Shampoo Islands, Island No. 60, Naval Base.

In a gym, thick steel plates are laid on the ground, and various “overweight” fitness equipment are placed inside.

Sephiroth is wearing a black sportswear and has medium-long hair on his head. He is holding an alloy iron rod in his right hand, with transparent armed domineering wrapped around it to prevent it from deforming due to excessive weight. …

On top of the alloy iron bar, there are five thick barbell plates made of steel that are one meter and a half in diameter and twenty centimeters wide!

Now Sephiroth feels like he is waving a light wooden sword, waving it up and down unhurriedly and very rhythmically…

More than a month has passed by in a hurry.

Now, Sephiroth is thoroughly familiar with his job, and is also very familiar with the officers in the base.

Normally, apart from his daily affairs, he only needs to deal with those pirates who dare to cause trouble in the Chambord Islands.

He chose to turn a blind eye to those pirates who entered the new world without causing trouble, as well as illegal incidents such as drug trading and human trafficking.

There are some things that Sephiroth can’t do, but there are too many things involved, and he doesn’t want to go into muddy waters…

Of course, if he discovers a pirate with Devil Fruit abilities, he will secretly hunt them down, regardless of whether they are causing trouble or not…

The Shampoo Islands are a gathering place for pirates from all over the world, and the probability of Devil Fruit users appearing is much higher than other places.

For more than a month, he discovered four pirates with Devil Fruit abilities through the bat surveillance network he deployed on the coastline of the Shampoo Islands.

Sonic Fruit, Vulture Fruit, Slippery Fruit, Mole Fruit.

Among these four fruits, he obtained two, namely the vulture fruit and the slippery fruit…

Sephiroth still doesn’t understand. To be on the safe side, he clearly deliberately brought the esper to the basement to kill him. There were mountains of fruits inside, but he still couldn’t make the Devil Fruit 100% reborn in the pile of fruits. inside……

In this regard, he had no choice but to spare part of his time every day to conduct research on the blood factor theory, hoping that he could understand it thoroughly as soon as possible and create devil fruits on his own!

After get off work every day, apart from occasionally working overtime due to pirate troubles, he would also socialize with certain interpersonal relationships.

Among the people he befriended, there were people from the underground world and high-level corrupt groups in the navy…

Speaking of which, Sephiroth was able to get in touch with the corrupt top brass of the Navy so quickly, thanks to Commodore Keisha…

Originally, he thought that Brigadier General Kesha was his boss after all, and the two of them needed to have a good relationship to avoid the other party making things difficult for him in the future.

So, Sephiroth invited Kesha to visit the Joyous Club in Happy Street several times.

After Kesha got drunk, she revealed intentionally or unintentionally that he had a profitable business of his own, and as long as Sephiroth knew what he was doing, she would live and drink with him in the future…

So, the next day, Sephiroth used the other party’s “birthday” that had passed several months as an excuse to send him 200 million beli in banknotes.

After a few polite words, Kesha accepted the belated birthday red envelope with a smile.

After a few days, Kesha took him one after another to get to know and make friends with some commodores, major generals and lieutenant generals of the Navy Headquarters, as well as senior officials of the World Government.

Among them, he also met a hateful-looking guy, Guan N Dai, Spandyne…

In any case, Sephiroth has always successfully blended into the dark and corrupt forces of the World Government and became one of them. He has also roughly seen how corrupt those high-level officials are…

Corruption, bribery, money and power trading, participation in illegal trade… all kinds of saucy operations were simply shocking. Sephiroth shouted directly in his heart, “Sooner or later, the world government will be over!”


He was not in a hurry to use the power of those people to develop the umbrella company’s business.

Knowing people but not knowing what they know, especially among a group of guys who are full of bad intentions, Sephiroth will not act rashly before finding out the other party’s background and identity, lest he will be eaten to the bone…

At the door of the gym, Frank ran over panting and with an anxious expression. He hurriedly reported to the silver-haired young man:

“Colonel Sephiroth, we just received a call from a phone bug. There was a pirate robbery on the streets of Island No. 45…”


When Sephiroth heard this, he nodded calmly and put down the barbell in his hand.


A loud noise suddenly came from the steel floor, and the whole

The room vibrated.

Sephiroth casually combed the long bangs on his forehead and parted the silver hair that blocked his view. He walked to the rest chair in the gym and picked up the long black sheathed knife placed on the chair.


As he drew his sword out of its sheath, a thin crimson line was drawn in the air, and a spatial folding door immediately extended to both sides.

“Call a team of people to gather here!”

After saying that, Sephiroth used his ability to split a black bat and left it in the gym. Then he stepped into the world inside the door. Through the black bat he had left in the central area of ​​Island 45, he instantly Open the door and arrive at your destination.

Frank had long been accustomed to this scene of his parents disappearing. He walked to the barbell that fell on the ground and wanted to move the barbell back to the rack.


No matter how hard he exerted his hands and suppressed his face turning red, he only slightly raised the corner of the barbell.

“Phew! Sure enough, I still can’t move it!

When will I be as powerful as the commander…”

Frank let out a long sigh, feeling a little disappointed in his heart. He loosened his hands. He stood up and walked out of the gym quickly, calling for people to gather here.

On his first day at work, Sephiroth beat up everyone in the entire department. Originally, the navy soldiers were a little unhappy with this commander.

But after they followed Sephiroth on several missions, the young man’s prestige in their hearts was established…

There is no other reason but profit!

The Special Mobile Force is actually a very thankless department, with a particularly high casualty rate!

Every time they went on an impromptu mission, it would either be a bloody battle with heavy casualties, or the pirates would have already left by the time they arrived at the scene…

But after this officer came, he almost always went on a mission alone. They only needed to collect the corpses of the pirates afterwards, and he counted all the prisoners with bounties he killed as group cooperation. Mission, distribute bounties to soldiers of the Special Mobile Forces.

They don’t have to work as hard as they can, but they still get bonuses every time. Who doesn’t like this kind of officer?

In fact, Sephiroth didn’t care much about what his subordinates thought of him. Those pirates with tens of millions of bounties on their heads were just mosquito legs to him.

He just asked the soldiers under his command to be safe and to avoid casualties!

The number of casualties among soldiers and the number of pirates captured are both indicators for officer assessment and promotion. From colonel to brigadier general, it is a moderate hurdle. You need to accumulate some achievements on paper before you can safely pass it.

For this reason, he doesn’t mind treating his men like pigs, letting them eat and drink well and gain weight on their own, and don’t hinder his future!

Therefore, those bounties are just a means to appease people’s hearts…

After all, if you don’t give people the opportunity to perform meritorious service and don’t give them benefits, then who will be willing to listen to you?

It’s not bad if people don’t do it to you!

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