City of Water, Bruno's Tavern.

The remote location has made this tavern's business bleak, and almost no one comes here on weekdays.

At this moment, several people were sitting in the dim tavern, and the tavern owner Bruno gave everyone a drink with a calm expression.

"...This design drawing should be the design drawing of their ship. Do you want to get this thing to deal with it?"

Kaku said the information he heard that morning and looked at Lu Qi's face.

"It's not necessary. It's not Pluto's design. It's not worth confronting the Star Pirates."

The speaker was a cold female voice. She pushed up the glasses on her nose and slowly shook the glass of red wine.

Kalifa, an agent of CP9, currently has the highest status among the agents who have infiltrated the Capital of Seven Waters. She is the secretary to the president of Carrera Company.

The president is the disciple of Iceberg, the fish-man Tom, who they suspect holds the blueprint for Pluto.

"The designs of the Star Pirates' ships don't matter at all. What matters is Nico Robin and Nico Olvia."

Rob Luqi said calmly, as the survivors of O'Hara, they have always been the targets of the CP organization, but now that they have joined the Star Pirates, the CP organization has been slow to take action.

After hearing this, Kaku shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I just didn't mention these two on purpose. Those three monsters of the Star Pirates are simply not something we can deal with, right?"

The former Shichibukai Crocodile, Thunder Fruit ability user Enel, and that Link, no one else could be dealt with by these agents.

"I haven't fought before, how do I know I can't deal with him?"

Rob Luqi said calmly, and Kaku seemed to be able to see some fighting spirit from his calm face.

He opened his mouth, wanting to tell Lu Qi that there was no comparison between them and those monsters, but Kaku paused, because in CP's training camp, Lu Qi had always been called a monster, and was even known as CP9 The strongest in these 800 years.

Link has received such a high bounty at such a young age, Lucci must want to fight him.

"Forget it, let the superiors decide what to do."

Kaku had no choice but to say this, asked Brooke for the liaison officer's phone number, and dialed it.

Although Lu Qi is usually very cold, the relationship between them is still very good. Lu Qi just doesn't know how to express his feelings, so he has always been so cold. Kaku doesn't want Lu Qi to be in danger.

"Hello? Did you find Pluto's blueprint if you took the initiative to call me?!"

On the other end of the phone, Spandam, the current commander of CP9, said excitedly with some anticipation. After all, as long as he successfully found Pluto's blueprint, he would be able to take a step forward and his position would be promoted again.

"Well, it's not because of this, but when I was working in the dock today, I saw the Star Pirates coming here."

Kaku explained the reason for the call.

"You still have to report to me for such a trivial matter? Aren't there always pirates in the Capital of Seven Waters? mean the Star Pirates?"

Spangdam was about to hang up the phone angrily, but suddenly came to his senses.

The Star Pirates, a name he had always heard mentioned recently even on Judiciary Island, Spandam also paid special attention to it.

Because there were two O'Hara survivors in that pirate group.

Especially one of them is Nico Robin, whom he has been looking for for many years, which is a big credit.

But the problem is that the Star Pirates are a bit difficult to deal with.

Spandam was lost in thought, searching carefully to see if there was any way to snatch Robin and Olvia away without alerting the Star Pirates.

Seeing that he didn't move, Kaku on the other side of the phone didn't even speak.

After thinking about it for a long time, Spandam couldn't think of any good solution, but it didn't matter. He had learned an experience during his many years of official career, and that was to ask his father when he was in doubt.

After all, without his father, Spangdam would not be in his current position as CP9 commander.

Immediately stood up and left. Spandam went to an empty room and dialed his father Spangdyne's phone number. After getting through, he immediately told the news one after another.

Spandam was silent for a moment and asked Spandam to wait while he went to inquire about the news.

After about ten minutes, the phone rang again.

"Don't worry about the Star Pirates. The Navy is formulating a plan to capture them. If you have this time, you should find Pluto's design as soon as possible. That is the greatest credit."

Spangdam had a wide network of contacts, and it didn't take long before he even learned about the navy's plan. However, he didn't tell Spangdam and just asked him to continue looking for Pluto's blueprints.

"Oh dad, I want to find it quickly too, but all the trash under me have been sneaking into the Capital of Seven Waters for two years, and they haven't even brought back any news to me."

Spandam complained, extremely dissatisfied with the progress of Lucci and the others.

"Don't worry, you are still young, just treat yourself as a senior in CP9."

Spandam said calmly, chatted a few more words with Spandam, and then hung up the phone.

Spandam sighed helplessly. It seemed that he had no chance to get this credit from Nico Robin.

Returning to his office, he told Kaku the news and asked them not to cause trouble with the Star Pirates. Then he urged them to work hard and find the blueprint of Pluto as soon as possible. With promotion and salary increase, everyone can have a better tomorrow.

After gulping down a meal of chicken soup, Spandam hung up the phone.

In Bruno's Tavern, Kaku returned the phone bug to Bruno, then shrugged to Lucci and said, "You saw it too, Commander, he doesn't want us to provoke the Star Pirates."

In fact, before calling Spandam, Kaku was really afraid that the idiot commander would let them fight the Star Pirates if his brain twitched.

But it seems to be okay now. The idiot commander's sesame-sized brain finally worked a little, and he didn't have any thoughts about the Star Pirates.

"I can distinguish the important from the important, Kaku."

Lu Qi said calmly, he just had some itching in the past two years and wanted to find someone to do something to him.

It just so happened that Link, who had caused a lot of discussion in the sea recently, arrived here. Lu Qi really wanted to know how this man who was several years younger than him got such a high bounty and what his strength was.

In the first half of the Grand Line, there were almost no people with a bounty of 500 million, let alone Link's bounty of 1 billion.

Kaku could also understand Lu Qi's mood, sighed and said, "I hope so."

Finally, they briefly exchanged information with Kalifa, which was all of little value. After drinking the wine in their glasses, the three of them left.

Bruno was left alone in the tavern, silently holding a square towel and wiping the wine glass.

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