Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 21 The real false world created by singing

It’s useless to say more, you still have to experience it yourself to remember it deeply.

The golden lion's eyes suddenly lit up red, and the domineering aura wrapped around his fist, knocking Link away with one punch.

Although the golden lion gave no warning, Link could see clearly that the punch did not hit him at all. It was obviously still some distance away from hitting him, but he was directly knocked away from the air.


Link fell to the ground, rubbing his arms and gasping.

Don't tell me, it really hurts.

After rubbing it twice, he stood up and said with some dissatisfaction: "It's too fast. You didn't say anything in advance. Come again."

After saying that, he took up his stance.


The golden lion smiled. Although he didn't use all his strength just now, it still felt uncomfortable after receiving this blow.

But looking at Link's appearance, the golden lion continued to wrap around the Overlord Se, waving his fist at Link, while telling some details about the Overlord Se.

Originally, the Golden Lion did not plan to ask Link to be entangled by the Overlord Color so soon, and Link had only just learned to arm the Color Internal Destruction not long ago.

Although it was partly because of Uta, I thought I would teach him sooner or later, so teaching it earlier now would save me worries.

The Golden Lion knows his situation best. In a few years, he may not even be able to use his overlord look.

In the palace, Gordon hung up the phone bug in a secret corner and let out a sigh of relief.

The person who called just now was Shanks. Over the years, Gordon has kept in touch with Shanks.

After all, Uta came to the Sky Pirates for his reasons, and Gordon couldn't remain silent to Shanks.

Before the communication, Gordon was worried that Shanks would come to him impulsively, but Shanks was calmer than he thought.

Just asking how Uta was doing here, Gordon told Uta's situation.

After receiving the information that Uta was having a good time, Shanks smiled and said he would contact her next time, and had no intention of coming over.

Then, for so many years, Gordon kept in contact with Shanks on and off.

This is not betrayal, this is not betrayal, it is just a father who wants to know information about his daughter.

Gordon said it twice in his mind before putting the phone bug in his arms.

To be fair, Golden Lion was really nice to him. Although he only shared some information about Uta, he always felt like a traitor and was very uncomfortable being secretive.

The Golden Lion paused in teaching Link and asked Link how he felt about the entanglement of Overlord Color.

Of course, it is definitely not because the Overlord Color Coil has made him a little weak in physical strength and he is temporarily unable to use the Overlord Color Coil.

Link was lying cross-legged on the ground. There was almost no pain in his body, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He had been accustomed to this feeling in Erecia six years ago.

Holding his chin, he thought and replied: "Increased the attack distance and doubled the attack power?"

This kind of playful terminology stunned Golden Lion. The meaning was easy to understand, and he understood it immediately.

"The description is quite appropriate."

After laughing twice, Golden Lion heard such an interesting explanation for the first time.

"Okay, that's it for today's practice."

The burden on the body caused by the domineering lust is beyond the imagination of the golden lion.

Unexpectedly, the skills that I used to be easy to do now would make my body unable to support it even after using it a few times.

It happens to be getting late now, and although it's not the end of the day yet, it's not too early.

The golden lion and Link walked slowly back home. As they walked, the golden lion talked about his experience, making Link's impression deeper.

Golden Lion is still very serious about teaching his disciples.

That night, Link was taken to the roof by Uttara to watch the stars again. Basically, every time Uttara was in a bad mood, Link would follow him, and he didn't know when he got into the habit.

With the cold wind blowing and looking at the night sky, Link slowly fell asleep and then fell asleep.

He hummed softly into Link's ear, looked at Link, hugged him and closed his eyes to sleep.

Opening his eyes, Link appeared on an unknown ship. There was no one on the ship, surrounded by the vast sea. The depths of the sea were covered with endless fog, and the sea was full of deathly silence. It seemed that only this ship was alone. of sailing.

Traveled through time again?

This idea came to Link's mind for the first time. Before he could figure out what this sentence meant, Uta's voice came from behind him.

"How's the boat?"

Looking back, I saw Uta leaning on the mast, looking around with a nostalgic look.

"Ship? It's okay."

Looking around, Link didn't know much about how to evaluate a ship and couldn't distinguish between good and bad.

Uta chuckled lightly and said "fool" again.

"This is Shanks's ship. I lived on this ship since I was a child before going to Eregia."

This boat was Uta's entire childhood.

The figure of running on the boat when he was young kept appearing in Uta's eyes.

"Shanks's ship? Where are the others? Boss Shiji taught me a new trick today, and asked me to vent my anger for you. Although I still don't understand some things, I will learn it soon."

Looking at Link who was still confused about the situation, Uta smiled again and felt much better.

"Shanks won't be here, this isn't the real world."

Not long after Uta developed this ability, Link was fortunate enough to be the first person to experience it.

"Not the real world?"

Link was confused and pinched himself, it hurt.

"I don't study well, so don't lie to me."

How can it be painful in a false world? What is this if not the real world?

Uta took two steps forward, gently pinched Link's cheeks and pulled them to both sides. A smile suddenly appeared on Link's face.

"You can think of it as a real false world."

The scenery in his eyes suddenly changed. From this unknown ship, he jumped to the place where Link trains every day in the world of strong men. Not far away, you can see rows of birds standing in front of the Golden Lion Palace. Residence.

Except for Uta, who was still pinching his cheek, everything in his eyes switched instantly.

"This is the world I created with my singing, real yet false."

Fireworks were suddenly set off in the distant sky, strange-looking fish were swimming around in the sky, and rows of toy-like little people were playing instruments with smiles on their faces.

It's just that these toys are not pretty, so the smiles are also very weird.

"I am like the creator in this world of singing, and I can control everything."

As he said this, Uta couldn't help but yawn, and he began to feel sleepy.

Uta has a new understanding of this ability.

From the beginning of creating this world, she will continue to accumulate sleepiness. As the number of people drawn into the music world increases and the individual intensity increases, her sleepiness will multiply.

"Very sleepy……"

The hands squeezing Link couldn't help but put down and hugged him. Uta slowly closed his eyes.

"You seem to have become stronger..."

After saying this feebly, Uta could no longer hold on.

So tired...so sleepy...

As Uta fell into sleep, the world constructed by singing collapsed instantly.

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