Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 138 Naval Operations Meeting

While Crocodile was meditating, Olvia walked out of the cabin, saw Crocodile holding the newspaper in his hand, and walked directly over.

"Hey, isn't this the freckle?"

Olvia's voice woke up Crocodile who was lost in memories. He looked at Ace in the newspaper and asked casually: "Do you know him?"

"Well, I met him once. He and Link set off from Twin Capes together."

Olvia took the newspaper, responded to Crocodile's doubts casually, sat aside, and continued to read the newspaper.

At this time, Daz also walked out with a silent look on his face, turned over and got off the boat to continue practicing.

Two sounds of electricity came from Crocodile's ears. Enel also came out and sat aside. He threw the apples he was holding to Olvia and Crocodile each, and then started to eat them himself. stand up.

"Are they two up yet?"

Although they didn't name anyone, the two people present knew who Eniro was asking.

Crocodile tapped the roof of the cabin with his chin, asking Enel to look over.

Although Enelu's eyes couldn't see it due to the angle of view, he could clearly feel that the auras of Link and Uta were always there.

"Tsk, what's so good about stars?"

Enelu complained, but still deliberately lowered his voice, expressing that he did not understand Link and Uta's actions.

"You will understand when you are willing to watch the stars with a girl."

Olvia said with a smile, put the newspaper on the table nearby, and then ate the apple that Enel threw to her.

"Then forget it, it's going to be troublesome to death just thinking about it."

Enel said disdainfully and ignored Link and Utta. While eating the apple, he picked up the newspaper that Olvia had put down and read it.

"BIG·MOM? Auntie? Why do you have such a strange name?"

After looking through the newspaper and not finding any interesting news, Enel threw the newspaper back and passed the time with Crocodile watching Daz train.

"Kids, it's time to eat!"

After busy for a long time, Gu Lewa used her old voice to greet everyone for dinner, and Link also woke up leisurely on the top of the cabin.

In front of him was Uta's pretty face with a smile. Seeing that Link was already awake, he sat up and smiled at Link: "Good morning, Link."

The sun was a bit dazzling, so Link squinted his eyes and pulled Uta into his arms again based on his feeling. He didn't get up and wanted to sleep for a while longer.

"Don't sleep. It's time to get up and have breakfast. You haven't washed your face yet."

Uta's soft voice kept talking in Link's ears, forcing Link who still wanted to lie down for a while to get up.

"I'm so sleepy, Uta."

Link buried his head in Uta's neck to block the sun's rays, hoping to sleep for a while longer.

"No, I have to get up and eat."

He pulled Link up and led him off the top of the ship little by little.

"Tsk tsk, Uta will definitely be a good mother in the future."

Gureva teased with a smile, causing Uta to wave her hands helplessly, "Forget it, Link alone is enough for me to worry about."

After washing their faces and eating, the Star Pirates and their group ate breakfast leisurely. Sengoku at the Navy Headquarters was not so relaxed.

In a conference room at the naval headquarters, Sengoku sat in the main seat and looked at the generals below with a serious face.

His left and right hands were Akainu and Kuzan, and there were some veteran lieutenant generals below him. Even Garp was dozing off and leaning on the sofa nearby.

There are some documents placed in front of everyone, which are the latest information compiled by Sengoku about the Star Pirates.

"Everyone, let's take a look. The reason why General Kizaru was injured this time is inside."

After Akainu and Aoki took the lead in looking through it, the other lieutenant generals stretched out their hands.

The fruit abilities and general strength of everyone in the Star Pirates are recorded on it, as well as the crimes they have committed since going to sea, are all clearly written on these documents. For a moment, the entire conference room was filled with the sound of flipping through paper.

As they saw more information, everyone's expressions became more solemn.

"They are too dangerous and must be eradicated as soon as possible."

Ghost Spider, who was the first to read the document, spoke first and was recognized by most people.

"But the ability of the song fruit is very tricky. Why don't we let them enter the new world and let them kill each other with the pirates of the new world?"

A veteran lieutenant general put forward another point of view. According to the information, General Kizaru will be affected by the opponent's fruit ability, so affecting the four emperors is not a problem.

In other words, if they didn't know the information about the Star Pirates, they could pull a Yonko off the throne.

"No, Shanks became the Four Emperors a year ago and gradually calmed down the chaotic new world. We must not let the Star Pirates go over at this time to disrupt the balance of the new world."

Another lieutenant general immediately refuted his point of view and continued: "And the Star Pirates are cruel and must be eradicated as soon as possible!"

Killing the pirates in Demon Valley Town doesn't matter. The biggest crime of the Star Pirates is to kill the king of the country that joins the World Government, Wapol.

This is also the reason why the Warring States Period has been under pressure from the World Government.

"Isn't the calm achieved by relying on pirates to check each other just proof of the navy's incompetence!"

Ghost Spider growled angrily, put the documents in his hands back on the table, and looked at Sengoku with firm eyes, "I request that the Star Pirates be surrounded and killed as soon as possible!"

As he said, the peace that the New World gained through pirates proved the incompetence of the navy, but it was a good thing for civilians. Peace meant that they could live a stable life.

Therefore, Ghost Spider will not let the Star Pirates disturb the peace of the new world for the time being.

With Ghost Spider taking the lead, the other lieutenant generals also expressed their intention to encircle and destroy the Star Pirates as soon as possible.

At this time, Akainu also read the information carefully and said, "I also apply to encircle and suppress them. I can personally lead the team to arrest them."

Akainu's words were the final word. One general and most of the lieutenant generals agreed, and the matter was settled.

Kuzan scratched his head a little irritably. He didn't expect that keeping his hand would cause this situation, so he could only silently apologize to Kizaru in his heart.

At this time, I also wanted to understand why Uta ran towards them in the first place. If he hadn't used the frozen time capsule to freeze Uta and the others from a distance, he might have been the one lying on the hospital bed.

"Kuzan, what's your opinion?"

Seeing Akainu's stance, Sengoku nodded silently, and then asked Kuzan next to him, wanting to hear his attitude.

The time Shanks became the Yonko was stated at a naval meeting two years later, and at that time it was said to be six years ago.

Excluding two years, Link went to sea three years before Luffy, so Shanks became the Yonko one year before the time in the article.

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