Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 124 Talent, Effort, Luck

After eating, Uta took Link to a bathroom and took him to take a bath.

Putting Link into the bathtub, Link, who was still full of energy, suddenly succumbed and his expression became listless.

Users with Devil Fruit abilities will also lose their powers when taking a bath, so many times, Uta helps Link with his cleaning.

Otherwise, if Link comes in by himself, he will simply rinse it and do it perfunctorily.

In order to ensure Link's personal hygiene, he basically relied on Uta's help.

After taking a shower, Uta and Link went back.

Unlike Enelu and Daz, who had to be beaten every day, the others lived very relaxedly every day, including the golden lion, who lived very happily these days.

As time went by, Enilu became less harsh. Although he was still being beaten, he began to seriously study the knowledge taught by the Golden Lion.

I don't know if it was because of the swelling, but Enelu's body has become visibly stronger in the past few days, and he is no longer as thin as he was before.

Crocodile sat leisurely on a chair next to the golden clock, glancing down from time to time, very comfortable.

"Oh, if this continues, the New Star will be completed in a few days."

Olvia, who was sitting opposite him, chuckled and looked at the drawing in her hand casually.

That was the design drawing of Ark Proverbs, but now it has been renamed Star. Looking at the notes marked on it, most of the parts have been built now.

Thanks to those corpses, the accuracy of these machines is acceptable and can be used.

"Thanks to you for coming up with this solution."

Crocodile held a cigar in his mouth and looked at Olvia who was smiling.

Letting the people from the entire Sky Island work day and night was a method that none of them had thought of at the beginning. It might be due to the limitations of their thinking, and they didn't think about it at all.

Maybe Enelu thought of it, but he just didn't say it.

"It's nothing."

Olvia closed the blueprint and said with a smile: "I just let them do some work. Didn't many people die?"

Being able to survive with some work is already very lucky for the Sky Island people. There are too many people who die without even having a choice. So what does that mean?

Crocodile also laughed when he heard this, took a puff of his cigar, and said calmly: "It makes sense, it's already good for them if we don't kill them."

They are pirates, and their moral thing has been thrown away somewhere long ago, and now they can't find it even if they want to.

Crocodile and Olvia clinked glasses and drank to toast the pirates, while Nolan on the side looked around with his huge snake head looking around.

The people coming and going in Shantora makes it feel like going back to the past. This scene makes it a little obsessed.

On the white sea, a group of pirates suddenly appeared on the snow-white sea of ​​clouds. They stared around in shock. Enel, who was being beaten by the golden lion, sensed them and instantly turned his head to look over.

"Is there someone here again?"

No one from Qinghai has come to Baihai for many years. A few days ago, Link was the first to arrive here in more than 20 years. Unexpectedly, Link and the others had just come up not long ago, and not long after that, people from Qinghai came up again.

While Anilu was thinking, a pitch-black fist hit him directly, sending him flying backwards.

"Boy, don't look around when fighting."

The golden lion raised his eyebrows, waved his domineering fist and warned Enelu, and then casually gave Daz next to him, knocking him away as well.

"Damn old bastard!"

Enilu said through gritted teeth, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, picked up the golden stick and rushed towards the golden lion.

While attacking, he spoke out what he had just perceived.

The golden lion looked at him in surprise, laughed loudly, and praised Enelu: "Yes, the range of the domineering power of seeing and hearing is far enough."

Having said that, he punched Enilu and the stick away with another punch.

Without the use of abilities, Enel's physical body is better than Daz, and there is no threat to the golden lion at all. In order to learn the armed domineering power as soon as possible, Enel has never used the ability of the thunder fruit, relying solely on himself. The body is fighting.

Turning to Robin, he ordered her to inform Crocodile to go directly to Baibaihai and wait there. When people arrived, he would send them directly to repair the ship. Then Golden Lion ignored the matter.

"Enilu, I admire you very much. The powerful fruit gives you a very high limit. You can still insist on practicing domineering with me every day, which is very good."

The golden lion clenched his fist and punched Enelu again, while continuing: "Domineering is above everything. Looking at all the strong men in the sea, whether he is a devil fruit user or not, his domineering Definitely the best in the sea!”

Moreover, Enelu does not have the overlord color yet, so he needs to work harder to catch up with the monsters standing at the top since he cannot use the overlord color to wrap around him.

Compared to Daz, Golden Lion is very optimistic about Enelu.

Although his talent is not as good as Link's, Anilu's talent is definitely first-rate, but it only seems a bit average when compared with Link.

On the contrary, Dazjin Lion had a much lower opinion of him.

The fruit ability is average, and the talent is even more average. That is to say, he works very hard when practicing and never complains, which is not bad.

But at most he can only reach the level of captains of some of his previous divisions. That is the limit that those with better talent can reach.

If you want to go further, talent, hard work and luck are all indispensable.

This is also the reason why the golden lion prefers Elnilu. He is talented and hardworking enough, and since he can get on Link's boat, he is already lucky in the eyes of the golden lion.

After all, Link is the one who wants to become the next Pirate King!

"Continue, the enemy will not let you rest."

The golden lion laughed and continued to teach Enelu and Daz.

Crocodile on the other side also received the news, nodded, and without saying anything else, went directly to the entrance connecting the White Sea and the White Sea, waiting for the arrival of those people.

Baihai, Yuanshan United Army.

The orangutan is arguing with the Amazon that the billion entry fee is simply robbery.

No, robbery is not that fast!

"One billion is Ik. If you want to pay beli, it's one hundred thousand beli per person."

But one hundred thousand beli is also a lot for the people of the Ape Mountain United Army. There are more than a hundred of them, and one hundred thousand for each person is also a big number.

"Old man, this is too much. There are many of us, can you give us a discount?"

Kulikai was calculating his funds and had no choice but to ask Amazon.

When he came to Kongdao, he brought Bailey with him, but it was only a few million, and he couldn't even pay the entry fee.

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