Pirates Start To Become the Son of the Warring States

Chapter 369 Multifaceted Development of the Naval Academy

Guizhu Vergo, this man Rosindi knows too well, Doflamingo's spy, a guy with very good talent, in the future he can bloody smoker Smoker, and he can also be fully armed and domineering Coverage, should be the only existence in Doflamingo's team that is not useless.

It's a pity that he is an Infernal Affairs player. For this Virgo, Rossindi's attitude is to use him and cultivate him. In the future, using him may have unexpected results?

So for this man, Rossindi didn't worry at all, if he wanted to jump back in front of him, he could pinch him to death with one finger!

The reason why a spy is scary is because of his unknown. An obvious spy, there is nothing to be afraid of. You must know that when you are a spy, others may use you as a spy, such as using him to give Dover Lang Mingo sent a false message or two.

In addition to Virgo, there are two more well-known lieutenant generals in the future, one is Dalmatian, that is, the lieutenant general who ate the fruit of the Dalmatian dog, used the finger gun to severely injure Luffy during the top war .

The second is a guy named Bastille, code-named Shark Shark, who is at the level of a dragon suit, with a huge bone mask on his face and a big knife in his hand. Two years later, he entered Dressrosa as Fujitora's subordinate. .

This is the fifth session of the best sailors. It is incomparable with the previous generation, and it is even more incomparable with the third session of gold and the first session of monsters.

Zefa was very angry about this, and found Rossindi, the number two figure in the Naval Academy. After hearing this, Luoxindi laughed and said: "Mr. Zefa, it is not so easy to find a guy with extraordinary talents. It takes time to wait, but we don't necessarily have to cultivate the strongest, after all, the talent of the strongest occupies a large part, and we are actually trying to cultivate the strong and excellent sailors."

"Actually, I have some ideas about the Naval Academy. I don't know if Teacher Zefa can accept it. First of all, the teaching of the Naval Academy has many shortcomings. For example, the teaching is very simple and mainly focuses on increasing combat effectiveness. This is not good. The Navy's Cultivation should be more multifaceted."

"Professionals can be refined, for example, divided into several majors, which can include combat majors, and then subdivided into body skills, gun skills, sword skills, and then some special majors, such as ambulance majors."

Rossindi looked at Zefa and said, Zefa was stunned when he heard this, then looked at Luoxindi and said: "What do you mean by that? What is the ambulance profession?"

Rossinandi looked at Zefa and said: "The ambulance is the ship's doctor. I don't need to tell you how nervous the navy's ship's doctor is now. Every warship is not equipped with five ship's doctors. There are hundreds of thousands of ships. How many sailors died in the war because they did not receive timely medical treatment? Therefore, we must increase the training of ambulance personnel, invite famous doctors to teach medicine in the navy, and let talented people participate.”

"The success of the future will definitely benefit the navy."

Rossindi said, followed by clearing his throat.

After hearing this, Zefa nodded and said: "It makes sense, it is indeed possible to open a medical profession."

"That's right, in addition to the medical specialty, we can also develop a shipbuilding specialty, which is specialized in shipbuilding. The construction of our warships has always been subject to the world government. This is very bad. We also need to have our own warship manufacturing talents."

"In addition to the ship major, there are chart planning, meteorological observation, and even cooking majors can be added. An excellent chef on the sea is actually half a doctor. He can give you the most needed nutrition at the most critical time. .”

Zefa was dumbfounded when he heard that, if calculated in this way, wouldn't the future of the Navy be like a fairy life.

Before Luo Xindi finished speaking, he continued: "In addition to these, the singing and dancing major can also be developed, and some female soldiers can be recruited. Every time the soldiers come back from the war, they can arrange a cultural performance for them. When the time comes, we can guarantee The fear of death is diluted and morale is restored."

Rossindi continued: "These majors need to be well trained. In the future, the navy will also carry out reforms and standardize the navy's combat system. A sailor cannot be allowed to fire artillery and shoot at the same time, and be an observer and an observer at the same time. A cook must be professional."

"Ordinary sailors should learn how to shoot well, those who are talented in physical arts should learn physical skills, those who are talented in swordsmanship should learn swordsmanship, those with good brains should learn strategy, those who can cook vegetables, those who can heal diseases, and those who have a good voice can sing , dancing with a beautiful figure. Everyone should do their own thing and be more professional."

Rossindi explained his plan again, and Zefa nodded again and again. It's a good idea, so let's try to develop it?

After discussing for a long time between Rossindi and Zefa, Zefa started the second round of enrollment. This time, the enrollment was targeted, including nautical charts, meteorology, artillery, doctors, shooting, chefs, singing and dancing, and ships.

All of a sudden, Zefa found a group of professionals. Among them, a gunman named Dadi was a little famous. This guy was impressed by Rossindi. After more than 20 years, he left the navy and gave birth to a child. For Duddy with kids.

The quick shooter who claims to be able to hit the target with 30 shots in ten seconds, once competed with the red-haired pirates' gold medal shooter Jesus Bubi in marksmanship, but lost. He is a very talented guy.

Being selected by Zefa this time can be regarded as his luck, maybe his life will change just like that!

The fifth session of the Naval Academy was held in full swing, and the number of people was even larger than the previous two sessions. In order to help the Naval Academy develop, in terms of charts, weather, artillery, doctors, shooting, chefs, singing and dancing, and ships, Rossindi and Zefa used his connections to find teachers for these guys.

Among them, nautical charts, meteorology, and Zefa found two teachers from the staff department to teach through their relationship with Crane.

Artillery, shooting, these two were transferred from the New World G5 fortress through the relationship of the Warring States Period, two front-line sailors known as sharpshooters came to teach.

The doctor is an old ship doctor who retired from the warship of Air Marshal, and he is very experienced.

In terms of ships, Rossindi directly activated his own contacts and found the world's number one ship master. Tom came to teach, and when these naval ship sailors were going to be apprentices, they all needed to go to Tom's studio for internships. In the end, Tom A diploma is given.

It's just that the last song and dance was very embarrassing. There were only a handful of people who signed up. Looking at the five or six old men, Luo Xindi was in trouble, and there was no suitable teacher for them!

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