Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 172 Nothing more than that

Is it because you like animals that you deliberately transformed yourself into this look? Or did you become like this first before you started to like animals?

Pictures of Absalom getting along with the Wild Boar Bride flashed through his mind. Enelu shuddered and quickly erased these horrific pictures.

He couldn't think about it anymore, Enelu was afraid that he would vomit it out.

"The sea is so big that there are all kinds of people there."

Uta said this, and then looked at Link.

Fortunately, her Link is very good and has almost no flaws in her opinion.

However, Eniru and Uta only saw the surface and did not know Absalom's situation.

He also hates the Boar Bride very much. Under the premise that the two pirate groups can coexist peacefully, they can completely get rid of the Boar Bride. This is even a beautiful scene that Abu Sasom can only dream of.

When Absalom returned to Moria's room with the zombies, Moria directly returned the shadow to Laura and the others.

After witnessing Link's knife that split the sky, he finally did not choose to fall out with Crocodile.

When Laura and others saw the shadow return to their bodies, they felt more fulfilled than ever before and couldn't help but thank Crocodile again.

Moria said with some dissatisfaction on the side: "Okay, the shadow is also given to you, can you, this unsightly crocodile, disappear from my eyes?"

These shadows don't matter, what Moria feels most distressed about now is Ryoma's black sword, that is the most valuable thing.

"I'm really sorry, we don't plan to leave yet."

The commission was completed, but Gureva went to find the doctor, and they had planned to take a look around here, so of course they couldn't just leave.

"Hey, crocodile, don't push yourself too far. By then you will become a dead crocodile and you won't be able to laugh anymore."

Moria looked at Crocodile with a smile on his face and said sarcastically.

However, Crocodile didn't pay attention to this verbal attack at all, after all, he was the one taking the initiative now.

"Don't be nervous. It's not a big deal. It's already like this. It's just a meal. You shouldn't be reluctant to part with it, right?"

Crocodile said that he was very sensible, but Moria never expected that he would make such a request.

"You still want to eat at my place, hehehe, Crocodile, I really belong to you!"

Moria smiled strangely, looked at the indifferent Crocodile, and then said to Absalom: "Go and prepare food as he said."

At this time, Absalom was looking at the dead boar bride with a look of relief. Although the process was not very pleasant, he was finally free!

Finally, I no longer have to hide from her everywhere! Absalom has already felt the fragrance of freedom, and better days are coming to him step by step!

Moriah didn't pull Absalom out of his fantasy until he called him a second time. He accepted Moriah's instructions happily and left with a smile. Moriah looked like that. He frowned.

Seeing this, Laura also followed Absalom's pace and left together.

"Hmph, let's go, I'll take you to the restaurant first."

Although the food had to be prepared for a while, Moria didn't intend to let Crocodile stay here forever. He walked towards the restaurant with Crocodile and Robin in broad steps.

Normally, he usually eats in his bedroom, but with so many members of the Star Pirates, it's impossible for everyone in the Star Pirates to eat at his place, so the restaurant is naturally the best choice.

He stretched his legs and walked out of the bedroom. Moria hadn't been out for a while, but this was his own castle after all, and he still remembered the way to go.

Enilu was always paying attention to the situation here. When he saw this scene, he said to Uta on the side: "We have finished talking over there. Now we are going to the restaurant to wait for our meal. When can we go there."

The main reason is that Link doesn't listen to him now, so Enelu can only ask Uta.

Looking at Link who still couldn't let go of Qiu Shui, Uta shook his head helplessly, walked towards him, stretched out his hand and took Qiu Shui directly.

When Link saw this, he also smiled at Uta and said, "You also discovered it? It's very powerful!"

Uta weighed it and found that Qiu Shui was much heavier than the sword Link had used before. He waved it twice casually and could clearly hear the sound of the blade cutting through the air.

"I don't know if it's powerful or not, but it's pretty good-looking anyway."

Putting Qiu Shui back into the scabbard, Uta continued: "Go and eat first. When I get back, I will help you clean this knife, and then you can play with it slowly."

Uta looked at his hands and frowned slightly.

Maybe it was because he had been with Ryoma all the time, but there was a faint smell of corpse on the autumn water.

After all, Ryoma is a corpse. It is normal for the knife to get corpse odor as time goes by.

Let Eniro lead the way and lead them to the restaurant, where there should be a place to wash their hands.

In Hogubak's living room, Gureva was chatting with Hogubak without saying a word, looking at the expressionless female zombie behind him.

Gureva noticed that Hogubak's eyes were much softer when he looked at her.

But of course it's not just this. Even in the way he speaks, Hogback's love for the female zombie can be felt.

Gulewa also knew something about her. Victoria Sindori was a relatively famous dancing actress in the entertainment industry before. She later died due to a performance accident. Unexpectedly, her body appeared here.

"Tsk, I probably understand, Hogback."

Gu Lewa looked at Huogubak with a hint of indifference in her eyes.

Huogubak also smiled and said to Gureva with a smile: "You are also a very smart doctor, and I have benefited a lot from communicating with you."

In the discussion on medical skills just now, Hogbak felt like he had returned to the days when he was studying medicine, which made him miss it very much.

"Don't get me wrong, Hogbark, that's not what I'm talking about."

Gureva chuckled, looked at Sindori behind him, and said flatly: "When I say I understand, I mean that even if there are so many corpses for you to study, you are only a doctor of this level."

He desecrated the corpse and insulted the dead, but Hogubak's medical skills had hardly improved. In the eyes of Gureva, he had completely degenerated.

Huogubak's expression gradually solidified, his smile slowly disappeared, and he looked at Gureva with the same cold eyes.

"Oh, a doctor of this caliber? No matter how high his medical skills are, what can he do? Can he resurrect the dead?!!"

Behind her, Sindori took out a plate from somewhere and seemed to be attacking them. Upon seeing this, Daz silently took a step forward and stood in front of Gureva.

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