Pirates Start To Become the Son of the Warring States

Chapter 148 The Green Pheasant Joins the Group

"Boss, what do you want to do?"

Qingzhi looked at Luo Xindi and asked. After hearing this, Luo Xidi took a sip from his wine glass and said, "Change the world."


Hearing this, Aokiji was dumbfounded, and covered his expression for a long time and said, "Yeah~ Boss's ambition is really scary, is the world so easy to change?"

"Is it scary? Your words remind me of an old friend. The world is not easy to change, but he must change. He has rotted to the root, and now it will even spread to his trunk (Navy), if the trunk If it is also necrotic, then the world is hopeless, so I want to pull out the roots while the trunk is still strong, and change another day!"

What Rossindi said was an understatement, but it fell on Aokiji's ears like a bolt from the blue, pulling out the roots and changing the day, my ancestors, boss, are you trying to rebel?

At this moment, Shiliu wanted to be a background panel, but he was also startled by Rosindi's words, so he took a sip of wine and suppressed his shock.

"How about it, do you want to help me? Aokiji, Shiliu, and the eavesdropping dragon!"

Rossindi turned around and looked at Drago, who was hiding behind the hatch. At this moment, Drago was leaning behind the hatch, covering up his aura, but no matter how he concealed it, how could he hide it from the sound-proof room? What about Rosindi's scouting?

Rossindi's soundproof room has been open all the time, so what he said can only be heard by Aokiji and Shiliu, and the dragon is a small stove that he deliberately arranged for the dragon after he discovered it.

Luo Xindi wants to test the dragon to see if he can subdue the future commander-in-chief of the revolutionary army. If he can join his plan, his success rate will be even higher. It is possible to be close to the existence of his father Garp's combat power.

"Forget it, Boss Blue Eagle, I won't participate. I've already figured out my own path."

At this time, Long came out from behind the cabin door and looked at Rossindi calmly. At this time, Luoxindi took a sip of wine and looked at Long and asked, "Revolution?"

Hearing this, Long's pupils shrank, and he clenched his hands tightly, as if he wanted to kill someone to silence him, because the biggest secret in his heart was revealed.

But Luo Xindi is not afraid at all, the dragon is not his opponent yet, far from it.

"Don't dare to admit it? Forget it, it's not something to show your face. If you don't admit it, don't admit it. By the way, are you going to defect to the navy?"

Luo Xindi stuck another sentence in the heart of the dragon. At this time, the dragon wanted to kill people more and more, but he still endured it.

"You actually moved the heart-killing dragon, but you can't kill me, so don't waste your efforts, and I don't want to report you, I just want to tell you that your plan is too naive, and the capital of the revolution is too little. The success rate is too low, why don't you help me, my capital is bigger and the success rate is higher, how about it?"

Looking at the dragon, Luo Xindi said again, and the dragon shook his head firmly at this time and said: "The navy is not my stage, and my idea is not wrong. If you want to pull out the roots, you can't rely on the trunk, but you need to plant a new one." A big tree, even though it may be just a sapling now, a young sapling."

"OK, I don't care, I won't stop you if you want to try, but Long hopes that we won't encounter conflicts in the future, otherwise I won't hold back."

"Me too."

After Long finished speaking, he turned around and left. Looking at the back of Long leaving, Luo Xindi was very melancholy. A person who is willing to be inferior to others is also a person who naturally wants to be a king.

But it's a pity not to subdue the dragon, but it can also share part of the pressure from the government for his future great career, so it's not bad for this second generation of Hai to start a business alone, but I don't know when he will choose to start a business.

After the dragon left, Luo Xidi continued to turn around to look at Qingzhi and said, "Are you going to start a business too?"

Aokiji: (⊙o⊙)...

"I, I'll do it with you, boss, but before I take refuge, do you want to reveal your plan a little bit?"

Aokiji looked at Rossindi and asked.

"Do you know the Blue Eagle Party?"

"Blue Eagle Party?"

Aokiji looked bewildered, and Luo Xidi was very satisfied. It seems that the wild boars did a good job of keeping secrets.

"Well, the Blue Eagle Party, a political party organization centered on me, organizational program: justice for the people, organizational personnel: 90% members of the first session, 95% members of the second session, the current sphere of influence, Covering the four seas, the first half of the great voyage!"

Luo Xindi looked at Qingzhi and said, Qingzhi's eyes widened after hearing this.

"There are also some special characters whose identities cannot be disclosed, but you can call them Mr. Duck Egg."

"Mr. Duck?"

"That's right, you'll get to know each other later. As for the list of people inside the organization and the detailed explanation of the organization's program, you can find Wild Pig. He's the political commissar of our Blue Eagle Party. He's in charge of this aspect. Alright, Aokiji. You already know what you know, give me your choice!"

Luo Xidi looked at Qingzhi, Qingzhi pondered for a long time after hearing this, and said: "I will join."

"Welcome, Aokiji."

Rosinindi raised the wine bottle and touched Aokiji, then turned to look at Shileu of the Rain who had been serving as the background board.

"And you?"

"Me, do I want to join?"


Luo Xidi directly pulled out the blood knife: "Kill to kill."

Shileu: (⊙o⊙)...

"I join!"

Xiliu said with a stinking face, "Look at Aokiji joining the warm invitation, why do you want to kill me if you don't join here? This is too different. Xiliu is very wronged. I just want a feeling of being respected." , bastard~

"Haha~ Alright Thunderstorm, don't act like a pissed off daughter-in-law, come, drink, drink."

Aokiji raised his glass and clinked a glass with Xiliu, and Rosinindi also raised his glass and clinked with Xiliu: "Welcome to join, Thunderstorm."


Shiliu touched Rossindi and drank happily. He felt that he had succeeded and gained the respect of Rossindi.

"Hi~ good wine."

"Nonsense, of course it's good wine. The boss got this wine from Mr. Zefa."

"That's it, no wonder this wine bottle looks so familiar. By the way, Boss, Sauro and I have a very good relationship. Why don't you drag him into the Blue Eagle Party?"

"It's not the right time yet. The big guy is too stupid and easy to be tricked by others, so don't let him know."

"Then, what about the poisonous dragon?"

Shiliu looked at Rossindi and asked, and Rossindi shook the half bottle of wine in the bottle and said, "Didn't you see that I still have half a bottle of wine left? This is for attracting poisonous dragons."

"Yeah~ Boss, you're such a thief!"

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