Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 240 It’s actually very simple

Without even thinking about it, Hody Jones knew that this was the giant ax thrown by Vanderdyken.

Hody Jones is very clear about the fruit abilities of his ally.

Vanderdyken is a user with the target fruit ability. As long as someone is touched by his hand, he will be marked as a target, and the objects thrown will be thrown towards the target regardless of distance.

And Hody Jones also thought about the time when he was marked. It was definitely the handshake after the last conversation. He clearly saw that the other party was wearing gloves, but it was impossible to prevent it. There must be a hole in the gloves through which Vanderdeken could pass. Touch him.

At this time, all plans were forgotten by him. Hody Jones looked at Enelu with red eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "Can I tell you about Neptune in exchange for my life?"

Hody Jones now wants to appear directly in front of Vanderdeken and tear that despicable guy into pieces!

So he can't die now. If he wants to die, he has to wait until he kills Vander Deken IX.

The huge noise caused by the giant ax just now caused Hody Jones's younger brother to rush over at this time, but Enelu didn't pay attention, sat back unsteadily, and said with a slight smile: "You don't seem to have recognized the facts yet. "

The lightning flashed on Enelu's hand, and several fishmen who broke in were killed. Hody Jones's younger brother was restrained, so that they did not dare to step into the basement, and they only dared to watch in fear at the door.

"Your destiny is death. The only difference is how you die."

Looking at Hody Jones who looked angry, Enel said casually.

"So tell me about Neptune. That will make your death easier."

Hody Jones looked at Enelu with bloodshot eyes, suppressed his anger, and said coldly: "Then I will never tell you about Neptune even if I die."

As soon as he finished speaking, Hody Jones realized that since everyone on the left and right was dead, it would be better to tell Enel about Neptune, which would also cause trouble for Vanderdeken.

But before she could open her mouth, Enelu, who was sitting across from her, said with a smile: "Is she Neptune's daughter? If I remember correctly, her name should be White Star."

Seeing the astonished look on Hody Jones's face, Enelu knew that he had guessed correctly.

"it's actually really easy."

All the information that should be obtained was obtained, and Enelu was not in a hurry, and gave it to Hody Jones to start explaining.

"You just mentioned the name Van der Deken IX, and I happened to have heard of him. Just now you said you were going to attack Ryugu City, and you haven't gotten the Sea King yet, so the only one he has been asking for but not getting is the 11-year-old Year old mermaid princess."

Hody Jones' face became increasingly ugly. Looking at Enelu who was still talking, he immediately turned around and ran away without hesitation. Along the way, he also grabbed his younger brother and blocked him behind him, intending to use this to delay Enelu. Giving him more time to run away.

However, a thick thunder column came directly from the basement and engulfed Hody Jones who ran out, turning him into a charred corpse without even letting out a scream.

Enelu also walked out of the basement, looked at the charred corpse, and said calmly: "I haven't finished speaking yet. Those were just my guesses, just answers I guessed through random association. But looking at you, it seems that once I guessed it right."

Hody Jones is dead, but the boys around him didn’t dare to move when they saw Enel. These boys who called Hody Jones “big brother” didn’t even think about revenge after seeing his death. Unable to rise, his legs kept shaking, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Tsk, it seems like you have heard some incredible news."

Looking at the frightened fishmen around him, Enelu waved his hand calmly, and blue-white electric light instantly filled the entire place.

After finishing dealing with the murlocs in the casino, Anilu walked leisurely on the deserted streets, slowly heading towards the Dragon Palace City, still thinking about Neptune in his mind.

In fact, before coming to Fish-Man Island, he had talked with Crocodile. Both of them thought that Sea King might be some kind of long-lived life, so they had been searching based on this condition.

But I never expected that Neptune was just an 11-year-old little mermaid.

This completely overturned their speculation, but it could explain why there is so little news about Neptune, because she was only born 11 years ago.

As for how many Neptunes have appeared in the past eight hundred years, it is unknown, but Enelu has roughly figured out some things.

Shirahoshi's abilities should be similar to Link's, both are innate, and Shirahoshi has stronger control over the Neptunes. He can command the Neptunes at will, while Link can only communicate with them.

But another question arises, why does the Fish-Man Island with the Sea King obey them?

As long as the Neptune species are allowed to destroy the bubble surrounding Fish-Man Island, Fish-Man Island will truly become a restricted area for humans and will no longer be threatened by pirates and human traffickers.

Or maybe Neptune actually didn't know about this?

Enelu's mind is full of questions now. There are too few clues, and a lot of information can only rely on inference. He should leave this job to Crocodile. There is no need to spend too much energy on it.

After looking at the sky, it was late at night, thinking that Crocodile should have fallen asleep by now, so he did not call his phone number, planning to tell him tomorrow morning.

When talking about tomorrow, Enelu thought of what Hody Jones said just now that he would launch a general attack on Dragon Palace City tomorrow.

However, Enelu didn't take this matter to heart at all. Even Hody Jones, the boss, was so weak, and his subordinates were not very powerful.

Moreover, Hody Jones is dead, so it’s not certain whether there will be a general attack tomorrow.

He just walked slowly and leisurely, looking at the scenery on the street boredly. By the time he returned to Dragon Palace City, it was already morning.

Sensing Crocodile's aura, Enelu looked for him.

He was in the restaurant, and Olvia and the others were also here, eating breakfast together.

After saying hello to everyone, he pulled out a stool and sat on it. While eating, he talked to Crocodile about Hody Jones.

Picking up a napkin and wiping his mouth, Crocodile nodded to Enel and said calmly: "So, is Neptune just an 11-year-old mermaid?"

This was indeed a bit beyond his expectation. When Enel nodded, Crocodile stood up directly and said, "You guys eat first, I'll go find Neptune. In addition, if those rioting fish When people come, please stop them, Enelu."

With an OK gesture, Enelu continued to eat.

However, although Link and Uta are currently not at the dinner table, no one is surprised. They always get up very late.

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