Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 134 I am sworn in with sin!

"Link's strength is much stronger than what the intelligence says, and the Star Pirates have added a new member, a user with the Thunder Fruit ability named Enel. Plus Crocodile, even I can't do it in a short time. Capture them within time.”

When Kizaru said this, he frowned and continued to say solemnly: "However, the most troublesome thing is the singer Uta in the intelligence. Her fruit ability can bring the consciousness of the person who hears her singing into another world. In the illusory world, the body left in the real world will be controlled by her."

This is all information that Kizaru risked his life to obtain.

Warring States slowly recorded it, then looked at Kizaru lying on the hospital bed, and said with some confusion: "In that case, why don't you retreat first and make plans again?"

With Kizaru's speed, it should be easy to run, right?

If Kizaru wants to run away, even if the person with the Thunder Fruit ability can keep up, he won't be Kizaru's opponent once his companions are gone, so they shouldn't chase him.

Hearing Sengoku's question, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Kizaru's face, but it quickly disappeared. Instead, he slowly said to Sengoku with a solemn face: "Marshal Sengoku, as a naval admiral, I represent With the highest combat power of the navy, how could I choose to run away when facing pirates with justice on my back? !!”

Kizaru's words were upright and plausible, but Warring States felt very uncomfortable hearing them.

If Sakaski had said these words, Sengoku would never have had any doubts, but they were said by Porusalino, and their authenticity needs to be verified.

Kizaru, who would always find a way to avoid troublesome tasks, was not the type to say such a thing.

In the impression of the Warring States Period, even if Kizaru would not retreat first in that situation, he would leave first and try to find a way to plug his ears with headphones or something like that, and then return to the battlefield. Porusalino was not like that Someone who will fight to the death and never give up.

The suspicious look in Sengoku's eyes made Kizaru laugh a little obscenely, and continued frivolously: "I am sworn in with sin!"

After saying this, Kizaru himself couldn't hold back and laughed.

Warring States also shook his head helplessly, looked at Kizaru who made him laugh, and said calmly: "In that case, return to duty immediately after your injury recovers, General Kizaru who is sworn in with crime."

As soon as these words came out, Kizaru, who was still grinning, suddenly lost his smile and looked at Sengoku in shock.

"But my vacation..."

"You are already sworn in with sin, so why do you need a holiday? Of course you have to shine at your job."

Warring States said, staring at Kizaru calmly. Kizaru was silent for a long time, and could only agree with dejection.

Alas, if I had known this, I might as well have told the truth directly to the Warring States Marshal. This would have ruined my vacation.

Kizaru felt regretful at this time, very regretful. In order not to say anything embarrassing about himself, he just canceled his several months of vacation.

That’s quite a few months of vacation! If you say no, it will be gone...

Back then, when he was surrounded by three people, Kizaru clearly saw through meeting the future that one of Link's double swords would directly shatter when he broke Tian Congyun, and the other would be full of cracks. It can break at any time.

As we all know, if a swordsman loses his sword, his strength will decline to a certain extent.

Link, the strongest, loses his double swords, and the risk factor will be greatly reduced, making it easier for Kizaru to deal with him.

So he used Tian Congyun to chop Tianhuo with all his strength according to the future, and at the cost of Tian Congyun breaking, Link's two knives were replaced.

In addition, Kizaru's Tian Cong Yun could condense again, and adjusted his body shape through the short collision time, so that he was only cut by the subsequent sky fire on his arm.

This time, Kizaru simply won.

Including Eniro's appearance, that lightning kick was also within his expectations.

Having already had one experience, he was ready to use Moon Step to change direction after being kicked away.

By then, with Link without weapons, Enel and Crocodile together, Kizaru would be confident that he could win within a day.

This was Kizaru's original battle plan.

When the time comes, it will be easy for him to eliminate the three main combat forces and capture the remaining Star Pirates.

However, he never expected that this perfect plan would be ruined by the person with the thunder fruit ability named Enel.

Kizaru's teeth started to itch when he thought of the sixth child in Enel.

He never expected that Enelu would actually attach extremely powerful thunder and lightning to his lightning kick.

I'm happy that you imitated my moves, but I don't like it when you modify your moves without permission.

Kizaru used the lightning kick with terrifying thunder to defend himself a little, but the remaining thunder and lightning were still rushing around in his body. His body was stiffened by the electricity. At the critical moment, he didn't even use the Moon Step. It was so unlucky to be kicked by Enelu to the Star and into the range of Uta's singing.

Every time he thought about this, Kizaru was very entangled and regretted his original decision.

Whether it was breaking through from Enero's thunder net or Crocodile's sand blade, it was easier than breaking through from Link.

But fighting Link would make Link lose his weapon, so Kizaru chose the most laborious method.

But one wrong step, one wrong step after another, Kizaru, who had a good idea, was ruined by Enel's thunder and lightning.

Looking at Kizaru's expression, Sengoku knocked on the table lightly to bring Kizaru back to his senses and continue to ask about the relevant details.

Kizaru had no choice but to tell the whole story bit by bit with a grimace on his face.

"Okay, you should rest first. Recuperate from your injuries as soon as possible and come back to work. You will be a righteous general who is sworn in with evil."

After Sengoku recorded everything, he said hello to Kizaru and turned to leave.

On the way out, I kept thinking about how to deal with the Star Pirates.

Attacking the countries that join the World Government, massacring, robbing, and killing the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, all the crimes of the Star Pirates are recorded in his mind.

If he were a gentler pirate, Sengoku wouldn't have bothered with this.

However, the behavior of the Star Pirates is brutal and their strength is very strong. Coupled with the pressure from the World Government, it is impossible not to deal with it.

Putting the notes away close to his body, Seng Guo let out a long sigh.

Golden Lion Shiji, this bastard who disappeared for nearly twenty years really caused him a lot of trouble.

Vaguely, Warring States seemed to see the golden lion's wild smile.

Shaking his head and sighing, Warring States was stunned and his eyes fell into deep thought.

If you plan carefully, you might be able to catch the Star Pirates and the Golden Lion in one fell swoop.

The more he thought about it, the more Zeng Guo felt it was feasible. He quickened his pace and walked quickly towards his office.

He wanted to go back and discuss this plan with He.

Regarding Kizaru, some book friends said it was poisonous. After thinking about it, I understood the reason.

1. Kizaru will rarely put himself in danger, so after learning that Uta's ability is so dangerous, he will most likely leave first.

2. Kizaru has seen the future but still chooses this method to test Uta's ability, which is a bit disappointing.

So in this chapter, I thought of a way to explain Kizaru's motivations, which should be more or less acceptable.

The reason for the previous chapter may be my inertia of thinking. I never thought that the navy would run away from pirates. This experience should allow me to get out of my inertia of thinking in the future, maybe...

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