Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 218 Looking at each other across time

Looking at Charlie leaving, Uta looked at his chest calmly and said slowly: "Link, you... forget it."

Originally I wanted to ask Link what size he liked, but Uta felt that asking was in vain. Link would only say that she would like it as long as it was her, which had no reference value.

The subsequent desserts were also brought out one after another. Link ate happily with a smile on his face, and Uta also smiled and drank coffee. They looked like ordinary young lovers.

Charlie looked on, recalling the descriptions in the newspaper. At present, it seemed that the only thing they matched was their faces.

Charlie's hand unconsciously touched the crystal ball beside her. Charlie was curious and wanted to see their future.

Seeing that Xia Li stood nearby and kept looking at them, Uta frowned slightly and asked Xia Li, "Why do you keep staring at us?"

When Link heard Uta's words, he didn't stop eating, but he also turned his head away, but looking at his face now stained with some crumbs, he looked a little naive.

"Don't be nervous, I am the manager of this store, you can call me Charlie."

Charlie took the crystal ball and cushion to the table nearby, then said with a smile: "At the same time, I am also a fortune teller. Do you need me to help you predict the future?"

Fortune teller?

Uta looked at the crystal ball, then at Charlie, and said casually: "It's okay, but if I'm not satisfied with the future, I won't pay Bailey."

Uta thought that Charlie was here to deceive Bailey and said casually.

"I can't decide the future, and my divination doesn't accept you."

Charlie just wanted to see Link's future. She heard that Uta thought she was a liar, so she didn't care. She smiled slightly, placed her hands on both sides of the crystal ball, and began to think about Link's future. Divination is going on.

Uta looked over and saw that there was nothing above, which strengthened his belief that Charlie was a liar.

But Charlie has already seen the future through divination.

It looked like a ruined castle, with fires everywhere. Link was fighting a shadowy monster with two long black knives.

The flames continued to spread, and then suddenly stopped.

It didn't stop spreading, but it stopped moving. Even the shaking of the fire stopped, as if time had been suspended.

Charlie was a little stunned. This was the first time she had seen such a thing.

It's not like the divination ends. When the divination ends, the screen will suddenly disappear, not pause.

What shocked Charlie even more was that the flames had stopped beating, but Link over there was still fighting the monster in the shadow.

Is it some kind of devil fruit ability?

Charlie suspected that the stopped flames were related to the Devil Fruit, and continued to watch Link's battle.

But they both stopped at this time, and then looked in the direction of Charlie in unison.

The circled eyes of the monster in the shadow were full of indifference, but Link tilted his head and smiled.

They are looking at me!

Charlie was frightened by this feeling. She couldn't help but retreated backwards and fell directly from the bubble that supported her, but her eyes were still staring closely at the crystal ball.

The final scene showed Link being pierced through the heart by a dark shadow.

After that, the screen disappears and the divination ends.

But Charlie's heart was still beating rapidly, and she was too shocked to speak.

Covering her heart, Charlie was still recalling the look between Link and the monster during the divination.

The feeling was unmistakable, they were definitely looking at her!

But this is simply impossible. Her divination is to see pictures of the future, so how can people in the future see her in the past?

Charlie fell to the ground and doubted her life. Her exaggerated movements before caused the other waiters to exclaim. They all called the store manager worriedly and rushed towards her.

"Store manager, are you okay?"

A waiter pulled Xia Li up from the ground and asked Xia Li worriedly, but Xia Li was obviously panicked now and did not hear this. She was still in fear and shock.

The waiters worked together to lift Charlie to a chair beside her and sit down. Next to her, they looked worriedly. Several people looked at Uta and Link with unkind eyes and loudly asked them what they had done. It would make Charlie look like this.

Uta shook his head. He had already regarded them as a gang scammer and naturally did not talk to them. Link looked at Charlie. He just heard that Charlie's voice changed in an instant, and it has not changed back until now. .

She looked at Charlie in confusion, but slowly moved her eyes down to look at her fish tail. She felt that it looked familiar, but she didn't recognize what kind of fish tail it was.

After a while, Charlie slowly came back to her senses, waved to the waiters, and told them that what happened just now had nothing to do with Link and the others, it was all her own fault.

"Store manager, what happened? You look ugly."

The waiter was still a little worried. Charlie turned to look at the crystal ball, which reflected her face.

At this time, her face was pale, without a trace of blood, and her bright red lipstick looked particularly awkward. This face looked like a dead person.

"I'm fine, I'll be fine in a moment."

Looking at the crystal ball, Charlie could think of the sight that had been directed at her just now. She felt a little uncomfortable, but she still held on and asked the waiters to leave here first.

Uta crossed her arms and looked at Charlie coldly, feeling that the scam was becoming clearer and clearer now, with some pretending to be red and others pretending to be white.

If she spent an extra pele today, her life would have been in vain for so many years!

Looking at Link, Charlie was a little hesitant. She didn't know what to say about the scenes just now, and this hesitation made Uta confirm her thoughts. This mermaid was definitely a liar.

"Are you saying that the scene you just saw is very important, so if you want to know, you have to pay some Baileys?"

Uta smiled, feeling that she had revealed Charlie's true face.

But Charlie shook her head and said to Uta with a pale face: "Whether you believe it or not, I am not a liar."

After saying that, he looked at Link again, and after hesitating, he said, "Are you afraid of death?"

The scene just now didn't reveal much information, but Charlie felt that apart from those two looks, the most important thing was the news of Link's death.

At the last second of the divination, Link's heart was penetrated by a shadow. With that kind of injury, Link would definitely die.

After swallowing the dessert in his mouth, Link said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, because I am immortal."

This smile made Charlie a little stunned, because it was exactly the same as what she had seen in the divination screen before, without any difference.

As for why Link didn’t explain in detail the ability to return to his hometown (return after death), I replied to a comment on the chapter about meeting Brooke before. In order to prevent others from mentioning this without seeing it, I will say it again. It should not happen in the future. Explained.

The reason Link didn't explain was because he didn't want Uta to know about his pseudo-immortal mechanism and feel distressed, so he would only say that he was immortal and would not explain why he was immortal.

Link will bear everything, just like what he said to Qiu Shui before, he may lose countless times, but everyone will only remember that he wins.

I won’t describe in detail how Link will die in these reincarnations (in the reincarnation of the Song Demon King, Link is also used to pain.), so it shouldn’t be considered a torturer, right?

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