
“It’s not… What are you talking about? ”

“Are you sure?”

Ken heard that Iceberg actually wanted Franky to hand him the design drawings of the Hades battleship, and he was a little confused at this moment, even a little overwhelmed.

What’s going on?

Actually handed over such an important item to him?

Ken also felt that Iceberg and Franky would never compromise so much, so he took a step back a little and planned to destroy the design drawings of the Hades battleship.

It didn’t turn out to be… Iceberg actually persuaded Franky to hand over the design drawings of the Hades battleship to him!

It is estimated that it is also an iceberg feeling… Franky is reluctant to take this design drawing and is not willing to destroy it, because in the sense, it is an extremely important item for the iceberg and Franky, and it is a relic of Tom, the world’s number one legendary shipbuilder!

Since they are not willing to destroy … Then it is better to leave it to someone else for safekeeping!

This man… It’s Ken!

“Of course I’m sure.”

“If it were someone else… I probably wouldn’t want to. ”

“But you are the first outsider to say that you want to destroy the design drawings of the Hades battleship!”

“Even Master Tom didn’t say that!”

“You have the courage to speak out… Presumably, you don’t want to see this extremely evil weapon appear! ”

“It seems that you don’t want ordinary people to suffer this kind of disaster weapon.”

Iceberg put down the phone worm, his face was serious, and it was not a joke at all.

Hear this.

“You this… It really looks up to me. ”

Ken couldn’t help but stretch out his hand to cover his forehead, his face was a little helpless, it turned out to be this situation.

He destroyed the design drawings of the Hades battleship … It’s because.

He doesn’t have the Hades battleship … No one wants to have one!

Unexpectedly, the iceberg looked up to him a little!

For this.

Ken naturally won’t expose this reason.

At least the starting point… He thought about it like an iceberg.

If this thing were to appear in the world… It must cause disaster!

It’s just that.

Ken was also a little helpless.

If only the world government knew… The design drawings of the Hades battleship were not destroyed, but on him, maybe he was in extreme danger next!

Even the headquarters of the Navy will be difficult to keep him!

Even exposed to the whole world!

The Four Emperors of Pirates will not tolerate his existence!

As well as all kinds of dark forces hidden under the world, they will naturally reach out and want to catch him!

Heavenly King, Aquaman, and Hades were not born.

This also keeps the balance in the current troubled times.

But if Ken had the blueprints for the Hades battleship… It can even be built.

This balance is broken!

Fortunately, the design drawings of the Hades battleship are now only known to the world government.

Otherwise, the capital of water would have been contested by these forces long ago.

In the end, it will only lead to the destruction of the water capital!

Iceberg definitely thinks of this… So want to hand this hot potato to Kean!

It’s smart enough!

“But… It seems to be funny. ”

“The hatred that attracts so many forces… It can attract a lot of strong people to come! ”

“As long as I can win… The competence of those who are strong. ”

“It’s all mine!”

“I can become stronger!”

“Think of it this way… Seems like a good thing! ”

Ken didn’t feel afraid, but was a little nervous.

A truly strong person will never be afraid!

Of course.

He is not yet strong enough to walk invincible all over the world.

After all, this is only the first half of the Great Voyage… Bullying the weak here is simply trivial.

Really powerful characters have long been in the new world!

Sooner or later, he will also have to go to the new world to meet the group of strong people!



Franky came directly to the living area of the iceberg, and his eyes were a little solemn.

This made Ken in the office look wildly, and his heart couldn’t help but secretly say.

“Is there really someone running around the street wearing a pair of underwear?”

It is estimated that only Frankie dares to do this, no wonder he was named with the word “perverted”.

How could a normal person run around the street in a pair of underwear … The point is that you are not Superman!

I have to say that the skin is really thick enough!

“Who is Ken?”

Franky came to the iceberg’s office house, and as soon as he entered, he saw the three CP9 members who had passed out, he was a little frightened, but looking at the young man next to the iceberg, his tone was a little puzzled: “You are Ken?” ”

To this.

Ken bowed his head slightly.

“That’s right… I am Ken. ”

“Less nonsense now.”

“You hurry up and destroy the design drawings of the Hades battleship.”

French frowned, the truth of the matter, Iceberg had told him before.

However, this group of CP9 members actually ambushed in the water capital for five years, and they were still by his iceberg senior brother, that is… The safety of the iceberg in these five years is extremely dangerous, and it may die at any time.

It is also false to say that French is not worried.

Although he doesn’t get along well with the iceberg now… Mainly because of the death of Master Tom that year.

But for the iceberg, he still has great respect.

At that time, Franky was a little unable to get out of his grief, and after Master Tom died, it hit him too hard, and he was a gangster in the capital of water in the future.

However, Iceberg’s mentality is better than his, and after spending that sad time, he wants to make the water capital more prosperous, so he directly becomes the head of the water capital.

Over the years, the economy of the water capital has become better and better, and it has become one of the famous big cities of the Great Sea Route.

It’s all about icebergs.

So it seems… It’s still not as good as his senior brother iceberg, it’s really guilty.


Frankie took a deep breath and stared at Ken, as if he wanted to know Ken’s true face, and he couldn’t help but ask.

“Destroy the design drawings of the Hades battleship… If it doesn’t work, I’ll dispose of it. ”

“It’s just… Aren’t you greedy for the design drawings of the battleship Pluto? ”



Ken’s eyes were a little strange, and he said a little surprised: “You don’t give it to me, I don’t want it yet, this thing is a hot potato, that is, the world government is sinister enough, planning to stealthily seize it, if the whole world knows the design drawings of the Hades battleship, it is actually in the hands of your two junior brothers, your water capital has long been destroyed.” ”

“You don’t give me nonsense, if you don’t plan to give it to me, just destroy it quickly.”

“If I really wanted to… I’ll knock you down now and snatch it directly, isn’t the design drawing just placed in your body? You think I don’t know? It is estimated that if I have a change, you will destroy it immediately, but your speed will definitely not be able to react. ”

“And I’m busy with time… I also have to deal with this group of CP9 members, this group of people are definitely not being held in your naval branch, they may be able to escape. ”

The voice fell.

Frankie was a little shocked.

You don’t give me… I don’t want it yet?

These words… Kind of interesting!

It is even urging to destroy it quickly.

But also… If he were to fight against Ken, he would definitely not be able to defeat him.

How much strength he himself has … It’s still clear.

It is estimated that in the face of the CP9 members… It’s enough to fight!


“Destroy … I still don’t really want to. ”

“I hope you can keep it for me for a while.”

“When I get stronger one day… When it is enough to protect the water capital, I will find you back! ”

Frankie exhaled, as if making a choice, directly took out the design drawings of the Hades battleship in his body, and handed them to Ken with some reluctance.

Ken was a little troublesome.

“You really give it to me?”

“If only the world government knew … I can’t wait to hunt me down. ”

However, although it was a hot potato, he still took it directly.

Something so precious… Don’t be in vain.

So the overall look… The design drawings of the Pluto battleship are parchment rolls, which are a little yellowed overall, and look a little thoughtful, extremely old.

Ken opened the content and looked at it, and suddenly felt a little dizzy.

“These fonts … I don’t understand it at all! ”

It is worthy of ancient text… If you can understand it, there are ghosts!

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