The second half of the Grand Line, the new world.

The Kingdom of Dressrosa is a tropical island with abundant rainfall and a resort style.

This island is filled with the fragrance of flowers and is famous for its delicacies. In addition to food, music and gladiator competitions, the young women are also famous for their passionate and unrestrained personalities and their sexy and hot dance moves. Far and near.

Therefore, Dressrosa is also known as the “Land of Love and Passion”.

There is also a “goblin legend” circulating in this country. If something is stolen inexplicably, it is the work of goblins. People do not need to pursue the stolen things, but should regard them as lucky traditions.

In fact, the origin of the “Fairy Legend” is just that the current royal family, the Riku family made up for the past royal family, the Don Quixote family enslaved the Dontata family, which was known as the “little human race” for hundreds of years. Atonement compensation.

800 years ago, the Don Quixote family left the Kingdom of Dressrosa and went to the Holy Land of Marijoa. After becoming a Celestial Dragon, the Riku family who took over the kingdom made a promise that “in this country, the Dontata family will be reunited.” There is no need to work; whatever you need in life, you can get whatever you ask for.”

In this way, the king called the mysterious disappearance of supplies a “goblin’s prank” and hoped that the people would laugh it off.

In later generations, the citizens who slowly learned the truth about the so-called fairies accepted the king’s agreement without exception and chose to silently protect this once-poisoned race.

As a result, Dressrosa’s “Fairy Legend” gradually spread, and a peculiar tradition of “not only not pursuing stolen things, but treating them as luck” was formed in the country.

On the other hand, because they were grateful for the kindness of the Liku royal family, the kind-hearted Dontata family did not care about their past grudges and worked hard to transform the country into a land full of flowers and greenery, making the island always full of the fragrance of flowers. .

Gradually, these little “goblins” that people can’t see have become the special “patron saints” of Dressrosa.

However, due to the promise of the Liku royal family, the Kingdom of Dressrosa lost the hard-working and cheap labor force of the Dontata family. After the Don Quixote family left, the country became much poorer than before.


The Kingdom of Dressrosa is one of the countries that joins the World Government. In order to maintain the country’s legal rights and status, it has to pay huge amounts of heavenly gold every year, which forces the country to impose heavy taxes.

Therefore, the people of this country can be considered happy, but they are definitely not wealthy. It can only be said that the average per capita is above the food and clothing line.

The Kingdom of Dressrosa falls under the jurisdiction of the G5 branch of the Navy. However, since this branch is specially used by the Navy to exile and distribute problematic naval soldiers to wait for their retirement, the number of personnel in this branch has always been far lower than that of other G branches. Prefix branch.

Therefore, the maritime security situation in this area is not very good. Pirates often appear and rob passing ships.

Going deeper through this sea area is the area where the major pirate forces in the New World are divided. Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, Whitebeard, Wang Zhi… and other major pirates will conquer the islands of the New World. , the country was divided into its own sphere of influence.

Due to the special circumstances of the New World, most countries are ruled by the dual forces of pirates and the World Government at the same time, while those countries that are not part of the World Government are under the rule of the pirate forces.

The reason why pirates rushed into the Grand Channel, apart from the “One Piece” mentioned by Roger before his death, another important reason is that they want to establish their own territory in the chaotic new world, and even claim kingship and founding a country. .

Do princes and generals like Xiang Ning have the guts?

This is probably the mentality of the pirates in the New World. Those nobles can be kings, why can’t they…?

Therefore, in the new world, in addition to plundering materials from hostile forces, pirates also need to maintain the “security” of their own territory.

Among them, take the Whitebeard Pirates, the strongest group on the sea, as an example. They will plunder islands or ships that are not under their own control, and those islands or countries that provide tribute to them will be robbed. When other pirate forces invade, in order to maintain the prestige of the pirate group, they must also retaliate against the forces that dare to offend them.

To a certain extent, this slightly absurd pirate rule has caused those large pirate groups to break away from the category of pure pirates…

Even in the first half of the Great Waterway, they will have a contemptuous attitude towards the pirate groups who only engage in burning, killing and looting in the paradise without establishing their own territory.

For the other party, they are just playing a game of “pirates’ house”.

In Sephiroth’s view, although the Yonko Pirates in the New World are still pirates, they already have the prototype of a “country” in form.

However, this “country” is based on the absolute strength of each four emperors at the strategic level.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Five Old Stars, the Yonko Pirates are at best another form of country. And with so many countries in the world and so many non-World Government countries, four more countries is not a big problem. , there is no threat to the rule of the Tianlong people at all.

Therefore, just ignore the Yonko Pirates and let them enjoy themselves in the new world.

A hundred years later, those four emperors were reduced to a pile of withered bones, but the World Government still stood.

Compared with the small-time pirates, the revolutionary army established by Dorag is a major concern for the world government. They pursue freedom and equality, want to overthrow the rule of the Celestial Dragons, and continue to spread this idea.

People are mortal, but thoughts can be continued…

In order to erase the thoughts of a certain ancient kingdom, the world government spent a full hundred years, and did not hesitate to regress the world’s civilization and implement the policy of obscuring the people, so that people gradually forgot the thoughts of pursuing freedom and equality…

Closer to home, due to poverty, after the Kingdom of Dressrosa handed over the huge amount of heavenly gold and joined the World Government, it could no longer afford one more target for the pirate forces.

This makes their country often invaded by other pirate groups.

If it were not for the “benevolent government” pursued by the Liku royal family, which is relatively simple, never extravagant and wasteful, and never collects excessive taxes, this country will definitely fall into complete poverty and hunger…

This time, Zefa led the military cadets to come to support in order to destroy a pirate alliance…

The east coast port of the Kingdom of Dressrosa is flanked by mushroom-shaped rocks.

A warship slowly sailed in from the sea and anchored on the shore.

Under the leadership of Zefa, a group of military cadets quickly walked down the gangway and logged on to the dock.

Not far away, the three-meter-tall Cyrus, the commander of Dressrosa’s army, came over with ten soldiers.

“You must be Admiral Zefa, right?

I am Cyrus, commander of the army of my country, and I have come to greet you by order of King Liku. ”

“Then I’ll trouble you, Sir Cyrus!”

A hearty smile appeared on Zefa’s face and he nodded towards the other party.

Under the leadership of Cyrus, everyone walked on the straight King’s Avenue, passed through the central square, and headed towards the palace.

After walking for a long time, they arrived at the main hall and saw King Liku, who was in his prime and had black hair, sitting on the throne.

“General Zefa, welcome to your arrival!”

King Liku stood up from the throne and took a few steps quickly. With an expression of joy on his face, he shook hands with Zefa.

Although he is the monarch of a country, Zefa is one of the three generals of the navy. In terms of status, he is not lower than him.

“Hello! His Majesty King Riku.”

Zefa also smiled and nodded.

King Liku glanced at the thirty military students behind Zefa, and he asked tentatively:

“I don’t know, how many people are here this time?”

“Including the number of people staying on the warship, we have a total of fifty-one people here this time.”

“Ah! This…”

Hearing this, King Liku’s expression suddenly changed, and his tone was full of worry:

“As I said when I asked for help from the Navy Headquarters, there are more than 3,000 pirates from the Pirate Alliance who came to force Dressrosa to surrender this time…

But you only have fifty-one people here, plus our King’s Army of Dressrosa’s fifteen hundred people, you are still at a disadvantage in terms of strength! ”

“Hahaha! Don’t worry! King Riku, with more than 3,000 pirates here, I can’t make any waves at all.

In addition, each of these students behind me is a super elite in the military academy, and they are not weak in strength. Just keep your heart in your stomach!

In addition, the G5 branch will also deploy a hundred people for support during these two days…”

Zefa laughed and slapped his chest loudly.

“But… okay!”

King Liku looked a little embarrassed, but in the end he had no choice but to give up.

Four days ago, a group of pirates broke into the Kingdom of Dressrosa. They declared to King Riku that they wanted the entire kingdom to surrender to them and accept their rule from then on.

King Liku would naturally not agree to this!

So, he asked Cyrus to repel the opponent…

But when the other party left, it was Yang

It is said that they are a pirate alliance composed of seven pirate supernovas, with more than 3,000 people.

When the time comes, they will definitely come back to attack Dressrosa. If they don’t surrender by then, they will drag the entire country into the flames of war.

After King Riku verified the opponent’s pirate group flag and the information in his words, he quickly applied for help from the Navy Headquarters.

He wanted the Navy Headquarters to send a large number of navy troops to Dressrosa for support.

In this way, he could minimize the casualties of the king’s army and civilians in this war.

It seems that now we can only let Cyrus lead people to arrange defensive measures and emergency evacuation arrangements as much as possible…

After King Liku exchanged a few words with Zefa, he sent people to arrange their own rooms in the palace for all the marines.

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