New world, Atvor sea area.

Matsas is a tropical island whose specialty is a variety of crops and fruits.

On this island, at the highest point of a certain mountain peak, a huge black skull flag fluttered in the wind.

On the black flag, there is a cross skull and a crescent-shaped beard, which indicates the ownership of this island… the Whitebeard Pirates!

The Atvol Sea was once the area ruled by Shiki the Golden Lion, one of the three legendary pirates…

However, when the Golden Lion Shiki single-handedly broke into Marine Fando, the Navy headquarters, in an attempt to rescue Roger, he was captured by Garp and Sengoku together, and imprisoned in Impel Down City, his forces and territory also fell apart. !

As a result, after Golden Lion Shiji escaped from Impel Down, he only had three or two big cats and kittens under his command, and some of his subordinates even joined other pirate forces, making him almost a polished commander.

Among the forces carving up the Golden Lion’s territory, Charlotte Lingling, Kaido, Wang Zhi, etc., who were old acquaintances of the Golden Lion during their time in the Rocks Pirates, were the first to flock to Aite. The Vol Sea area got a share of the pie, and Whitebeard also captured three islands for the supply needs of his own pirate group.

There were originally two, but some time ago, Kaido wanted to snatch an island from Whitebeard in the Atvor Sea, but the other party failed and was beaten by him.

In line with the principle of reciprocity, Whitebeard also planted his own pirate flag on an island belonging to Kaido.

Whitebeard didn’t think there was anything wrong with this, and Kaido had no right to refuse, unless the latter wanted to destroy all his other islands and forces in the Atvor Sea…

In the world of pirates, big fists are the last word, and the law of the jungle is the eternal law. Only when your own strength and power are strong enough can you formulate your own rules!

Closer to home, the pirate forces in the Atvor Sea area can be said to be divided among themselves and in chaos, but there are not many people who are tired of living and dare to attack Whitebeard’s territory, so Matsas Island is here. In such a turbulent environment, relative “peace” can be maintained.

After the three-masted sailing ship flying the flag of the Umbrella Company docked on the west coast of Matsas Island, Sephiroth and others did not disembark rashly, but chose to stay on the ship and wait.

This does not mean that no one except the Whitebeard Pirates can land on Matsas Island…

In fact, whether you are a navy or a pirate, as long as you obey the rules on this island and do not cause trouble, you can go ashore and go to the town to buy supplies for supplies.

Therefore, there are many ships flying different pirate flags docked in the port, and the figures of wanted criminals offering bounties can be seen everywhere on the streets…

“We arrived more than an hour earlier than the agreed time.”

Tezzoro looked down at the gold watch on his left wrist. The pointer reached exactly ten forty…

The time they agreed with the Whitebeard Pirates was to meet on the west coast at 12 noon to discuss how Dressrosa would be brought under the control of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Because Sephiroth used space movement to transfer, the journey that originally took two days was compressed to less than half an hour!

“This is incredible…

There are obviously so many pirate ships here, but there is no law and order disorder…”

Scarlett, who was wearing a long blue dress, laid her hands on the edge of the boat.

The pink-haired girl looked from the port all the way to the town. Those unruly pirates had restrained themselves a lot after landing on the island. Although their words and hopes were still crude, they at least “obey the law” “.

“Because if they dare to cause trouble in Whitebeard’s territory, they will all die miserably!

If you follow the rules and challenge, you may still survive, but if you act recklessly on other people’s territory, you are seeking death… This is the unwritten rule of the new world…”

Sephiroth gently put his arms around Scarlet, with a trace of inexplicable emotion in his tone.

In this world, white people have their own rules, and black people have their own rules. Some things may seem unreasonable, but they have their own reasons for their existence.

If you don’t want to abide by other people’s rules, then you can only defeat the person who made the rules, and then establish your own rules…

There are so many pirate supernovas that break into the new world every year, but there are very few people who can defeat the old forces. Most of them are defeated and die.

Got it!

Of course, there are also guys who failed to seize the territory and could only roll back to the paradise in despair, like Crocodile, Moonlight Moria… and others.

If you want to stay in the new world, you will either be persuaded to join a force, or you will die!

In comparison, the paradise is much more comfortable, without such cruel pirate competition rules…

But in this case, don’t be wishful thinking and have your own territory. As long as you get big enough, the navy will send troops to destroy this scourge of yours.


The sun was in the sky, and its warm rays fell on the sea, reflecting the sparkling waves.

There are still eleven minutes until 12 noon…

From the distant horizon, the Moby Dick sailed into the west coast port of Matsas Island.

After the Umbrella Company’s three-masted sailboat and the Moby-Dick mutually confirmed their identities, the Whitebeard Pirates lowered the gangway and set it up on the three-masted sailboat.

Sephiroth, Scarlet, Cyrus, Tezolo, and two Umbrella Company employees, six people passed the gangway and boarded Whitebeard’s main ship, the Moby Dick.


The atmosphere on the ship was a little quiet, which made the footsteps of six people stepping on the deck seem a bit abrupt.

On the deck of the Moby Dick, more than a hundred pirates were standing or sitting.

Sephiroth’s eyes glanced slightly, and he saw many familiar faces, Marco, Bista, Sachi, Huaidibei, Qiaozi…

The pirates cast their sharp gazes on the six people, sizing them up.

Located at the very center of the Moby Dick, under the main mast, there is a huge circular concave platform with steps inside.

Within the alcove, a blond middle-aged man over six meters tall, sitting upright with a golden sword, was sitting on the main seat.

He had a crescent-shaped white beard that curved upward on his face, and he held a wine barrel in his hand.

At this moment, he was pouring wine into his mouth. After drinking a small amount of half the bucket, he laughed and said:

“Gula la la!… I heard… the Kingdom of Dressrosa wants to come under my rule…

Are you ready to give up your status as a member country of the World Government? ”

“That’s not the case… We, the Kingdom of Dressrosa, have no intention of withdrawing from the World Government…

But we also want to gain the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates. ”

Scarlett folded her hands on her lower abdomen. She mustered up her courage, took a slight step forward, and stood in front of the five people.

The girl raised her head and looked forward, looking at each other with the world’s strongest man, the white-bearded Edward Newgate.

Although Scarlet is nervous and uneasy, she must not back down!

Logically speaking, this negotiation should be led by King Riku or Princess Elise, but as the future heir of the kingdom and a key supporter of this negotiation, Scarlett feels that she should shoulder this responsibility. A task…


Seeing this, White Beard frowned slightly, and he placed the wine barrel in his hand heavily on the steps.

Looking at the pink-haired girl below, there was a hint of displeasure in his tone:

“Why…is there no one left in the Kingdom of Dressrosa?

You actually let a little girl come to negotiate with me…!? ”

As Whitebeard finished speaking, a faint coercion instantly emitted from his body, enveloping the six people.

In an instant, White Beard seemed to have turned into a demon god who was indifferent to all living beings. Wherever he looked, all living beings had to surrender and kneel before him!

In the hearts of the six people, a heavy and extremely oppressive feeling appeared at the same time, just like Mount Tai weighing on the top.

The two accompanying Umbrella Company employees are not just rookies, but desperadoes who lick blood from the edge of a knife.


Under Whitebeard’s pressure, their legs could not help but tremble slightly.

This is… domineering and domineering!

As the sense of oppression gradually increased, the domineering aura in Sephiroth’s mind seemed to be stimulated and began to move, as if it wanted to burst out from his mind to respond to the other party’s provocation.


However, he forcibly suppressed the throbbing and did not release his overbearing lust to compete with it.

This time, Sephiroth was accompanying him, but he was only responsible for acting as a guard, while Scarlet and Tezolo were the main players in the negotiations. He could not take over the role, intervene rashly, and expose his identity…

Moreover, Sephiroth is very afraid of Whitebeard’s fruit-shaking ability!

This guy has developed the fruit’s ability to a level that can affect space. He uses the door

The alien space created by the Gate Fruit is likely to be shattered by the opponent’s punch…

It can be said that the Shock Fruit is one of the few abilities that can restrain the Door Fruit!

Now he only hopes that Tezzolo can use his own skills to help Scarlet out of the siege!



In the air, dark red thunder and lightning flashed away, and a majestic and mighty momentum suddenly erupted from Scarlett’s body.

In the girl’s eyes, all the uneasiness and tension receded, replaced by determination and composure.

She must not back down, not only for her country, but also for Sephiroth…

“I am the princess of the Kingdom of Dressrosa and the future heir of the kingdom!

I can definitely make a corresponding decision on this negotiation!”

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