"Master Lan Ying, you are finally here. You see, everything is ready according to your requirements. Here are bitter students, and there are civilians."

Seeing the arrival of Rosinindi, Spandine hurried up to flatter him, and then waved to let the two CPs bring a chair, which was indeed a chair. In the eyes of Spandine, only Luo Xixidi is the boss. As for Akakenu, Aokiji, and the two vice admirals, I'm still in charge of CP9.

Luo Xindi was not too polite, and sat down on the chair. Qingzhi smiled and said: "Ah la la~ It really is not the same treatment as the boss, he doesn't even have a chair!"

Akainu didn't say anything. He is not good at words, so he wouldn't make such a joke. Rossindi smiled and said, "Go and move a chair for my two colleagues."

"Yes Yes."

Spandain waved quickly, and then moved a chair for Akainu and Aokiji. At this time, the archaeologists on Dr. Clover's side also saw the true face of Rossindi.

"Blue Eagle? The one who almost killed the One Piece team, Blue Eagle, the legendary lieutenant general of the navy?"

"Yeah, that's him. I've read about him in the newspapers. He's a twelve-year-old vice admiral. Now he's almost become the spokesperson of the navy newspaper."

"That's right, this year's recruiting advertisements are all about him. In the past, they used the images of Garp and the Warring States Legendary Navy. This year, there is a separate recruitment advertisement for him."

"Yes, it is said that the enrollment rate of female soldiers this year is three times that of previous years."


These archaeologists are not people with no information, but they are rare and knowledgeable people in this sea. Therefore, the news on the sea, and this group of intellectuals, are all clear. The person who reported it, they recognized it almost at a glance.

There is no way, the brains of intellectuals are easy to use.

However, among so many people, Olbia was the most shocked, because she remembered that she was killed at sea a few years ago and was rescued by Lan Ying. He violated the rebellion of the world government, but he didn't listen. At that time, he said that he should not meet him again, but he didn't take it seriously. Today, everything seems to have come true.

Can he let himself go this time? Olbia looked at the surrounding CPs and the warships she saw on the outskirts of the island. She knew that this time, it would be very difficult. The government has an attitude in it!

Olbia's heart was extremely heavy. Rosindi was sitting on the chair, just in time to see Olbia looking towards him, and at the same time saw Robin mixed in with the group of archaeologists, stretching out his hand and beckoning to Robin. He beckoned and said, "Robin, come here."

"Ah, you call me uncle."

Robin was taken aback when he heard this, and then walked towards Rosindi. Just as Robin was leaving, two CP9s blocked Robin's way with dark faces.

"What are you doing?"

Rossindi glanced at CP9 and asked, after hearing this, CP9 said with a dark face: "She is an archaeologist."

"She's an archaeologist?"

After hearing this, Rossindi looked at Spandine, who then laughed and said, "She admitted it herself, she said she was an archaeologist."

"Just believe her when she says, how old is she?"

Rossindi pointed to Robin and asked, and Spandain said, "Eight years old."

"Eight years old, think about it with your small brains, is it possible for an eight-year-old archaeologist? What are you doing at the age of eight?"

"Piss and mud."

"Play house with the kids."

Several CP9s spoke cooperatively, and Luo Xidi said, "That's right, this is what an eight-year-old child should do."

"I don't pee and mud."

After hearing this, Robin frowned and said, Olbia who was on the side quickly covered Robin's mouth: "Little ancestor, don't talk nonsense, it will kill people."

Olbia knew that Rossindi wanted to help Robin at this time, so he quickly stopped Robin from talking nonsense.

Rossinanti looked at Spandain and said: "What ability does an eight-year-old child have to become an archaeologist? If you don't believe me, ask Dr. Clover, doctor, is Robin an archaeologist? Do you have the archaeological certificate issued by you?" ,"

Dr. Clover frowned upon hearing this and said, "No, absolutely not. How could I issue a certificate to an eight-year-old child? Just kidding, it's impossible."

"Did you hear me, don't let him go yet."

Rossindi looked at Spandine and said, no matter how stupid Spandine was, he understood at this moment, and smiled quickly: "That's right, we made a mistake at work, come on, let Robin out."

After hearing this, Rocindi smiled and waved to Robin. Olbia pushed Robin over and pushed him in front of Rocindi, followed by Rocindi and looked at him. The shotgun on the ground smiled and said, "Olbia, is this your masterpiece?"

After hearing this, Olbia smiled wryly, "It failed."

"Isn't it normal to fail? I told you a long time ago, don't try to offend the world government. The text of history is not for the weak to study. You just don't believe it. This caused today's disaster, so I can't blame others for everything."

After saying this, Luo Xindi waved his hand and said: "CP9 entered the Omniscient Tree to search for evidence. Although we have confirmed that they are secretly studying the historical text, we still need to find evidence to prove their crimes. We are the government and we are careful. It was people who got the stolen goods and got them together, otherwise they would think that we were handling the case without evidence, which is unprofessional."

After listening to Luo Xindi's words, all the CP9 members responded: "Yes."

The next moment, Chili Kacha all ran into the Omniscient Tree and began to search for evidence.

"Move, move, hurry up."

Spandain yelled loudly, and Rosindi looked at the people around him and sighed. She didn't say anything, but gently touched Robin's head with her right hand. I'm afraid that this loli nurturing plan will grow from a young age. Pheasant replaced himself.

Luoxindi was thinking, and Robin raised his eyes to look at Luoxindi and said, "Bad guy, you are a bad guy."

"Bad guy? Bad guy, right? If you look at it from your point of view, I might really be a bad guy. Who can say it better?"

Luo Xindi looked up at the sky and sighed helplessly. There are no good people and bad people in this world. Children are the ones who distinguish good from bad. Adults want benefits.

In fact, O'Hara and his group can be regarded as a group of dead-headed antiques at best. As far as crime is concerned, there is actually no crime at all. They are just fighting against the world government. It's just a matter of death, but it is definitely not a capital offense on Rossindi's side.

But some things are beyond your control.

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