Pirates Start To Become the Son of the Warring States

Chapter 521 Bibi's son, White Beard

"Isn't this combat power a little insufficient?"

Rossindi frowned slightly. Although he would win for sure, it was not overwhelming. It was a little risky. What if something changed?

So to be on the safe side, we need to introduce new combat power, but the lieutenant general of the branch cannot be easily touched, so who should I use?

Rossindi frowned and thought about it, then tapped the table and wrote the Boy Fleet on the strategy map.

It seems that it's time to compare with Whitebeard's sons. In the past twelve years, under the full training of Rossindi, Ace, Sabo, and even Luffy have all grown super strong.

Ace is currently proficient in using the burning fruit, and has developed a series of big moves such as Fire Fist, Shenhu Shiranui, Yinghuo. Fire Dharma, and even the ultimate big move Yandi.

Moreover, under the training of Luo Xindi, he has developed armed arrogance and knowledge-based domineering, and has reached a very high level. His strength is now steadily at the level of a quasi-general, and he is only one chance away from reaching the level of a general.

Sabo's strength is comparable to that of Ace, and he also has the level of a quasi-general, which is similar to him after eating the burning fruit in the original book.

And thanks to the help of the thunder fruit, Sabo's domineering progress has been rapid, especially the knowledge-colored domineering. According to Rossindi's suggestion, Sabo developed the heart network by using the knowledge-color and the thunder fruit. Now he stands there as a satellite Lightning turret with positioning function.

And also developed a series of terrifying killing moves, such as 30 million volts. Thunderbird, 60 million volts. Thunder Dragon, 200 million volts. Thor, and the destructive big move Lei Ying.

Compared with his two elder brothers, Luffy is far behind, but he has reached the level of an elite lieutenant general, has developed a fourth gear, and has mastered knowledge-colored domineering and armed-colored domineering.

In addition, other members of the youth group have also grown rapidly, basically reaching the level of lieutenant generals, such as X. Drake of the Velociraptor Fruit in the King of Meat Shield Ancient Animals, such as Death Surgeon, and Ai who likes to take out the hearts of pirates. Algarfate Luo, the think tank of the Sri Lanka fleet, super soldier, Vinsmoke. Five siblings, the strongest of which is the third, the invisible black foot, the perverted cook, and Sanji.

In addition to them, there are special classes, sniper king Usopp, weather forecast king Nami, auxiliary baby.5, and transport plane Buffalo.

There is also the royal sister Robin who is in charge of ingenuity, plus the commander-in-chief of the youth regiment, Taotu at the quasi-general level, and Smoker, the deputy commander and elite lieutenant-general level.

It can be said that this unit is the strongest hidden strength of Rossindi.

There are geniuses in this world, and only geniuses can become the masters of this world. The return of teaching geniuses is countless times that of teaching mediocrity.

If it was an ordinary navy, they would still be cannon fodder at the age of eighteen or nineteen, but if they were replaced by Ace and the others, they could become enough to influence the situation of the battle.

So Luo Xindi is going to compare his son with Whitebeard, isn't your son stronger? Then look at the sons of my group of people. This is almost all the sons of luck in this world. I will not lose to your white beard.

Rossindi thought, his eyes narrowed slightly, this battle is the beginning of subverting the world, and it is also a key battle to subvert the world.

Luo Xindi thought about calling Taotu directly.

The relationship between Taotu and Luo Xindi is a bit unclear now. Taotu has always regarded herself as a teacher and godmother in the youth fleet, but Luo Xindi has never expressed anything positively. There is no way, the world government has not overthrown, our family Mr. Lanying has no intention of falling in love.

"Rosindy Sauce~"

"Ahem~ Lieutenant General Taotu, please address your position during working hours."


Taotu pouted. Since Taotu's strength reached the peak of the quasi-general, her mentality has also changed. She used to think that she was not good enough for Rossindi, and she always wanted to follow in Rossindi's footsteps. At that time, Taotu looked around, and now the only woman in the world who can say that she is more powerful than herself is Charlotte Lingling, the Four Emperors.

But that woman looks so ugly, my family Luo Xidi can fall in love with him even if he is blind. Stabilize the beauty on his head.

So from the perspective of probability, Rossindi has no reason not to choose himself.

It was this change of mentality that made Taotu happy, and the throne in the main palace was firmly secured, so she felt relieved and appeared next to Rosindi in the state of a little woman.

Only then can we kindly call Rosindy Sauce~

"Okay, Taotu, don't make trouble, listen to my command, all of your young fleet will return, and temporarily stationed at the Naval Academy."

"Ah, Rossindi Sauce~ You won't let them go to the battlefield, deal with the Whitebeard Pirates."

Taotu was a little alert, and Luo Xidi said: "That's what I thought, Whitebeard is proud of his sons every day, this time I want to show him what my son is like, if he wants to defeat, he must completely defeat him That man."

"But, but they are only eighteen or nineteen years old, they..."

"Trust them, Momotu, they are all natural fighters, so let's do it and carry out the order."


Taotu replied in a low voice, and immediately hung up the phone, which Taotu had just hung up.

"Who is the godmother?"

Ace, Sabo, Luffy, and Luo stretched their heads over. Momotu frowned slightly and said, "Your father, he, he told you to go back and prepare to deal with Whitebeard. You are going to the battlefield."

"To deal with Whitebeard, go to the battlefield?"

The eyes of several people widened instantly after hearing this, Taotu said worriedly: "You are still too young~"

"Yeah! Long live Daddy."

At this moment, the four of them jumped up, laughing loudly.

"Whitebeard, Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, that's great, I want to challenge Whitebeard, I want to defeat him!"

Ace roared excitedly at this time, and Sabo also raised his hand at this time and said: "Hey, the world's number one pirate group, fighting against them, we must have made great progress."

"Fight, fight, fight!!"

Luffy was booing at the side at this time, and Luo sat there watching a few people with knowing smiles. At this time, he was no longer as negative as he was back then, hating the world so much, and wishing to destroy the world. Now he has a partner in his heart. There is a father, a godmother, and a group of people who care about him. Now he wants to protect the world and his hard-won family.

"It's great, I can't, I want to tell everyone this news, so that everyone can be happy together."

Ace ran out quickly at this time, and followed him to the deck. On the deck, Wensmoke 124 was exercising, and Lujuana Minoki Gao and a baby.5 were studying flower arrangements.

Robin was lying on the beach chair reading a book at this time, Usopp was still riding Buffalo in the air, laughing, Sanji was cooking, and Smoker was on guard.

"Hey~ I have good news for everyone."

At this time, Ace stood on a high wall and shouted loudly, and everyone turned their heads.

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