Pirates Start To Become the Son of the Warring States

Chapter 144 Boss, Your Mouth Is Too Poisonous (Happy Chinese New Year Everyone)

"Yeah~ Boss Blue Eagle, you are too strict, I'm just a child."

Aokiji joked at this time.

"Yes, a child in his twenties, I said Qingzhi, and I, a twelve-year-old, didn't even say that I was a child. Why did you say it with an old face?"

Rossindi said to Aokiji.

Aokiji: (⊙o⊙)...

"Boss, you, your mouth is too poisonous."

Aokiji said in frustration, and Luo Xidi smiled slightly after hearing this: "Is this poisonous? If you graduate, you can go to your senior from the previous class, Huang Yuan, and ask this guy what he calls a mouth." poison."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, Aokiji, I'll leave the finishing touches to you. I'll go to King Noyari to discuss the resettlement of these refugees."

After saying this, Rocinandi walked directly to the city. At this time, King Noari had already arrived at the top of the city, and Rocinandi arrived at the top of the city accompanied by Shiliu.

"How do you deal with these refugees?"

Rocinandi looked at King Noyari and asked, and King Noyari paused for a moment after hearing this and said, "I need food, and if there is food, the refugee problem can be solved."

"Food? I've already bought it from the Todogos Merchant Group, but it may take the day after tomorrow to arrive. How will I spend these two days?"

Rossindi frowned, feeling a bit embarrassed, and King Noyari also looked embarrassed. Isn't this in trouble? Are these refugees allowed to sleep here for two days?

"I think the old man can help you solve this problem."

When Rossindi and King Noyari were at a loss, a voice suddenly came along the steps, and Rossindi saw that it was Zefa.


Rossindi looked at Zefa and yelled, Zefa smiled and said: "Lan Ying, you did a great job. I heard Aokiji tell me about your handling method. It is perfect and much better than me."

"Teacher, you have won the prize. Let the teacher introduce you, King Noah."

"This is my teacher, the former admiral of the navy Zefa the black arm, and now the chief instructor and principal of the Naval Academy."

"Hello, King Noari."

"Hello, Mr. Zefa, I have heard of your reputation since I was a child. By the way, Mr. Zefa, you said you can solve the food problem?"

King Noari is indeed a practical king, and he opened his mouth to ask the key to the question. Rosinandi also looked at Zefa at this time, and Zefa said at this time: "I have asked the five nearby Xihai branches to send warships to the branch. The military rations will be transported here, and the urgent needs here will be solved first, and then the navy will check the battlefield after a while, and use the pirates’ money to go to nearby countries to buy food in batches to fill the hole in the military rations.”

Hearing Zefa's words, King Noyari and Rocinandi looked at each other. This method is good, and it can definitely solve the emergency of burning coal. It really lives up to the old saying that ginger is old and hot, and veterans like Zefa will definitely do things reliable.


Half a day later, the navy had finished cleaning the battlefield. The pirates' gold, silver, jewels, cash Baileys, and even the heads of the pirates with bounties were all put together by the navy for a final calculation. Converted into Baileys, the Navy finally paid a huge sum of 600 million Baileys, which is more than enough.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun was setting, all the warships from the nearby branch arrived, and at the same time they brought enough rations for tens of thousands of people for a week.

When the warship arrived, Zefa took 100 million from the stolen money of the pirates to pay for the military rations, and asked them to use the money to buy food for the branch, and King Noyari boarded the tower again.

"Mr. Lanying, you can wake them up now."

As King Noyari said, Rocinandi snapped his fingers to break out of the deep sleep state, and soon the refugees in the square woke up slowly and got up from the ground one by one.

At this moment, King Noah began to speak to the refugees in the city through the loudspeaker bug.

"Everyone, everyone, I am King Noah Dole. First, let me tell you a piece of good news. The rebellion is over. The navy has captured the pirates who were the main culprit of the rebellion. After understanding the situation, the navy believes that you are not guilty. Yes, and the navy is aware of your demands, so the kind navy has decided to give you the greatest help."

"Have all the pirates been caught? That's great. Those nasty pirates didn't treat us like human beings. They drove us away like slaves. It's not uncommon for our relatives to die at their hands."

"Woo~ Damn pirates, they cheated my wife away with a steamed bun, and then seven or eight people, woo... beast, beast!"

"And my brother, because my brother told the pirates who distributed the porridge that the porridge was too thin, and then he was tied to the gate of the camp by the pirates with a dog chain, and starved to death, this group of beasts!"

"Pirate, don't have a good death, don't have a good death! Hey, everyone, look, this kid is a pirate, I know him!"

"Ah, I also have pirates here, MD hit him, kill him!"

When Rossindi released deep sleep, he only determined a general hypnosis range and the strength of the hypnotized individual, so some pirates with weaker physiques were also hypnotized, and when the navy cleaned the battlefield, they also took this group of people I ignored it, but I didn't expect the eyes of the masses to be discerning.

These refugees who had been harmed by the pirates saw these lonely pirates at this time, and they were so angry that they swarmed up, and in an instant, these poor little pirates were annihilated in the sea of ​​people.

When the people dispersed, none of these pirates could breathe. They were all beaten to death by the people. What's more, they tore off the flesh and blood from these pirates and swallowed them alive. point!

Looking at the rioting refugees below, King Noyari said again: "Everyone, I need to apologize to everyone here. As a king, I did not guarantee everyone's rations and let everyone eat their stomachs. I have neglected my duty and I am guilty. But I hope that everyone can give me another chance, give me another chance to lead everyone to prosperity together, and let me atone for my dereliction of duty."

King Noyali bowed deeply, but the refugees below were all silent after hearing this, and there was a whisper from below for a long time: "King Noyari is actually pretty good, why don't you give him another chance."

"Actually, King Noah is a good king. Things have developed to this day, in addition to natural disasters, there is also the world government causing trouble."

"That's right, King Noah is a good king, and he even weeded our wheat fields."

"Ah, when you say that, I still remember that last year King Noah brought the queen to help deworm the vegetables in our village."

"Helped us too."

"And us."

"Ah, it's great to want to come to King Noah, we, let's forgive him and give him another chance."

"Well, okay, I agree."

"I agree."

"And I!"


Happy New Year, Taofu will accompany you to celebrate the New Year this year, hehe~

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