Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 275 Just after the tea party

Crocodile actually wants Link to be normal. He is the emperor of the sea and must pay attention to his majesty.

But looking at Uta's attitude, Crocodile shook his head and was not ready to say anything.

Forget it, whatever, majesty has nothing to do with Link in the first place, so why insist on it?

So, when Katakuri saw Link, he saw Link sitting on the bow of the boat, repeating the cake.

Although there may be some differences, Katakuri always felt that Link and his mother felt very similar, at least like when they were eating cake.

"Huh? Isn't Aunt Lingling here?"

The Star also arrived near Low Tendon Town. Link looked around and saw no sign of Charlotte Lingling. He couldn't help but be a little disappointed. He thought he could eat cake when he got here.

But then I was attracted by the Homitz on the shore, and I was so happy listening to their welcome song.

Enelu poked Crocodile's arm from the side and said, "This must have been created by Charlotte Lingling's ability, right?"

There are all kinds of strange abilities on the sea, and Anelu felt a bit eye-opening when he saw these Homiz.

"Isn't it normal for the Soul Soul Fruit to give souls to things?"

Crocodile asked back, which was regarded as answering Enel's question.

Katakuri let the Homies sing for a while, and when the Star stopped on the shore of Low Tension Town, he walked out and said to Link sitting on the bow: "Link, I am Katakuri, Charlotte Lingling’s son, is here to greet you according to mother’s orders and go to Cake Island with you.”

Because of Smoothie's reminder, Katakuri said Charlotte Lingling's name from the beginning to prevent Link from treating him like nothing.

Looking at Link in front of him, Katakuri recalled the first time he saw Link. He had no idea how Link had become so powerful in just a few years.

"Katakuri? Aunt Lingling's son? Where is the cake? Where is the tea party?"

Link even looked at the Homitz ones. Although they looked strange, they didn't look like cakes.

"Preparations have begun for the tea party at Cake Island."

After hopping aboard the Star, Katakuri will board the Star's ship and head to Cake Island with them.

Crocodile looked at Katakuri who was getting on the boat and said with a chuckle: "I didn't expect you to be here to greet us. It seems that BIGMOM attaches great importance to us."

Charlotte Katakuri is known as the highest masterpiece of the Charlotte family. A man who has never failed in his career, he is a well-known figure even in the new world.

Link had already excitedly greeted Enel to sail to Cake Island. Upon seeing this, Katakuri began to answer Crocodile's questions.

"It's just that you guys came in from this direction, but my mother really attaches great importance to Link's arrival."

Katakuri's voice was a little flat. Looking at the sand crocodile that had entered the new world again, he gave a simple explanation.

Following the guidance of the life card, the Star was launched again. Homiz, who was on the shore of the low-pitched town, was still singing enthusiastically. He had not seen any signs of fatigue in such a long time. He looked like he would never get tired. Uta couldn't help but take a second look.

Although these things don't quite fit her aesthetic, they feel similar to the soldiers she created in the song world.

"What's wrong? Do you want it? Then I'll ask Aunt Lingling for one."

Link smiled, seeing Uta looking at Homiz, he thought she liked this thing.

"Forget it, you are enough for me."

Rejecting Link's proposal, Uta didn't want any outsiders' fruit creations on board.

After Enel set the sailing direction, he looked at Katakuri who was silently observing him on the boat with interest, and said with a smile: "Krokdal told me before that you seem to be very strong?"

Link kept calling Aunt Lingling, which made them think that Link and Charlotte Lingling had a good relationship, so Anilu came over to chat.

Katakuri looked at Enel and nodded.

With the rise of Link, everyone in the Star Pirates is remembered by all major forces, and compared to the bloated Whitebeard Pirates or the Five Emperors Pirates such as the BIGMOM Pirates, the Star Pirates There were only eight people, so it was easy to remember.

Eniro's bounty of 2.2 billion is much higher than Katakuri's bounty of 1 billion, but this bounty is Katakuri's reward for fighting abroad a long time ago.

Now that he has been staying in Wanguo and not traveling around, the bounty has naturally not increased much.

The bounty set by the navy is based on various factors. Things like massacre of islands can make the bounty rise quickly.

Having said that, the bounty still represented the strength of the pirate to a certain extent, but even if Eniro's bounty was twice as high as him, what did Katakuri think? After nodding, he just said plainly that it was okay. .

Although his strength is not as good as his mother, he is still very capable of fighting against these sea emperors.

"Okay, then do you have time to discuss and learn from each other?"

Eniru raised an eyebrow and suggested to Katakuri with a smile.

Crocodile is a companion, and Enel cannot completely let go of the fight. He also knows that he is not Link's opponent under normal circumstances, so this Katakuri seems to be very suitable now.

The royal lieutenant of the BIGMOM Pirates, as an opponent, both in terms of status and strength, he is very suitable.

"Then wait until after this tea party."

Katakuri just thought about Eniro's invitation to fight and chose to accept it.

It's not about whether to refuse or not. He is not the kind of man who would choose to back down when faced with a challenge. He is just thinking about the right time.

It would definitely be inappropriate to do it before the tea party is over. It would make Mom feel unhappy. Moreover, the meaning of Mom calling Link over this time is unclear. It is not certain whether there will be a fight at the tea party.

So after the tea party is the best time.

If there is no conflict, it will be right after the tea party. If there is a fight, then there is no need to wait until after the tea party.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

Enelu smiled and made an appointment with Kalikuta for a discussion afterwards.

After hearing this, Olvia and others just smiled and said nothing. Although they were now in the territory of other sea emperors, they were not worried about their own safety at all.

I believe in Link's strength and the strength of his companions, nothing will happen to any of them.

On the bow of the boat, Link still held Uta's hand and shook it gently. He stopped talking about cakes and the like. It was a rare moment of silence.

Seeing the town getting smaller and smaller behind him, Katakuri began to calculate the speed of the Star and the time it took to reach Cake Island.

If they keep up this speed, it should only take them about half a day to reach Cake Island.

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