Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 131 Have you ever been kicked by lightning?

The dense light spots almost completely enveloped the Star, making it impossible to get close, so Kizaru had no choice but to plan to sink the entire Star, reducing Link's space for movement.

But Anilu obviously couldn't tolerate Kizaru's actions. He raised his hand and received a divine sanction, swallowing most of the light spots. The remaining lasers were blocked by Crocodile with sand, which did not cause much damage to the Star. s attack.

Link took advantage of the protective shield made by Crocodile and jumped directly into the sky. The sword was once again wrapped with overlord-colored Haki, and he hit Kizaru hard.

But this time Kizaru didn't intend to take it, and simply dodged to avoid it. In the sky, he was much more flexible than Link.

The overlord-colored entanglement was particularly domineering. Even if Kizaru had just resisted, the huge power would have caused several cracks in his hand. Therefore, as long as he could avoid it, Kizaru would not take the attack head-on.

"Enilu, Crocodile, go and force Kizaru into the range of Uta's singing. Uta's fruit ability allows her to deprive everyone who hears her singing of consciousness, as long as he hears Uta's singing, We will definitely win!"

Uta was still singing and couldn't explain, so he gave Olvia a look. Olvia understood instantly and immediately shouted out to Enel and Crocodile.

Crocodile looked at Uta in surprise after hearing this. After joining the Star Pirates for so many days, this was the first time he learned about Uta's abilities.

"If you have such a convenient ability, you should have told me earlier."

Crocodile said quickly, and then immediately flew towards the sky.

Link's body fell from mid-air because he failed to hit Kizaru. Crocodile appeared in time, grabbed Link's leg, and threw him at Kizaru again.

Enelu on the boat also laughed, feeling that the chance to win was right in front of him, he also turned into thunder and lightning and rushed towards Kizaru.

The light speed kick kicked out a laser, knocking back Link who rushed over again. Crocodile flew directly from behind Link, and the golden hook that turned black hit Kizaru's arm hard.

Kizaru also used Armament Haki to protect himself, and shot a laser at Crocodile with his other hand.

The dazzling laser passed through Crocodile's body and took away a lot of gravel. The attack was avoided by the elementalization he activated in advance and did not cause any harm to him.

But the laser was just a feint attack by Kizaru. After seeing Crocodile using his head to elementalize to dodge his attack, he punched Crocodile in the abdomen with a backhand wrapped around his weapon.

Although Crocodile reacted quickly and raised his hand to block it, he was still hit hard by Kizaru.

Thunder flashed behind him, and Eniro appeared behind Kizaru, saying with a teasing tone: "Speed ​​is power, have you ever been kicked by lightning?"

At this time, Eniru returned Kizaru's words in full. His right leg turned into lightning and kicked directly on Kizaru's body.

Just after dealing with Crocodile, Kizaru had no chance to dodge and was directly kicked by Enel, turning into a golden flash and falling in the direction of the Star.

Uta's singing cannot be heard.

Kizaru understands this very well. Many of the Devil Fruit's abilities are unreasonable, but at the moment he has no way to find any headphones to plug his ears. He can only use the Moon Step to change directions in the air, so that he does not get into Uta's singing. Delivery scope.

"Hmph, what a shame."

Enelu in the sky frowned, thinking that such a good opportunity would not be so easy to come by again.

After regaining the parallelism of his body and avoiding Link's dense Senkiri Valley, Kizaru opened his sleeves and saw the bruises on his arms underneath.

"It's really scary. I almost had an accident."

That is to say, Eniru's power is not too strong, which can give Kizaru the opportunity to change direction. Otherwise, he might have flown directly to the vicinity of the Star and be affected by the Uta's fruit, causing the battle to fail.

Kizaru also looked at Link and the others below with a headache. The strength of the Star Pirates was somewhat beyond expectations. He might not be able to take them down for a while, and because of Uta's existence, he might overturn at any time.

Link's strength is also stronger than what is recorded in the data. Although he has not reached the same level as him, he is very close. This is not an opponent that can be defeated in a short time.

Not to mention that there were Enel and Crocodile watching eagerly from the side. This mission to capture the Star Pirates was more difficult than he imagined.

Who handed over this information? How come there are so many loopholes!

Kizaru frowned and thought, then he had to smile helplessly.

It's a blue pheasant, that's okay.

"Where are you looking?"

Enel's indifferent voice came from Kizaru's ears again. The terrifying thunder and lightning was cast by Enel, and Kizaru had no choice but to shoot out lasers to stop the blue thunder one by one.

"Brother, can you let me think about it?"

Kizaru looked at Enel who was clinging to him with a headache, and said helplessly.

He was still thinking of an easy solution, but Enelu kept staring at him, always wanting to hit him towards the singing girl.

Like a deadbeat, extremely annoying.

The blue lightning met the golden light again, and the dark lightning came with a domineering momentum on Kizaru's back. Crocodile also raised a huge desert sword and struck him hard.

Being pinched by three parties, Kizaru did not dare to freeze, so he had to use the Yata mirror to create a light path to quickly transfer.

However, he was still scratched by Enel's thunder and lightning and Link's sky fire, but he didn't suffer much damage.

That is to say, Crocodile's desert sword was swung too slowly and missed Kizaru.

Kizaru also felt a headache when he looked at the burnt blackness and sharp knife wounds on his left arm.

One-on-one, even Link Kizaru is sure to win, but there are too many things to worry about in one-on-three, especially when there is Eniro who can keep up with him. This is the most troublesome thing. .

Reaching out to catch Link who fell from the air, Crocodile silently calculated the current angle, threw Link out again, gave Enel a look, and the two rushed over together.

At this time, Kizaru was also thinking about whether to go back first and report the trouble of the mission, when countless golden slashes appeared again.

Before Link's people arrived, the golden Senkiri Valley swept over.

Jianwense sensed all the slashing trajectories, and Kizaru also calculated the best avoidance position. The remaining attacks that could not be avoided were all deflected by him with Tian Cong Yun.

Link used the focus provided by Crocodile to jump forward again.

He saw the near future.

Eniru has weaved an extremely dense thunder net behind Kizaru, filling the sky with thunder and lightning, blocking the retreat behind Kizaru and above.

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