Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 224 The Identity of Neptune

"Princess White Star is Poseidon, the King of the Sea, right?"

Hody Jones chuckled and looked at Vanderdyken who suddenly jumped up from his chair, becoming even more sure of this.

White Star is the fourth child of King Neptune and his only daughter. Five years ago, Hody Jones witnessed White Star, who was only six years old at the time, and her cries attracted a large number of Neptunes. Vanderdeken, not far away, also saw this.

In other words, when he went to assassinate Neptune's wife, Princess Jiji, everyone present at the time should have some impressions, but maybe no one thought of Shirahoshi and just regarded it as a Neptune-type riot.

Hody Jones has also always wondered why Vanderdeken had a crush on the young Shirahoshi and insisted on marrying him.

For so many years, he had always thought that Vanderdyken was just a pervert who liked young mermaids. Now it seems that he probably recognized Princess Shirahoshi as Neptune at that time, so he was so obsessed with Shirahoshi.

Moreover, the Vanderdyken family has been passed down for a long time, so it is not impossible to know some clues about Neptune.

Unlike Hody Jones, who was calm, Vanderdeken jumped up anxiously when he heard that the secret he had hidden for many years was exposed, and angrily asked Hody Jones: "How did you know about this?! !”

Except for his family inheritance, no one else should know about it!

Vanderdeken was already anxious, and murderous intent began to emerge in his heart. He looked at the table knife on the side, intending to kill Hody Jones with it.

"Originally I was just doubting it, but looking at your attitude I knew that I was right."

Hody Jones was sure of victory and noticed Vanderdeken's gaze. He chuckled and said, "Don't waste your efforts. You can't beat me at all."

Otherwise, Hody Jones wouldn't have come to test him alone.

"We are allies. It's not good to use swords or guns. What do you think?"

Hody Jones was smiling, and these plain words made Vanderdyken slowly calm down.

He is indeed no match for Hody Jones in this small space. Even if it is inconvenient to kill him here, he can find another opportunity later.

With a cold snort, Vanderdeken restrained his murderous intent and sat back down again.

"That's right, we are not enemies."

Smiling, Hody Jones continued: "It just so happens that the water on Fish-Man Island is getting muddier and we can take advantage of it."

Looking at the disdainful Vander Deken, Hody Jones began to confuse him: "If the plan goes well, you can get Princess White Star, and I can also become the king of Fish-Man Island!"

Hearing this, Daken, who had been looking at Hody Jones with a stiff expression, looked at Hody Jones for a long time, and then his expression changed, and a friendly smile appeared on his face, as if nothing happened before.

Vanderdeken said with a smile: "Hey, Brother Jones, it was all a misunderstanding just now. How could I want to kill you? We are each other's most loyal allies! Tell your allies about your plan."

Seeing such shameless Van der Deken, Hody Jones slowly laughed and began to explain his plan to Van der Deken.

The smiles on their faces were very similar. They were smiling but not smiling. Although the smiles on their faces were bright, their eyes were equally cold.

Both Hody Jones and Vanderdyken knew that if they were the ones who won in the end, the result would be a battle between the two of them. Whether it was the King of the Sea or the King of Fish-Man Island, they would have it all to themselves!

"I can summon a hundred thousand murloc brothers, all of whom are brave and skilled. In addition, we murlocs are ten times stronger than humans. Even if all the humans on the mermaid island unite, they are no match for us.

However, in order to reduce casualties, we first secretly spread rumors that Neptune has appeared somewhere, constantly draining their energy and disrupting the situation.

When their anger is raised, they will naturally take action. When the fight is almost complete, we can use our absolute strength advantage to harvest the fruits of victory.

When the time comes, you marry your Princess White Star and I become my king. Wouldn’t it be the best of both worlds? "

Hody Jones looked at Vanderdyken, whose eyes were shining, and the smile on his lips slowly turned sinister.

This is of course not his entire plan, but it is his plan to bewitch Vander Deken. Now it seems that this plan has attracted Vander Deken and made him completely fall into the trap.

"So nice to work with, Brother Jones."

Vanderdeken stretched out his hand towards Hody Jones, who looked at the glove on his hand and then took it.

"Happy cooperation, Brother Daken!"

Both of them were smiling, hiding all their little thoughts behind their backs.

Hody Jones left, and Vander Deken's smile suddenly disappeared. Looking at his back, Vander Deken's expression became extremely cold.

"Brother Jones, you know too much. There are some things that the fewer people know about, the better."

Vanderdyken retreated into the shadows and left through the secret passage.

But before he retreated into the shadows, under the firelight, a tiny tear could be seen where the little finger of his glove was.

In Dragon Palace City, Link was sitting on a chair in the kitchen, waiting for Uta to feed him.

At this time, they had been on Fish-Man Island for ten days, but after so many days of searching, they still didn't see even the shadow of Neptune.

In recent days, people have been saying that they saw Neptune somewhere, but when they got there, they found that there was not even a Neptune species there, let alone Neptune.

And as Elniru continued to destroy illegally entering ships, the guys behind them also learned the lesson, and they all changed to merchant ships, and entered the country normally at the port of Fish-Man Island. Elnilu did not detect the illegal immigration boats for several days. .

But even so, Enelu was not idle.

Because as more forces enter the Fish-Man Island in the future, there will be more and more forces that dislike each other. In addition, some of them were hostile before, making the entire Fish-Man Island become a mess.

And there are some strong people who can't be solved by the soldiers of Fish-Man Island, so they come to Enel. Although they are garbage that can't stand up to several attacks in Enel's hands, these are the existences that those soldiers can't solve.

Oh, it’s worth mentioning that the strongest man on Fish-Man Island, Kaixia Jinbei, one of the Shichibukai, came back the day before yesterday. I don’t know what he talked about with Crocodile. In short, there was no conflict.

So now when you encounter problems that cannot be solved by the soldiers of Fish-Man Island, you can contact Jinbe in addition to contacting Eniro.

However, Enelu is very popular among the soldiers because he is a user with the Thunder Fruit ability. He is fast and has cool abilities. When encountering problems, he usually informs Enelu, which makes Enelu become more and more impatient. .

I mentioned it to Crocodile this morning, and Crocodile said that he could rest after finishing his last day. Only then did Enel leave with satisfaction.

But these messy things have nothing to do with Link and Uta. Uta believes that Crocodile can solve everything.

Therefore, Uta has been staying in the kitchen with Link for so many days, constantly learning to make the desserts of Fish-Man Island.

Looking at Link who was eating cake with a smile, Uta touched his waist.

She had to taste the dessert every time it was made, and unknowingly she also consumed a lot of sugar.

Although both Robin and Olvia said that her body shape was still as slender as before, Uta always felt like she had gained weight, and they didn't know if it was a psychological effect.

The desserts at Fishman Island are certified by Lingling and are delicious.

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