Boom! Boom! …

The sky was covered with dark clouds and there was lightning and thunder.

Amidst the howling wind, heavy rain fell.

Sandasonia stood on the top of the mast. While looking into the distance, she shouted loudly to the three people on the deck:

“Visually there will be a large current vortex ahead, adjust the sail angle to allow the ship to sail in crosswind!

We can’t be sucked in, otherwise the ship will be destroyed! …”

In the violent storm, Marigold turned the rudder, Sephiroth and Hancock each stood on one side of the mast, quickly loosened the rope, and adjusted the length of the rope.

Under the strong wind, the sail angle immediately deflected.

The rain fell on them like knives, causing the four people’s body temperature to drain rapidly, but no one took shelter in the cabin to take shelter from the rain.

In this situation, if you are not careful, the ship will be destroyed and everyone will be killed. No one can be lazy at this moment.

After driving for a long distance, the temperature suddenly dropped, sleet began to appear in the sky, and occasionally a few hailstones fell.

Gradually, the rain became lighter and the wind slowed down, but the sky became heavily snowy, as if it had entered the twelfth lunar month of winter, and the ship entered a stage of smooth sailing.

At this point, the four of them breathed a sigh of relief.

“Ah sneeze!”

Sephiroth sneezed violently. He couldn’t help but touch his nose and muttered:

“The climate suddenly changed from summer to winter…

The weather on the Great Waterway is so unpredictable! ”

The storm had passed, and Sandasonia also jumped down from the mast. She smiled and said to the three of them:

“We have now entered the winter sea area. In addition to the severe cold, the wind and waves on the sea will be relatively light. We can take a break for a while.”

Nine slave traders once lived on this ship.

Therefore, there is plenty of water, food, and cold-proof clothing for the four of them.

They rummaged around in the cabin for a while and soon found the thick cotton clothes.

Although the three women were a little disgusted by the fact that those clothes had been worn by men, they had no choice but to put on those clothes to keep warm.

Among the three girls, Hancock was probably the one who resisted the most. She just put on a black plush cloak and didn’t even change the soaked clothes underneath.

I don’t know how she could endure such a cold temperature and wearing wet clothes…

Sephiroth picked through the wardrobe in the crew lounge, put on a blue cotton coat on his upper body and a pair of black cotton trousers on his lower body, then walked into the kitchen and started preparing for today’s dinner. .

Boya Hancock folded her arms and leaned half against the door of the kitchen. She said with a surprised look on her face:

“Eh!?… Sephiroth, can you actually cook?”

Hearing this, the boy who was peeling potatoes immediately paused. He raised his head and said in surprise:

“Isn’t cooking a basic skill in daily life?

Why do you look so surprised…”

“Ah! This…is…is it? But I find it so difficult to cook!

I often overcooked it, or undercooked it, or added too much salt… so Sundar Sonia and Marigorud didn’t let me cook…

Obviously I am still quite interested in this aspect. ”


Sephiroth glanced at the future pirate empress. He finally suppressed his desire to complain and said:

“Just practice more in the future…”

“By the way, aren’t you going to change out of the wet clothes inside?

This will make you catch a cold, right? ”

Only then did he realize that the girl with long black hair and straight hair in front of him was actually wearing a soaking red shorts and skirt under the fluffy cloak.

Boya Hancock blinked Kazilan’s big eyes and said curiously:

“What does it feel like to have a cold?

I have never tried it since I was a child…”

Sephiroth: “…”

The young man thought about it carefully. It seemed that the physical fitness of the humans in the One Piece world was indeed different from the physical fitness of the ordinary people he knew in his previous life…

Not to mention perverts like Whitebeard, who can continue to rage even without half his head.

Usopp, a weakling who often suffers fractures and excessive blood loss in the early stage, can recover to his original state after a period of time without leaving any hidden dangers…

There are even some minor characters who were stabbed several times in a row and sprayed blood as if for free, but they survived in the end and recovered after a period of time, just like normal people!

As a graduate of clinical medicine, in Sephiroth’s opinion, this is not scientific at all!

Um! ? ……wrong! The world is different, and the rules may also be different

, without research, I cannot make a conclusion so easily, it must be rigorous and scientific!

Under Sephiroth’s busy work, beef stew with potatoes, stir-fried pork with broccoli, braised fish cubes, and tomato and egg soup were placed on the dining table one after another.

The alluring aroma emanating from the dishes made the three women sit around the dining table, swallowing their saliva and staring.

When he brought out the last dish of braised pork from the kitchen and shouted “dinner is ready!”, the three Boya sisters could no longer bear the desire in their hearts, and started to eat with chopsticks one after another.

Hancock picked up a piece of fish, put it in his mouth, chewed it, and groaned:

“Hmm! It’s delicious…”

Sundar Sonia, a green-haired girl, took a bite of pork stir-fried broccoli and felt the perfect heat and taste. She couldn’t help but sigh:

“Sephiroth, are you a professional chef?

Your cooking skills are much better than those of our Nine Snakes pirate crew’s chefs!

That guy boils a big pot of food with water every day, adding some salt and oil directly to it, and at most some spices… The smell makes me almost vomit! ”

The young man smiled first, then shook his head and said:

“Thank you for your compliments!

But…I am not a chef, but a doctor! ”

“Doctors actually have such good cooking skills? It’s simply incredible…”

Marigold picked up a piece of potato with chopsticks and put it into her mouth. The feeling of it melting in her mouth, coupled with the rich flavor of soup and beef, made her a little intoxicated.

“This! It’s a long story…”

A trace of nostalgia flashed across Sephiroth’s face, and he subconsciously touched his pants pocket to light a cigarette for himself.

When he was empty, he remembered that the original owner of this body was a good boy and didn’t smoke at all, which made him sigh slightly disappointedly.

In fact, the reason why he has such good cooking skills originally originated from a corpse anatomy class…

He still remembers the strong corpse smell and the cold corpse he touched through rubber gloves…

He was suppressing his nausea. After dissecting the corpse, he had no appetite for food for several days. Especially when he saw meat, he had the urge to vomit.


Maybe he was too hungry, and his hunger made him overcome the shadow in his heart.

At that time, he had not eaten much for several days. When he happened to pass by a roadside barbecue, he was attracted by the smell of barbecue filling the air. He completely forgot about autopsies and other things. , had a feast at that barbecue stall.

Since then, he seemed to have an obsession with food and became a foodie, from eating out to making his own food.

Before he knew it, he had good cooking skills!

After dinner, it was too dark and snow continued to fall in the sky.

This is a great and ever-changing waterway. For safety reasons, Sandasonia decided not to sail anymore and chose to drop the anchor.

The four people discussed it and decided to divide into two groups, each group holding a vigil for one night.

In this way, it not only ensures that everyone has sufficient rest time, but also prevents sudden changes at sea.

Tonight, Sephiroth and Hancock will keep vigil…

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