"If you want to eat it, just let her continue cooking it for you."

Moria laughed twice, looked at Perona, and suggested to her.

He didn't remember Laura's name, but Moria didn't care either. As long as Perona liked it, he planned to keep those people and make cakes specifically for Perona.

"Is that okay?! Thank you Captain Moria!"

Perona said with some surprise and immediately laughed. Moria also gave her a relieved expression and said: "Of course, this is very simple."

He is just a Yonko. Sooner or later, he will seek revenge on Kaido. If Big Mom wants to get her daughter back, it will just be one more person to deal with.

On the other side, Hogback also took photos of Link and the others, and everyone immediately gathered around to watch.

Link and Uta stood in the middle, with Olvia and Robin on the left, Enel and Crocodile on the right, and Gureva and Daz stood on the far sides.

Except for Crocodile, everyone else had smiles on their faces, and Crocodile was just expressionless, which was normal.

Looking at the photos, everyone was quite satisfied and sat back in their seats.

But when Link came back, he found that a large piece was missing from the cake. He looked at the cake with some confusion, wondering if he had remembered it wrong.

Uta looked at Perona opposite, who had a bulging mouth, and smiled helplessly, without criticizing her performance that was full of loopholes.

Crocodile, who returned to the dining table, also chatted casually with Moria.

Looking at Link and others, Moria chuckled and said, "What, Sand Crocodile, have you found a group of reliable partners and plan to re-enter the new world?"

Although the only powerful ones are Link and Enelu, coupled with Crocodile, this lineup is enough in Moria's eyes to survive in the new world.

"Huh, new world?"

Enelu said disdainfully, looking at Link who was eating cake, then at the camera on the table, and teased Moria: "Moria, do you want to take a photo with the future Pirate King? This is your only chance in this life.”

Although he didn't say it clearly, Moria completely understood what Crocodile meant. Looking at Link who was eating cake with a smile, he also smiled and said: "Sand Crocodile, are you so confident? This kid can become the Pirate King?!"

Crocodile actually thought that the dream of countless pirates could be realized by this immature kid in front of him?

"You don't have to have Overlord color to become the Pirate King. You should know this very well. There are many people in the New World who have Overlord color. However, Roger is the only one who has become the Pirate King in so many years. Don't you think what you are saying is a bit ridiculous. What?"

Moria's ridicule only met Crocodile's contempt.

"You can't explain it to a guy like you."

Crocodile's plain words made Moria laugh even louder.

"Okay, let's take a photo together, but it's not a photo taken with me and the future Pirate King. Instead, when I defeat Kaido and become the Pirate King, I will take this photo to tell everyone that there once was an innocent kid. , he and his partners actually dreamed of becoming the Pirate King."

At these words, Enelu and the others did not refute, they just looked at Moriah with smiles on their faces, as if they were looking at a frog at the bottom of a well.

Moria's shadow moved. He picked up the camera on the table, found an angle that could take in everyone, pressed the shutter, and took the photo.

In the photo, everyone is gathered around a huge dining table, with various appearances. Moriah directly asked Shadow to find a photo frame and hang it on the wall. He laughed and said: "I will wait for that day to come and continue to work in white." Daydream, Pirate King!"

Moria sat on the chair and laughed, looking like a funny clown to Uta.

Link beside him had already eaten the cake, and Uta no longer thought about it, and gently wiped Link's face clean with a napkin.

On the dining table, only Hogback was still eating. He woke up late, and was captured by Enelo to take pictures, so he didn’t have time to eat at all. But seeing everyone finish eating, Hogbak Katsuya immediately put down his knife and fork, not intending to continue eating.

"Let's go, there's nothing interesting on this island."

Gulewa stretched her waist and said casually.

Hogback's attitude made her somewhat disdainful. There would be nothing to gain from discussing doctors with that kind of guy. In addition, the environment here was not beautiful at all, so she had no desire to stay here.

But it's not without its benefits. At least she can cook one less meal, although the food here is particularly unpalatable.

But I really don’t know how Moriah and the others can stay here.

Qiu Shui was thrown to Daz by Uta.

It smelled like corpses and she didn't want to touch it, so she didn't want Link to touch it either. She planned to clean it up before giving it to Link when she went back.

Silently taking the autumn water, Daz followed Link and Uta and walked out.

In the end, only Crocodile was left here temporarily, holding a cigar and looking at Moria indifferently.

"Hey, your companions have left, do you plan to stay?"

Moria had already begun to catch up with the guests. Crocodile just turned his attention to Perona again, took a deep breath of his cigar, and then said to Moria: "Link may not have heard your ridicule just now. , but Uta didn’t care, so I didn’t intend to delve into it.”

Moria's ridicule about Link made Crocodile a little dissatisfied, but since Uttadu regarded Moria as a clown, he didn't plan to do anything more.

"Haha, am I wrong? Do you think that yellow-haired brat can fight against those guys? You and I know their strength best. That brat has no hope at all."

Although Moria had just seen Link's Sky Fire, that move was aimed at the sky, and Link didn't use all his strength. Moria found it very tricky, but he still felt that he had a slight chance of winning.

This mere strength was unable to shake the monsters known as the Four Emperors in the New World. Moria felt that Crocodile would still take his original script and return miserably in the New World.

"That's why I don't plan to argue with you."

Crocodile's eyes were extremely disdainful. Moria, who had been staying in the Devil's Triangle, could no longer see the world clearly.

"I think it's better to return the words I said before to you intact. You are the one who has been daydreaming."

Moria, who was content in a corner of the Devil's Triangle, was talking about revenge against Kaido, but in Crocodile's opinion, he was just deceiving himself.

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