"No, no, I'm not hungry yet."

Uta, dumbfounded, called Link back and asked him to take the autumn water back.

Although the coated bubble is very tough, it would be terrible if it was accidentally cut by Link. Most of them are pirates with abilities. I am afraid that Gureva and Olvia simply don’t have the ability to bring them all together. Go up.

"Just stay with me. I'll tell you if anything happens."

Holding Link in his arms, Uta didn't want Link to run around to avoid any accidents.


He nodded and took Uta back into his arms. With Uta's advice, he came to the guardrail and looked into the deep sea with the light of the search light.

Crocodile looked at the surrounding scenery, and the familiar scenes gave him some impression, but it took too long and the impression was not deep.

However, the journey from Shampoo Islands to Fishman Island is not long, and it only takes about half a day.

Link hugged Uta and shouted to what was outside, which was a group of pink fish, composed of a bunch of small pink fish.

Uta said those fish were very beautiful, so Link called them over.

The group of fish formed a ring and surrounded the Star. It looked like the Star was wrapped with a pink ribbon.

"Link, he can really communicate about anything."

Enel sighed with emotion, and Crocodile on the side also nodded silently, but they had seen it so much that they were no longer surprised by it.

But Link's voice carried further than they imagined.

In a trench not far from them, a huge creature slowly opened its eyes and looked in the direction of Link. It shook its body, shook off the mud and sand on its body, and swam towards the Star.

The huge body drove the sea currents, and the pink fish surrounding the Star seemed to feel its presence, and they all fled in panic.

This strange phenomenon naturally attracted Enel's attention. He and Crocodile looked at each other, and immediately looked around with their sense of knowledge, and then both turned their heads to the left. In that direction, a Neptune-like creature was approaching them. .

This Neptune type is not as huge as those seen in the Seven Waters Capital. It is only of ordinary size, about three hundred meters. Compared with the Star, it is three times the size of the Star.

"You... called me?"

Link was still looking at the escaping fish in confusion. Hearing the sound coming from behind, he hugged Uta and turned around to look back.

It was a Neptune creature with a horse face, its body seemed to be spliced ​​together, it had two hooves, but its lower body was a fish tail.

"Boss Shiji's experimental beast? Why did it come here?"

Link was a little puzzled. Enel, who was standing beside him, had already held the thunderbolt in his hand. If he found out that this sea king had the intention of attacking, he would immediately throw the thunderbolt at the opponent.

The reason why it didn't attack was just that its arrival was related to Link.

"How could it be Boss Shiji's experimental beast? This is the Neptune type."

Uta chuckled, not nervous at all. A Neptune of this size couldn't even catch Link's sword.

Listening to Link's answer, the horse-bodied Sea King tilted his head, not understanding what it meant. With confusion in his eyes, he asked again: "You... called me?"

Link's body had a kind and unfamiliar aura to it. While waiting for Link's response, the horse-bodied Sea King kept sizing up Link.

A confused look slowly appeared on Hanhan's face.

It seems that it recognized the wrong king...

The call he heard before in his sleep, coupled with the friendly aura, made it think that the king was calling it. Now that it is close to Link, the horse-body sea king stares at Link with its huge eyes. No matter how it looks, it is not a king.

"Call you? I didn't call you 伱?"

Link was a little strange, but looking at this Neptune creature that was neither a horse nor a fish, and then looking at the Uta in his arms, Link thought for a moment and wanted to pull out the autumn water again.

"Gurewa, is horse meat delicious?"

Link didn't know if he had ever eaten horse meat, but he was not impressed by the taste of horse meat, so he playfully asked Gureva beside him.

Gu Lewa looked at Qiu Shui, then at the somewhat confused Neptune, and said decisively that it was not delicious.

Generally speaking, coated bubbles are still very strong, but Gureva doesn't want Link to try cutting them.

"But what did it say to you?"

Gu Lewa is still very interested in this.

Link gave everyone a brief explanation, and he still doesn't know when he called it.

When the horse-bodied sea king heard about horse meat, he looked around and was a little confused. There were no horses here. Why would this person ask if horse meat was delicious?

However, after waiting for a long time, Link didn't give it any response. He kept talking to other humans. In addition, it had determined that Link was not the king, so there was no need to stay here any longer, so it turned around and left.

The horse meat ran away. Link glanced at it twice, but because he heard Gureva say that horse meat was not delicious, he had no desire to attack.

After waking up for a long time, Uta regained some strength and asked Link to put her down, standing on the deck, holding Link's arms with both hands, and leaned her body against her.

Enelu watched the excitement for a while, then dismissed the thunder and lightning when nothing happened, and resumed driving the Star to move forward.

Crocodile, on the other hand, looked at the horse-bodied Sea King's leaving figure, the corner of his mouth raised, and he was even more looking forward to the fish-man island he was about to arrive.

Across the undercurrent of the seabed, there was a huge octopus entrenched there. It was similar to the horse-bodied sea king just now, except that it was sleeping. Enel just looked at it and had no idea of ​​waking it up, and continued to move forward along the current. .

However, because Link wanted to eat takoyaki, he wanted to chop some octopus legs back. Uta called Link back again and said that he would go to the next island to buy them for him.

After Uta said so, Link naturally chose to give up, but he still looked back at the giant octopus getting farther and farther away, his eyes reluctant to part.

As they continued to advance, the dark sea floor gradually became a little brighter. It was not the search light on the Star, but the light coming from a farther position from the front.

"We're almost here, Fish-Man Island."

Crocodile shouted to everyone, and at the same time began to think about how to find the legendary Sea King.

The Star sailed to the port of Fish-Man Island. The people at the immigration registration office looked at the golden ship and the pirate flag with the stars. They felt that their legs were weak and they hurriedly pressed the alarm bell.

In an instant, the urgent alarm bell spread throughout the harbor, drawing everyone's attention to the golden ship.

Some people who were transporting goods were stunned on the ground. They didn't even react when the boxes in their hands fell, and they looked into the sea in horror.

The fifth Sea Emperor, who recently reached the summit, is arriving at Fish-Man Island with his pirate group!

1085. Wapol can run away. Wasn't Link too casual when he killed him? (meditation)

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