"One person can drive such a big boat?"

Can he be busy enough to come here? Or is he the only one of his friends to die?

"Daz, be careful, there is a ship approaching."

Crocodile reminded Daz, and Enelu also stood up and went to the side to wake up Olvia and Gureva, waiting for the other party to come over with a smile on their face.

"Uta's ability is really convenient. Please ask her to let me continue to sleep like this next time."

The baby-like water surface made Gureva extremely comfortable, and she could not help but squint her eyes and sigh.

However, no one paid any attention to Gulewa's words. They all looked at the ship coming towards them from the fog, or rather, the ship drifting along the current.

"Hahaha, this kind of thing happens all the time."

Enel looked at the dilapidated ship and laughed heartily.

He saw a skeleton in a shabby suit on the ship, crossing his legs and holding a tea cup, slowly bringing it to his mouth.

Maybe he also noticed the existence of the Star at this time, so he slowly turned the skull around.

Crocodile looked carefully and saw that the opponent was just a skeleton. Without any thread or wind blowing, he actually moved on his own.

"It should be some kind of devil fruit ability user, right?"

Crocodile said suspiciously, gaining everyone's approval.

After all, as long as you blame the things you don't understand on Devil Fruits, you're fine.

"Yo ho ho ho, hello everyone."

The skeleton politely took off the small round hat on his head and continued: "I am Brooke, nice to meet you."

Brooke's words directly attracted Gureva's attention.

It's so interesting that a skeleton with only bones left makes a sound.

"Hey, Bones, how can you talk?"

Gureva took a step forward and asked with interest, staring at Brooke's exposed bones and calculating the time of his death.

Judging from the extent of the bones, it must have been decades old.

Gureva's words attracted Brooke, and when she saw that she was a woman, she immediately asked: "Madam, can I see your breasts?"

"Tsk, my desire to study you has suddenly dropped a lot."

Guleva, who was originally a little eager, suddenly showed a little disgust on her face, causing Olvia beside her to chuckle continuously.

"Looks like the boatman from the Capital of Seven Waters, just a different kind of pervert."

Crocodile said calmly from the side, making everyone smile.


Olvia chuckled softly and asked Brooke, who had not waited for Gureva's answer, to ask her the same question again, but was directly rejected by Olvia.

"Sorry, Mr. Skeleton, I can't agree to your request."

Enel and Crocodile also stood together, thinking about whether to take action against Brooke.

His appearance should interest Link very much. As long as he doesn't ask Uta that kind of question, he probably won't be hacked to death by Link.

After looking at it for a long time, Gureva finally made some guess and asked Brooke directly: "The fruit of the underworld, right?"

Devil Fruits that can bring bones back to life are very rare, and given his current state, it's very easy to guess.

"Yes, this lady is right. I am a user with the Underworld Fruit ability. I can still live even if only my bones are left."

Brooke said softly, raising the teacup in his hand to Gureva and bringing it to his mouth. He kept tilting it, but nothing flowed out. It was originally empty.

"Although I am curious about why you can talk, I am no longer interested in you."

Gureva is allergic to allergies, and in her eyes, Brooke is the source of allergies, just like Franky in the Seven Waters Capital.

In the cabin of the Star, in the bedroom of Link and Uta, Uta woke up faintly at this moment and looked at the sleeping Link in front of him. He first looked at the sky outside the window, which was completely dark. He also thought that it would be dark before daylight. He was anxious to wake up Link, but instead put his hand on his face and stroked it gently.

There were some faint sounds outside. Uta lay on the bed for a while, then sat up. Just as he was about to get down to put on his shoes, he was pulled back by Link.

"Don't make trouble, I'll go see what they are talking about."

Uta pinched Link's face in a funny way and tried to struggle out of his arms, but unexpectedly, Link held him tighter.

"There is a man on the ship, Crocodile and the others are talking to him."

Link could hear their conversation clearly if he wanted to, but it was completely unnecessary and it would just make it noisy if he listened too much.

"Is there someone here? How could someone come in the middle of the night?"

Uta looked out the window, very puzzled. Finally, after some persuasion, Uta successfully left Link's arms and pulled him up together.

After passing through the corridor, Uta listened to the conversation becoming clearer and clearer, walked out of the cabin, and came to the deck. Looking at Brooke who was chatting with everyone, he couldn't help but be stunned. Then he rubbed his eyes in disbelief, doubting I might still be dreaming.

Hearing their footsteps, everyone also looked at them. After Brooke saw Uta, he also said excitedly: "This..."

However, as soon as Brooke said two words, Robin, who saw that the situation was not good, directly used his ability to push him down, preventing him from saying anything next.

"Mr. Skeleton, for the sake of your safety, it's best not to ask those words to Uta."

Robin said with a smile on his face, making Brooke, who had fallen down, nod his head in confusion and did not continue to ask questions.

He listened to others' advice and had enough to eat, even though he had no stomach, he didn't need to eat.

Olvia came over and explained Brook's problem to Uta, while Link squatted in front of Brook who fell and looked at him curiously.

Brooke gave Link a very strange feeling. After thinking for a while, Link asked doubtfully: "Are you cold?"

Brooke, who asked, froze on the spot, looked at Link, and said nothing.

Enel laughed from the side and said: "Isn't this nonsense, Link, he has no skin and flesh, of course he will be cold."

"no no."

Link waved his hand to Enelu, knowing that he might have misunderstood, and said with some distress: "It's not that kind of cold, but...well...in short, it's cold, but not the normal kind of cold."

Link thought for a long time, but couldn't think of how to describe it. He scratched his head irritably, unable to think of any better explanation.

Brooke sat cross-legged on the ground calmly, looking directly at Link with his empty eyes, and said calmly to Link: "Mr. Link, right?"

Enelu just called Link's name, so Brooke knew it.

"You're right, I've been cold."

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