Shampoo Islands, Island No. 41.

In a three-story villa, there is a restaurant on the first floor.

Four people are seated on a rectangular dining table.



Sephiroth turned his head slightly and saw Marigold pouting her little mouth and looking at him with pitiful eyes.

I feel wronged, but I won’t say it!

Seeing this situation, the corners of Sephiroth’s eyes couldn’t help but twitch slightly, and he secretly muttered in his heart:

Don’t worry about scarcity, but worry about inequality!

Among the three Boya sisters, Marigold is the only one who was not given a Devil Fruit by him!

It’s natural for an orange-haired girl to get into a mood…

Thinking of this, Sephiroth couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, “Women are so troublesome!”

However, he still said with relief:

“Marigold, I don’t have any better Devil Fruits right now…

When I find it in the future, I will definitely give you one, okay? ”


Hearing this, the orange-haired girl nodded repeatedly. The unpleasant emotions in her heart quickly disappeared, and her sweet smile returned.

At the same time, Sephiroth was also thinking quickly in his mind about what kind of Devil Fruit he would give Marigold in the future.

In One Piece, Devil Fruits can both beautify and disfigure your face!

If Marigold eats some weird fruit and makes the girl become weird, the consequences…

What a shame!

Little Sephiroth was the first to refuse!

In fact, after Sephiroth ate the vampire fruit, he was slightly affected.

His appearance was originally a sunny one…

However, as Sephiroth continues to develop his fruit abilities, although his facial features and appearance have become more handsome, they have begun to develop in a monstrous and evil direction, making Sephiroth’s first impression now , that is, a young man with slightly pale skin, charming and handsome appearance, and a slightly gloomy temperament…

Sephiroth knew that all phantom beasts had their own will and would choose the right master on their own.

It has to be said that the compatibility between his character and the vampire fruit is indeed very high.


It cannot be ruled out that the will in the fruit is affecting him!

Sephiroth is like a creature hiding in the “darkness”, watching indifferently the beautiful things in the “sunshine”. His greatest desire is to live in the “sunshine”, but he is afraid of the “sunshine” , afraid of the harm it will cause…

Therefore, he chose to hide in the “gloom” and dance in the “gloom”.

Only “darkness” is the most suitable place for him to live…

When the devil fruit user’s body, mind and abilities match, the fruit can awaken!

In the process of continuously developing his abilities, Sephiroth also felt some kind of guidance in the dark, calling him and asking him to move closer in a certain direction…

Closer to home, among the devil fruits that can beautify people in One Piece, among the fruits he knows, the only ones left are bubble fruits and paste fruits…

Sephiroth felt that the lower limit and upper limit of the Bubble Fruit were not high, and even if he obtained this fruit in the future, he would not give it to Marigold.

As for the paste fruit…

For this Devil Fruit, clothes are just a burden. Only by wearing them can you maximize your fighting power!

Considering this shortcoming, even if he killed Sephiroth, he couldn’t give it to Marigold!

My wife, you can look at it yourself, but show it to others…?

Let alone a door, even if it’s a gap…it’s impossible!

After much thought, Sephiroth decided to help Marigold find a powerful Devil Fruit…

Of course, the animal type, bird fruit, and vulture form in the underground warehouse were not within his scope of consideration. He was embarrassed to give it to Marigold even if it was just an ordinary species!

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Sephiroth’s mind.

Um! ? …Speaking of which, during this time period, over at Sky Island, has Enelru eaten the Thunder Fruit?

If not, wouldn’t it be a good idea to find it for Marigold?


If Enel has already eaten the Thunder Fruit, don’t blame him for being cruel!

I have decided that in three days, when I have my day off on Saturday and Sunday, I will go to Sky Island!


After dinner, Sephiroth walked into the kitchen carrying a mountain of plates and started washing the dishes.

“Sephiroth, let me help you wash the dishes!”


After receiving the answer, Hancock immediately smiled sweetly and left.

Entering the kitchen, she took the rag next to her, poured detergent on the plate, and started wiping it.

Hancock is still the most considerate, unlike Marigold and Sanda Sonia, these two guys are careless all day… Sephiroth glanced at the living room and was teasing Two girls who are vampire bats.


At night, the moonlight is like water, shining through the leaves of the Argentine mangroves and falling on the ground.

Three-story villa, first floor, bathroom.

In a bathtub that is five meters long and four meters wide, white mist is steaming. Under the action of the water sprayer installed at the bottom, hot water with the right temperature is constantly surging.

Marigold and Sandasonia, who had already finished cleaning, were sitting lazily in the bathtub, chatting.

Sephiroth stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, slowly opened the curtains, and looked through the single-sided glass at the bright moon hanging in the night on the sea in the distance.

He bought this villa. In addition to its spacious basement, a large part of the reason why he bought this villa was because of the bathroom facing the sea.

Sephiroth was used to taking a shower after working out and sweating.

In this bathroom, not only can you take a bath and relax, but you can also enjoy the sea view, which is simply a pleasure!

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