Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 113 How pitiful, Mr. Thunderbolt.

Enelu rolled on the snake and almost fell.

Link ignored him after throwing him onto the snake. If Robin hadn't pulled him up when he saw this, Enel would have been thrown off by Nolan.

"Ara, it's really dangerous, Mr. Thunderbolt."

Robin smiled and fixed Enelu on Nolan with the flower fruit.

"Whatever, I've really had enough."

Enilu's eyes were dull and he stared blankly at the sky.

This idiot Link doesn't remember anything at all. He is now so injured that he can't even move!

If it weren't for this sinister woman, he would have definitely fallen just now.

Robin used his fruit power to sit still and couldn't help but laugh when he saw Enel's appearance.

"How pathetic, Mr. Thunderbolt."

Even more pitiful than Crocodile before. No wonder Crocodile couldn't stop smiling when he left just now, and Robin can't stop smiling now either.

Nolan climbed all the way up and passed a temple built on the clouds.

This is where Anilu lives. There are still some divine guards here at this time. Seeing Nolan's huge figure, they tremblingly plan to stop him.

Although they are afraid of Nolan, who is known as the Lord of the Sky, they are even more afraid of the god Enel!

They may not necessarily die if they fight against the Lord of the Sky, but they will definitely die if they run away and wait for Enelu to come back!

But Nolan ignored the guards blocking the way and ran over them. For him, finding the light of Shantora was the most important thing at this time.

The divine guard was knocked upside down, which was why he didn't see Enel on Nolan.

This is also a good thing for Enelu. At least his image has not collapsed, which can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

After passing the palace of Enelu and walking a little further up, you reach the top of the huge vine. There is nothing here except the two top leaves.

Nolan was coiled on the vines, spinning around anxiously, because there was no light from Shandorla here.

"Enilu, there isn't one here either? Enelu? Enelu?!"

Link searched around and found nothing, let alone the golden clock. There was not even gold here, except for the vines and only the surrounding clouds.

After calling twice, he found that Enel was unresponsive. Link couldn't help but look back, only to find that Enel had closed his eyes tightly, his breath was weak, and he had passed out.

"Fell asleep?"

Link scratched his head in confusion and looked at the unconscious Enelu in confusion. He was planning to rely on him to find the Golden Bell, but unexpectedly he fell asleep at this time.

"It's the human body's self-protection mechanism. He was injured too badly, and in order to prevent him from being tortured by the pain, his body made him pass out."

To put it simply, he was knocked unconscious by the pain.

Link nodded thoughtfully. Seeing that he couldn't count on Enelu, he had no choice but to look for it himself and Nolan.

Just as Uta and Link were looking around, Nolan, who accidentally looked up, suddenly shouted excitedly.

"Found it? Let me take a look!"

Link looked up in the direction indicated by Nolan and saw a golden clock standing tilted on the clouds in the distant sky, shining with dazzling golden light in the afterglow of the setting sun.

That is the light of Shantora!

Nolan's body twisted wildly, trying to reach that place, but the clouds were too far away and Nolan couldn't fly, so he couldn't reach the Golden Bell.

"Don't worry, just wait until Crocodile comes back and let him get it."

Link comforted Nolan and gradually calmed down his excitement.

I've been looking for it for so many years and I don't mind waiting a little longer.

And as Nolan's voice subsided, a faint voice came from Link's ears.

The sound was gentle and long, distant and silent, and faintly, it seemed like there was another bell echoing.

This sound was very strange, and Link always felt like he had heard it somewhere before, but he had heard a lot of strange sounds recently, and he couldn't remember it.

Link frowned and thought. When Uta saw this, he stretched out his hand to smooth his eyebrows and asked softly: "What's wrong? Didn't you find the golden clock?"

"That's not what I was thinking about."

Link didn't know how to express it, and he couldn't learn the voice to tell Uta.

It's not a big deal anyway. He has gradually gotten used to it after hearing too many strange sounds.

No more words, he hugged Uta and sat quietly on the snake's head.

Nolan also stared at the golden clock longingly, waiting for the man who could fly to come back.

In about an hour, Crocodile led everyone to find this place. Although they had left their original position, Crocodile could easily find them even if they didn't need to see and hear the domineering power, just by looking at the snake paths that were spreading on the ground.

Seeing Crocodile coming back, Nolan immediately hissed at him excitedly, but Crocodile couldn't understand Nolan's words and couldn't understand them at all.

"He asked you to go over and bring down the Golden Bell."

Link smiled playfully and pointed to the horizon in the distance, on a floating cloud, where the golden clock was placed.

Although it was already dark at this time, the shining golden clock could still be seen in the starlight of the night sky.

"Rolando doesn't seem to be lying."

Olvia sighed, thinking about the ending of the story, she couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

"Gurewa, you go and treat him first. This guy will be with us from now on."

Crocodile pointed at the unconscious Enel, then turned into yellow sand again and went to get the golden clock for Nolan.

Gulewa took two steps forward, touched Enelu's bones casually, raised her eyebrows, and said to Link with a strange smile: "Hey, Link, you are very cruel."

Not only all of the bones were broken, but most of them were broken, and only a few pieces were intact.

Link was also squatting next to Enelu at this time, scratching his head in embarrassment, also a little confused.

"I don't want to either, but he really can't help but fight."

At least Crocodile caught the sky fire head-on, but Enel just rubbed the lower part, and he didn't expect to be injured like this.

After Link finished speaking, he pushed Enelu's head with his finger.

Enelu's head was pushed and shook, but he still had no intention of waking up and was sleeping soundly.

Gulewa took out the medicine box she carried with her and started to give Enelu medicine. After hearing Link's words, she also squeezed Enelu's body, and then shook her head.

"He'll be damned if he can fight it."

Gulewa looked at Enelu who had fainted and said mercilessly: "His physical training is very limited, and it is not as strong as your body."

When she first treated Link, Gureva checked Link's body.

I thought Link would have a powerful body, but I didn't expect him to be average.

In terms of his strength, physical strength is the biggest shortcoming.

Skyfire Gureva has also seen it, not to mention Enelu, if Link doesn't use Haki to defend himself, he can't even take it.

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