Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 267 The circle of eyes is very powerful

Link just kept talking, Mihawk didn't say a word, he just helped Link move forward and listened silently.

Link didn't have any hostility towards Mihawk. They fought for three days. The battle was very smooth. Link felt that he should have become stronger, but it was hard to say. The previous battle was not a life-and-death fight. Even if there was improvement, It shouldn't be too big.

"By the way, I just talked about takoyaki. I decided to eat takoyaki when I get back."

After walking more than half of the journey, Link also regained some strength and began to use his hands to pull out the ice cubes from the wound. The wound was hurt again and blood began to flow slowly.

Link has long since stopped inducing Huang Quan's freezing energy, so he doesn't have to suffer backlash this time, and his wounds will no longer freeze.

Mihawk watched Link's movements, frowned, and asked him: "You will make the wound worse if you do this."

When the ice block was pulled down, some flesh and blood would also be taken away, causing Mihawk who was watching on the sidelines to feel a phantom pain.

Just as he was about to stop him, he heard Link smile at him and say: "Hey, it's okay, it doesn't hurt anyway. Gureva's medical skills are very powerful. I can't go back to see Uta with injuries all over my body."

Listening to Link's casual tone, Mihawk chose to shut up, but silently quickened his pace, wanting to send Link back as soon as possible.

Link also smiled and pulled the ice off the wound, and then used Life Return to control the healing of the wound. With the loss of blood in the body and the large amount of energy required for Life Return, Link's face began to become paler.

But fortunately, he could no longer see any wounds except for the blood all over his body. At this point, Link nodded with satisfaction.

"Oh! Recovery complete!"

Link said happily, but his voice was a little weak, but he was still smiling. Mihawk ignored him and continued to drag him forward, and finally saw the direction of the Star.

Glancing at Link, although he was so exhausted that it was difficult to even move, his expression seemed as if he was not tired at all. When he saw the Star, he even urged Mihawk to take two quick steps.

After hearing this, Mihawk only quickened his pace, and not long after, he and Link returned to the Star.


Link was happily about to call Uta when he saw her sleeping on a chair. The voice of greeting stopped instantly, not wanting to disturb her rest.

But the first sound was enough to wake Uta up from his sleep. He opened his eyes, looked at the pale-faced Link, and immediately got up and ran over.

Crocodile and Enelu felt a little surprised when they looked at the state of the two of them. It seemed that Link lost and was carried back by Mihawk.

Gulewa looked at the blood stains on their bodies, shook her head, took out the medicine box she had prepared early in the morning, and walked towards them unsteadily.

She wanted to give Uta some time to talk.

When Mihawk saw Uta running towards him, he threw Link directly to Uta and walked aside.

"Why did it take so long?"

Uta said with some complaints, looking at Link's pale face and blood all over his body with distress.

After checking Link's body and seeing that there were no wounds on his body, Uta knew that Link had definitely used his life to heal the wounds, and did not want her to see the injured appearance.

However, the way he looks weak now is no different from hiding his ears and stealing the bell. No matter how you look at it, you can tell that he has been seriously injured.

"I didn't care about the time. I won't do it next time, hehe..."

Link smiled sheepishly. He had devoted himself wholeheartedly in the previous battle. If he hadn't been exhausted, he might still be fighting at this time.

"This circle eye is very powerful. His swordsmanship seems to be better than mine, but he can't beat me."

Falling into Uta's arms, Link said confidently, making Uta angry and funny at the same time.

"I couldn't beat you and you were carried back. Mihawk is still standing."

Looking sideways, Mihawk had already sat on an empty chair. Crocodile handed him a cup of hot tea, which restored some warmth to his cold body.

"It's different, it's different."

When Link saw that Uta didn't believe it, he began to explain to her: "It's just that he is very good at swordsmanship. If he doesn't just use swordsmanship, he can't beat me. And I didn't lose the fight just now. I just lost my physical strength and can't fight."

In addition to the overlord color, the sight color, and the time ability, apart from the armed color mobilized by Qiu Shui, Link only used sword skills to fight Mihawk.

The same is true for Mihawk. In addition to using two knives to absorb weapons and defend themselves, this battle is a pure swordsmanship competition.

Link was still defending Uta, and Gureva slowly walked over at this time, not interfering in the conversation between Link and Uta, and silently checking Link's injuries.

However, most of the superficial injuries were healed by Link, so it was a bit troublesome to check, but this was just a problem that took a little more time for Gureva.

After a few minutes, Gureva connected Link's broken bones, gave Uta a lot of potions, asked her to feed them to Link, and then walked towards Mihawk again.

As a reward for sending Link back, Gureva also gave him a simple treatment.

Although he caused this fight.

"Uta, I'm hungry, let's eat takoyaki! It just so happens that Olvia bought the machine and hasn't used it yet!"

After drinking the potion cooperatively, Link's face regained some color, and he proposed to Uta with great interest, causing Gureva who had not gone far to hear it and shook her head helplessly.

"Well, if you want to eat it, I'll make it for you."

Uta smiled, helped him sit on a chair nearby, took off the torn cloth strips from his body, wiped the blood on Link's body, and got a new set of clothes for Link to put on.

Link should be given a bath first, but Link said he was hungry, so Uta had to make food for Link first and talk about the rest later.

After adding two more coals to the stove and making sure it wouldn't go out for a while, Uta asked Olvia to go with her to make takoyaki for Link.

Uta didn't know how to do this, and Gureva was busy, so she had to pull Olvia over.

Link sat on the chair and looked at the stove that was constantly radiating heat. Instead of staying here, he followed Uta into the cabin.

Gureva's potion worked very well, and he had regained some strength at this time and could walk around holding on to the wall, but in comparison, Mihawk was much more relaxed.

Although he looks very embarrassed now, he still has some mobility, much better than Link.

He was supported all the way into the kitchen. Uta was preparing ingredients when he heard footsteps coming from behind. He looked back and saw Link walking slowly, and sighed.

I found a chair and asked Link to sit quietly. He was seriously overdrafted now, so he tried not to run around.

Thanks to Blood Dust for the reward, thank you!

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