recording anytime, anywhere.

As a result, Ken is not easy to start with, if it is recorded by photography, the previous plan may be exposed.

For this.

He withdrew these thoughts and planned to live each day honestly.


A month passed.

The time for the experience has come to an end.

After all, he is not a member of the Advance City, and he cannot stay here for a long time.

In the office.

Hannibal lay on the sofa, and he couldn’t help but sigh as he saw that Ken had faded into the overalls of the people who pushed the city.

“Ken, I like you a lot, of course not that kind of like, don’t get me wrong, I like girls very much, absolutely don’t like men.”

“I’m serious, you’ve saved me before, and I’m not the kind of white-eyed wolf who doesn’t report it.”

“If you don’t want to become a naval officer in the future, you can come to Advance City, I’m not kidding.”

“When I become the warden in the future, I can carry you, I believe you have this ability!”

“I do what I say.”

In the discourse.

Hannibal’s tone was full of confidence, as if he felt that he could really become a warden in the future.

Later, he became the warden, and he was pushing into the city, which was the most powerful person!

Want to lift Ken… It’s not casual talk.


And so it is.

Not long after.

Advance City is once again hit by an even bigger attack, that is, Ace is imprisoned, Luffy comes to the rescue, and Blackbeard also takes the opportunity to enter Advance City to find the crew and ask for help.

If the advancing city could not withstand this attack.

Magellan would abdicate and hand over the warden to Hannibal on the spot, abdicating to the vice-warden.

It’s just that…… Because of the incident that Kean caused this time.

Magellan has been thoroughly alerted.

Let’s be honest.

Facing the grievances of Magellan… It is absolutely impossible for him to keep his hand again, and the shot must be a killing move!

When the time comes.

The success rate of Luffy and Blackbeard’s attack may not be high to be honest, maybe history will change!

The other side.

When Ken heard Hannibal’s words, a smile appeared on his lips.

“Deputy Warden Hannibal.”

“Don’t you say that… In that situation, I believe that whoever is going to save you. ”

“However, I will not be in the navy in the future, and if I can come to advance the city, it seems to be a good choice.”

Ken wasn’t lying.

When he rescued Hannibal, he was already the first reaction, and directly rushed to stop the moon lion.

Hannibal must not die here!

Otherwise afterwards.

Magellan’s temperament has definitely changed… This may be interfered with his future plans.


Hannibal was indeed a good man, and it would be a pity to die here.

So saving Hannibal, Ken felt that there was nothing wrong.


Hannibal’s heart was slightly warm, and the corners of his eyes were a little moist.

To be honest, there was no Ken’s support at the time.

He really died in the third layer of hunger hell, and he couldn’t beat the Moon Lion at all.

He doesn’t have the resilience of a jailer beast.

Not to mention Magellan’s powerful Devil Fruit ability means.

He survived.

Already more important than anything!

So repay Ken… For Hannibal, it was already a matter of personality principles.

Find an opportunity in the future, and you must repay Kean’s favor!

Even Ken did not expect that he saved Hannibal at that time, which could naturally trigger Hannibal’s gratitude.

However, this also led Hannibal to repay him.

It has to be said.

Margin…… Wonderful!

“Looking forward to seeing you next time!”

“This is how I contacted me.”

“If you have trouble… You can come and ask me. ”

“I might be able to answer for you.”

Hannibal saw that it was not too early, and he did not intend to delay Ken to stay here.

But before leaving.

Hannibal also left his contact information directly to Ken.

“Deputy Warden Hannibal, then I’ll go.”

“See you later.”

Ken accepted the contact information, really helpless, Hannibal was so grateful to him, he was a little unused to it.

To know.

Almost killed Hannibal… Not a moon lion.

It’s he… Ken!


I can’t continue to stay in Advance City, otherwise there will be some trouble, but fortunately, this training time is short, only one month short.

He also had to try the analysis results this time, and he had not experimented with new skills.

has always been in the Advance City, coupled with this period of duty, did not kill criminals at will.

As a result, Ken now has new skills, but he can’t use them at all!


After Ken went through Domino’s inspection and found that she didn’t bring anything about advancing the city, she simply let Ken leave.

The warden ordered.

When Ken leaves, he is not allowed to bring anything about advancing the city.

And also signed the agreement.

After leaving, Ken was not allowed to say anything about advancing the city.

However…… For Kean.

Advance all things in the city and even intelligence.

In a way… Ken may be more familiar than Magellan!

However, he will not expose the intelligence of the advancing city, isn’t this self-inflicted!

After all.

He also expects Ace to be imprisoned to advance into the city, and then lead to a bigger incident!

When the time comes, it will lead to the biggest climactic battle – the war on top!

If leaked out.

It just benefits Blackbeard even more!

Ken could not have allowed that to happen.

The biggest beneficiary must be him!

Who dares to stop him!

Don’t blame him for being cruel!


Ken strode towards the darkened passage, which led to the Advance City Shore Pier.

At the pier.

There are also five warships stationed here, and they have to hold out the area outside the city every day.

As long as there are unrelated people, even pirates attack.

The navy of these warships … Gotta go up!


Ken’s appearance has allowed these naval personnel to find out, but they have not started.

After all, the people who came out of the city must have been trusted.

For this.

A rear admiral in the navy came directly, he looked at Ken, carefully checked his appearance, and found that it was Ken, and his mouth couldn’t help but speak.

“You are Ken, the trainer assigned by Warden Magellan?”

“Now, at the request of Warden Magellan, you can take a warship back to the headquarters of the Navy.”


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