“I’m sorry.”

“I admit that I may have underestimated you before, after all, you are too young, and my strength is really hard to believe.”

“I am sorry for this disrespect for my behavior against you… I feel extremely remorseful and apologetic. ”

“I’m so sorry!”

Ganfort bowed his head and apologized to Ken.

At the moment when the priest died.

He already knew that… He had thoroughly underestimated Ken’s strength.

The other party kills the priest… It’s too easy.

In less than a minute.

Just solve a priest in an instant!

Now the three remaining priests… Maybe Ken can still be killed!

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Anyway, you remember the pay… I still need the Devil Fruit. ”

Ken glanced at Ganfort with some surprise.

Unexpectedly, Ganfort actually apologized to him.

Of course, he didn’t pay too much attention to it.

For people like Ganfor… Often punching in the face to prove is the best means.

I believe that Ganfort also knows almost the extent to which he can kill the priest at will.

As long as it’s not Anilu.


It is estimated that it is not as strong as the CP9 members of the Water Capital!

Although the priests all have the rare props of seeing and hearing domineering and various empty island attack shells.

But…… CP9 members are still stronger.

Each CP9 member has strong combat experience, and with the six-style physical technique, it is still no problem to forcibly defeat this group of priests.

And has the domineering of sight… Nor does it represent anything.

You also need to react, otherwise the enemy’s attack speed is too fast, and even if you predict the enemy coming, it will be difficult for you to dodge the move.

Like a paper painting in the Six Styles… It’s like seeing and smelling domineering, but not seeing and smelling domineering has high potential.

To know.

Top sights and smells domineering… You can even predict the timing of future enemy attacks!

This group of priests in front of him… It is estimated that he can barely use his domineering attitude.

At most, it is used to predict the position of the enemy, whether it can avoid the attack, but also depends on the reaction ability!


“The priest we are going to deal with now… He is the priest of the trial of the ball with a survival rate of 10%. ”

“This person’s name is Shadley, and he is a master of using shock shells, usually hiding shock shells in his gloves, unexpectedly approaching opponents and inflicting damage on opponents.”

“So I mind… You can’t go head-to-head with him. ”

“At least… If you use stealth to kill this person, it is the best choice. ”

Ganfort led Ken to the next temple, and his emotions were already a little excited, after all, after seeing Ken’s strength, he felt that killing the four priests was not a dream at all!

If you let him come… It is estimated that he can kill a priest even if he is desperate.

Not like Ken.

It’s easy to solve.

“Shock shell?”

“Can this thing be as powerful as me?”

Ken recently showed a wistful smile.

This kind of priest who uses foreign props… The strength is simply not worth mentioning!

So he naturally decided… This group of priests is completely inferior to the CP9 members!

On physical aspects.

CP9 members completely crushed this group of priests!

And he can crush the CP9 members, after all, devouring so many criminals… As well as the enemy.

His current physique… It has reached a very strong level!

Even if he bears the impact of the impact shell, he will still not be injured!

So he killed the priest, it was simply easy.


“In front is Shadley’s Temple.”

“Remember my words and don’t hit them hard.”

“The impact of the impact is extremely strong… If it hits the body of an ordinary person. ”

“It will definitely make all the internal organs shatter!”

Ganfort looked at the different types of temples in front of him, and knew that he had come to the right place, and was about to turn his head sideways to Ken and instruct: “And…”


Ken…… See you again!

Disappear next to him again!

“This kid… How is it so reckless? ”

Ganfor’s eyelids jumped wildly, why is this kid so angry and directly strong?

Listen to the plan… And then take your time to fight, right?

This time, though.

He wasn’t so nervous.

Fortunately, he saw Ken solve the scene of Priest Gaidaz, and he didn’t need to worry.

The other side.

Ken, who uses the same method, enters the stealth stealth state, and after entering the alien space, he directly enters the temple.

In the temple.

There is only one person in the priest Shadley, and there are no subordinates of the divine soldier, it seems that the priest Shadley does not like to be disturbed.


Priest Shadley, a strange man who looks like a ball, is sitting cross-legged on the ground, closing his eyes and recuperating.

“What’s going on?”

Ken felt a little strange and did not leave the alien space.


The breath of Priest Shadley… It’s not like closing your eyes at all.

The other party’s breath is a little disordered, which means that this person’s state of mind is somewhat unstable.

Even…… The body is trembling slightly?

Could it be… Has he been discovered?

You must know that Anilu’s heart net can cover the entire empty island, if Anilu is bored, he will investigate at will, and maybe he can find the disappearance of a priest!

After all.

The priest Gaidaz is dead, and the body has been devoured by Ken.

“There is fraud!”

Kenn immediately saw it.

This priest in front of him, Shadley… Actually luring him into a shot?


If it is known that he can be invisible… Even means of being in a different space.

Sadley definitely wouldn’t do that.

“He’s luring Ganfort outside?”

Ken couldn’t help but think of this, after all, Shadley learned to see and smell domineering, and it is estimated that he has detected that Ganfort is outside!


Ganfort had not learned to be domineering at all, and naturally did not know that Shadley was seducing him.


After waiting for some time.

Shadley’s closed eyes couldn’t help but slowly open, revealing his essence, and muttered in his mouth.

“What’s going on?”

“The enemy out there… Didn’t come in and attack me? ”

“Need me out?”

For this.

Shadley was still talking, but there was no one around, it seemed to be muttering, it seemed a little strange, only Ken knew that the other party was contacting Anilu.

“Lord God.”

“How do I do that?”


Shadley seemed to have received the order, and quickly stood up, a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

“Obey… My Lord God! ”

“I’ll go kill the enemy outside now!”

The voice fell.

Shadley then walked out of the temple, wanting to surprise Ganfor!


An invisible door appeared behind Shadley.

The next moment.

A giant tentacle arm of tens of meters suddenly slapped towards the priest Shadley, carrying an amazing power, if it can be slapped, it will definitely be shattered!


Seeing that the domineering aura continued to be released, Shadley suddenly felt the dangerous aura behind him, and he quickly turned his head, but found that there was nothing at all!


This aura full of killing intent… Why can’t you see it?

He could clearly feel that a huge object was smashing at a rapid pace!

It’s just that.

He can’t see, he can only feel it by using the domineering spirit of seeing and smelling!

“Shock Shell ——!”

Priest Shadley did not hesitate to burst out the impact force of the impact shell, you must know the impact force of the impact shell, the user will also be harmed!


He can’t manage that much anymore!

This invisible attack… Who exactly?

Why didn’t even Lord Anilu find out?

In the directive.

Anilu only found Ganfort!

Ken in another space cannot be detected at all!

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